Of all the teachers who applied under the OMTS, only one semi-veteran teacher I know actually received an interview and he just turned 30 with eight years teaching experience (he didn't get the position and thinks the Principal didn't like the fact he was tenured). By contrast all my veteran teaching colleagues have experienced complete frustration as they applied for various positions on the OMTS and did not even get courtesy responses and went to the bogus DOE job fairs that were a complete waste of time.
For some of you who think that the principals are not discriminating against veteran teachers, think again. Do you remember this article? Furthermore, principals are now able to hire new teachers to replace veteran teachers who have either resigned or retired, it is highly unlikely that schools will hire veteran teachers because of budgetary and Administrative control reasons.
I suspect that there will be an increase in ATRs this year, maybe over 2000 since the loosening of new teacher hiring restrictions will free principals from offering ATRs a provisional position as they did last year. The union negotiated ATR Agreement has and is a joke as the union failed to get the DOE to discipline principals who routinely violated the ATR Agreement. See my previous post here.
In conclusion, unless the union puts the DOE's feet to the fire, it will be a long school year for the ATRs as they waste their time and career moving weekly from school to school in their district.
I did at least get an interview. Thought I did really well, and thought I had a shot to get past the first round, but I honestly never expected to get an actual job. And I am, I know you'll be shocked Chaz, have a lot of years in. Fortunately (although considering the principal I work for probably unfortunately), thanks to the courts, I will soon embark on another year of bullying and harassment by a principal who has a massive ego, no leadership skills, and is basically a hit man for Mayor Napoleon.
And to all of the ATRs that read this, know that some of us realize that but for the grace of God (the Deity, not the person running the system that thinks he is one) we could be you, and will always treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.
Good for you. However, I suspect you are in a turnaround school and the Principal had to give at least 50% of the existing staff a position and all the teachers an interfview.
Good luck in the school. I hope you survive the extra requirements that the school will i impose on you.
Count me in this. 10 schools, good resume..even included a reference letter. Not one call back. That's never happened to me ( 6 schools, and I almost get always get the job and always call backs).
You guys are lucky to have a job. In most industries when someone is convicted of something-anything, they are out.
This is why our education system is going down the tube.
Let's see. I have been looking for a computer lab position. I assumed that since I worked in the DO as a computer staff developer as the same school I applied to was in, have been computer lab teacher in my school, and have a masters in educational technology, that would give me a leg up. I am still waiting to hear back.
Good work Chaz, I am so disgusted with this system and I haven't even started the school year. Out of six positions in my field, I didn't hear from one. I suspect that there will be a significant number of teachers in the ATR and we must band together to try to change this situation which does not serve our interests and is a disservice to the education of children in this city. I can't believe this is happening in NYC -
Thank you Chaz for this post. You described exactly what happened to me this summer as I tried to find a job on open market and another position not posted, but for a public high school. Apparently principals would rather have people with no experience and preferably Teach for America and Teaching Fellows. I am so desperate to leave my school that I have now actually applied to charter schools and called the UFT about the process of resigning. This of course also means that my horrible principal has to agree to release me. I hate feeling trapped and can't believe I have no real options.
Whatever happened to the early-retirement pension offered to ATRs? Did it go through??
Twelve years experience, a squeaky clean record, a sterling resume where I have done everything a NYC teacher can do, around 30 applications sent out on the Open Market and not one response or interview. The Open Market is certainly a joke. The only way out of my school is out of the DOE or out in a hearse, and the latter is looking more likely than the former.
To Anonymous 9:45 pm:
What in the world are you talking about? I have never been convicted of something, anything, and neither have any of the commenters here. Do you think that all teachers must have been "convicted" of something?
For your information, when a NYC teacher is convicted of anything other than parking tickets in a court of law, they are OUT.
So, I reiterate, what in the hell are you talking about?
Let's see. I applied to 38 schools in Manhattan with ELA vacancies (middle and high school). I have 12 years experience as a middle and high school teacher in the DOE, two years experience in an international school, over 200 days of subbing in the last three years, no blemishes on my record, additional employment at various outside educational programs, and permanent certification. One call back for a special education position for an interview the next day. I told them we would have to reschedule for this was such short notice and never heard from them again- even though they had a confirmed home number, cell number, and email address. Obviously getting hired through Open Market is impossible as an experienced teacher. More hurtful is that these schools I sub at have vacancies and never considered asking me to interview when I specifically told them I wanted to. At this point, I truly believe that no one cares about creating an educational institution but it is just creating a path to get a better job out of the DOE. My only solace is that the DOE will reap what they sowed. They sowed the seeds of ignorance, arrogance and hatred. A good outcome is highly unlikely.
Anon 945.
Just bc we are atrs does not mean we did anything wrong. As atrs we are the new rubber room teachers. It is sad and i wish i could quit
Anon 9:45
Since when is an accusation the same as a conviction? Teachers who are convicted of crimes are terminated!
On the other hand, accusations can get a teacher in trouble based upon a false accusation by a student and a vindictive Principal supporting the student. However, it takes an Arbitrator to see the evidence not the accusation for real "due process"..
If you really are a teacher, which I highly doubt, I pity your students with your flawed logic and poor judgement skills.
This past yr was so weird that as an atr it almost feels as though it didnt occur
Let the insanity begin! THSC sent out their obligatory bs email about how we will be at our initial assignment until the 5th of October and then on Tuesday the 9th(day after Columbus day) our rotations start once again. We will be receiving an email the 30th of Aug. How much do you guys want to bet we do not receive it Aug 30th, but friday the 31st around 7 or 8 at night so the DOE and UFT(i consider them one) do not have to deal with phone calls and ruin their labor day weekend
A Math vet of 10 yrs was hired at our school via Open Market this month. His credentials are what got him the first call. His demo lesson, attitude and obivious expertise- not his seniority, tenure status, or perceived entitlement landed him the position.
Anon 4:59
There always are exceptions and some, not many principals want to hire the best, not cheapest teachers.
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