My students are, for the most part, well-behaved and respectful. Many of them are English Language Learners and show a great deal of effort in trying to pick up the English language instruction while being successful academically. I am very impressed with their diligence in absorbing instruction and taking academics seriously. Just as important, I am in one room for most of the day and the students show up on time and have good work habits. I feel like I have died and gone to heaven and consider myself very lucky indeed teaching in this school.
By contrast, I was in a failing school for the 2011-12 year that treated me very disrespectfully, This "D" rated school, with a single digit "college and career readiness score", it should have been given an "F" rating, did not give me support of any kind, including no team teacher in my CTT class.. Furthermore, and even worse the Administration let the students roam the halls and show up to class when they pleased. I have previously posted about my time in this school and have little good to say about the failing school. It really was a hellhole and even with new Administration the existing students are very academically and behaviorally challenged, with poor work habits, as the school took in "over the counter" students no other school wanted because of their academics and or behaviors. In addition, many of the school's top students expressed a desire to leave the school as it went through the ill-advised "Turnaround process". This school is in real danger of closing and the clock is ticking and the already rock bottom staff morale will only get worse.
I look at it this way. I paid my dues working in hellhole high and now I am in heavenly high and hope to stay there until I am ready to retire.
Good for you Chaz, but even that comment makes me think twice about my relationship with the many unknown union members I share a common bond with as a teacher. Am I a good teacher? Yes. Am I better than another teacher who teachers with passion and knowledge and by chance or any other circumstance landed a job in a poor performing school? No. Was I just fortunate to have landed a job in a large high school in an affluent Queens neighborhood where for the most part the students allow you to teach and work with them? I guess I would have to say yes. So is this what it all comes down to then - luck and where one is specifically hired? It sounds random and totally absurd to me.
Congrats for finally being placed in such a wonderful school. Please enjoy each and every teaching moment there. May the students there show you the respect and appreciation that you richly deserve. Thank goodness that this school year will be one filled with happiness. You've earned to be in the "land of milk and honey".
congrats. After all you've been through, you deserve one good year.
Congratulations. This is wonderful news and well deserved.
Congratulations Chaz...good things should happen to good people.
This is great! I kept on waiting for the punchline or for the "real" truth. And, it never came! Well done and congratulations on such a find.
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