Quietly,during winter break, the DOE released new rules on the "credit recovery program". These rules will put a major crimp in many schools who rely on their bogus "credit recovery program" that result in an artificially high graduation rate.
Thanks to the always informative Jeff Kaufman, the actual rules are found on page 23 in the Feburary 23, 2012 DOE paper. I have been told the revised "credit recovery program" has three major components that schools failed to apply when they offered "credit recovery" to just about every student they can push out of the school. The three major changes are as follows.
- Students must have at least a 67% subject attendance rate to qualify.
- Teachers must recommend the student for the "credit recovery program".
- Students can only earn three credits in core courses based on the use of "credit recovery".
Furthermore, the "credit recovery program" must consists of real instruction not the phony three page essay or a trip to a museum, with no proof that the student actually went. Remember this story? If that doesn't outrage you, How about this story? More recently, is the story of ex-Principal Sharron Smalls. Now "credit recovery" will consist of intensive and targeted instruction by a teacher and online courses must come from an approved DOE vendor that demonstrated the online course is rigorous and meets State and City educational requirements. It still is possible that a school committee could overrule a teacher's recommendation but must document why and put their own positions at risk if the students should not have received "credit recovery".
I believe that this is what a real "credit recovery program" should be. However, many principals will do whatever it takes to artificially increase the graduation rates by any means possible. Remember this outrageous action by the Jamaica High School Principal? Therefore, the only problem I see is what happens when school principals ignore the new DOE rules and allow for the bogus "credit recovery program" to continue? Will the DOE actually enforce the "credit recovery rules" and punish the principals? Only time will tell.
One loophole I see is that 75% attendance rate. Do they mean the student has to actually be in their seat 3/4 of the semester or just has to show up at school, wander hallways and leave?
The writing is at http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/27BF8558-B895-407A-8F3F-78B1B69F030A/0/AcpolicyHighSchoolAcademicPolicyReferenceGuide.pdf
At page 23
Thanks Jeff.
Yes, thanks Jeff for the link. It will be interesting to see as Chaz points out if the DOE actually means it!
Chaz, I think this will create a true sense of what the graduation rate really is, but it will come at a huge price, and, unfortunately, teachers and schools will pay that price for no fault of their own. Graduation rates and credit accumulation will fall thus placing even more high schools on the path to a scarlet letter rating. This will create even more pressure and paranoia on the staff and instead of the mayor being blamed for his failed mayoral control, the fault will be placed on the rank and file staff. Am I not correct? Be well.
Why does it state in C.R. A-501 Promotion Criteria that students in grades 9-12 must pass their classes and must have 90% attendance in order to be promoted to the next level? Is the DoE talking through both sides of their mouths? It would seem very confusing for those who want to hold the chancellor and his regulation accountable.
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