In the last few hours some Special Education teachers have informed me that they received new students for the summer school program and found that the latest iteration of the $79 million dollar boondoggle called SESIS has failed to include the student button that gains the teacher access to their student's IEP. According to these teachers who called the problem in, the SESIS help line response was that "we know of the problem and we are working on it". I guess the amount of calls became so bad during the day that the schools were later informed to please stop calling the SESIS help line and talk to the IEP contact in the school for obtaining student IEP's.
To me it is unbelievable that the computer consultant forgot to put a student button that denies the teacher access to his or her new student's IEP. However, this is just another example of the DOE approving a program that has more bugs in it then one can count and is almost universally despised by all unfortunate enough to use it. The waste of money on programs that are complicated, error-prone, and downright expensive is the hallmark of Tweed and only benefits the computer consultants who laugh their way to the bank.
Sesis....another Aris...lost and soon forgotten.
Big loss! the sesis program only exists on so called individualized education plans or IEPs, and IEPs are nothing but paper generated by computer. Special education is 90% paper, 10% practice, special ed is more of a philosophy and money pit than anything else. When did this country become the center of scams than anything else?
Notice that there is no accountability when it comes to Tweed. What happened to the person who approved SESIS? He is still a top Administrator at Tweed while students , parents, and teachers suffer.
I am glad to see that you think Tweed should be held accountable for their decisions and actions but teachers should not. The last group of people that should be complaining about being held accountable are teachers. You have tenure and can’t be fired for bad decisions. The only thing that matters is seniority not quality.
You agree with the tenure policy for teachers but think the Tweed administrator that selected a bad systems should be fired? Hypocrite!
Perhaps a more appropriate moniker for SESIS would be SEPSIS.
Hey quandary, that's my joke!! That's what I called SESIS when I saw that it was a very poorly produced program without documentation on or off line, and when the "consultant/s" forgot the summer accommodations page of the IEP documents. Great minds do think alike, quandary. We probably would have done a better job if we were the consultants; it would have cost the DOE no more than what, 60 hours of per session and it would have been done correctly. The DOE needs to consult actual TEACHERS once in a while. What a scam. Bloomberg is a crook!!
Anon 10:06
You really are a piece of work! Accountability is for everyone. Teachers, school administrators and yes, your friends at Tweed.
Tenure can only be granted by the Principal after three years it is not automatically granted. Teachers are held accountable by the Principal filing incompetence charges, just like the incompetent who devised SESIS and the numerous stupid errors that go with it.
You can't be serious. Teachers not held accountable. They have to be completely incompetent and act unethically to get brought up on charges.
You are pissed that only 97.5% were found to be satisfactory or better. Your eyes are closed. You are so bitter and angry that you are not seeing the real world.
Anon: 7:08
You really are clueless how the system works at the schools. Don't you have better things to do then post ignorant comments that make you look like an idiot?
It looks like you have nothing better to do than write ignorant posts.
Anon 8:01
There is something SEPTIC about your attacks!
Anon 801 What's your problem? You have a bad job/life that makes you choose to be a troll?
Chaz thanks for keeping us well informed re: Tweed's non-working, super expensive technology that helps keep mayor mike's offshore accounts filled!
Anon 710
What proof of these off shore accounts to do have? Or are you just jealous of his money.
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