"Kenny" is having problems in school both academically and behaviorally. He reads at a grade level three grades below his peers and has an IEP for inappropriate behaviors which the school provides services for. However, despite the school giving "Kenny" free breakfast and lunch, he does not show up to take advantage of the free breakfast service. You see "Kenny" fails to wake up to get to school on time since he stays up to 3am playing video games or watch television since his mother works the overnight shift and has to wake up "Kenny" when she arrives home at 9:00am. Therefore, "Kenny" is habitually late and hungry as he enters school and has already missed his first three classes of the day. In class he has poor work habits, does not do his homework, tests poorly, and falls to sleep on occasion. Worse, he is extremely disruptive when awake and hassles the children next to him.
Does "Kenny" sound like some of your students? Of course he does. We all have a "Kenny" or two in our classes but in some schools, especially, in high poverty neighborhoods. These high poverty schools have quite a few "Kennys" in their classes. This makes teaching in the classroom of high poverty schools a challenge. Yet if you ask educational reform groups they claim that Kenny"s" academic difficulties is not the effects of poverty or family life but from "ineffective teachers". These education reformers, led by Joel Klein and Michelle Rhee claim that poverty is "no excuse" for poor academic performance as they are deliberately blind to the effects of poverty on academic achievement.

For the education reformers and the politicians that support them it is more convenient to scapegoat teachers and blame them for student academic shortfall than the high poverty family environment that is highly correlated to student achievement. In other words, it is the teacher's fault.
put all of those idiot reformers in front of 34 Kennys and watch them get eaten alive - now there is something I would pay a lot of money to see.
put all those reformers in front of 34 Kennys and watch them get eaten alive - that I would pay a lot of money to see!
I would pay a lot of money to see the idiot reformers in front of 34 Kenneys and watch them get eaten alive!
I would pay a lot of money to see the idiot reformers get eaten alive if they were ever in front of 34 Kennys
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