Who did you think received a job offer? The frozen in fear female foreign language teacher where there are many ATRs and outside language teachers available or me in a hard to fill "Earth Science" position with little competition? You guessed it, the former. Of course what I forgot to tell you is that she is in her 20s and I am in my 60s and I make $40,000 more than her. Get the message?
To be fair, I never intended to come back to the school and the only reason I interviewed was to experience the 18D committee process first hand and to prepare a portfolio since it seems that all schools want teachers to present a portfolio.. Had they unexpectedly hired me, I would have declined the invitation as the school is overcrowded with real discipline problems that made me uncomfortable and frustrated as a teacher. In fact one of my CTT classes was short a teacher and nobody seemed to care. Seriously, I rather be an ATR than land a position in the school where there are few deans, students are allowed to show up as they pleased and all the "accountability " is placed on the teacher and not anybody else.

The Principal of the school was just arrested for possession of "crystal Meth" by the police near the school and his future is uncertain. However, unlike teachers, I do not see the Principal being terminated by the DOE under Section 3020-a but be quietly given an office job in a network like all the other problem principals until the fuss dies down and he reappears as a new Principal in another unfortunate school. The double standard that applies to disciplining principals is alive and well.
Process was totally bogus, and was so bad in the school I work in, that someone from outside the system used it as an example in a college administration class as an example of how NOT to do the job...
The whole 18D process is a sham....just like the 3020 a process...one thing is for sure, this Principal will most certainly be shuffled around, hidden for a bit, and then resurrected in a different school. Maybe, he should have to go through the 18D interview process-and disclose his recent troubles. Maybe, he can also do a brief science experiment-he can show committee how to make crystal meth.
Is there any truth to the rumor that the principal arrested will be assigned to the DOE substance abuse department?
What? That would be crazy. You can't make this stuff up.
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