Even before the Open Market Transfer System had closed on August 7th, principals were trying to hire teachers outside the DOE approved process, be it, the open market, ATR pool, or new teacher finder programs. A couple of years ago, I uncovered a school who advertised on Craigslist and it was reported to the union leadership who chose not to make an issue of it. Now I have seen two separate Craigslist advertisements. One being from a well regarded school, Bayside high school. The school's Craigslist advertisement is found below.
Bayside High School Teaching
Positions (Bayside High School - Bayside, NY)
compensation: Per most recent UFT
Bayside High School anticipates that
the following positions will be available for September 2014:
-Commercial Art (Digital Art)
-Computer Programming (Computer Technology)
-Media Communications (Music Production/Recording Arts Technology)
-Technology Education (Environmental Engineering)
-Natural Resources & Ecology (Environmental Engineering)
-Drafting/CAD (Environmental Engineering)
-Business and Marketing (Non-Profit Management)
-Sports Medicine/Personal Training
-Chinese Language
-Japanese Language
-SWD Biology
-SWD Mathematics
-SWD Social Studies
If interested, please complete ALL of the steps below:
1. Email cover letter AND resume to hiring@baysidehigh.org
2. Compose email subject line to include position of interest and name, according to the following sample: CHEMISTRY: SMITH, JOHN
3. Submit all requested information at: https://docs.google.com/a/baysidehigh.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHhhNDViSUI4bjBXUkxzZFI4aDYyY1E6MQ
-Commercial Art (Digital Art)
-Computer Programming (Computer Technology)
-Media Communications (Music Production/Recording Arts Technology)
-Technology Education (Environmental Engineering)
-Natural Resources & Ecology (Environmental Engineering)
-Drafting/CAD (Environmental Engineering)
-Business and Marketing (Non-Profit Management)
-Sports Medicine/Personal Training
-Chinese Language
-Japanese Language
-SWD Biology
-SWD Mathematics
-SWD Social Studies
If interested, please complete ALL of the steps below:
1. Email cover letter AND resume to hiring@baysidehigh.org
2. Compose email subject line to include position of interest and name, according to the following sample: CHEMISTRY: SMITH, JOHN
3. Submit all requested information at: https://docs.google.com/a/baysidehigh.org/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHhhNDViSUI4bjBXUkxzZFI4aDYyY1E6MQ
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers
post id: 4608899530
posted: a day ago
updated: a day ago
That's right, the school is advertising for 16 vacancies outside the approved DOE hiring process. If you noticed, there is no requirement to have a valid teaching license or be certified. Is this Craigslist advertisement the exception? Unfortunately, its not. If you look at the picture next to this paragraph you will

Great reporting Chaz. This is unethical and illegal too. We pay union dues and the people who are suppose to protect us unfortunately are trying to get rid of us. This pattern of abuse by the union hopefully leads to a lawsuit. Mulgrew is pathetic and needs to be recalled. It is not a level playing field for ATR's and this will only weaken the union further. It is sad that most of the rank and file do not see it this way.
I think as more and more teachers are made ATRs there will be a shift in the way our colleagues think. Soon they may join us!
I agree everyone should become an ATR for at least one year SO THEY CAN SEE reality..unfortunately many of our colleagues are against us
As more teachers become part of the ATR cesspool they will get no help from our dues harvesting operation. No, we will be punched in the face and pushed into the dirt. Not only by the UFT and DOE, but by the teachers who supposedly voted for the atrocity they call a contract.
It can't happen to me I'm too young and too smart. Eventually they will age and we will see how smart they truly are.
For those who say we can't sue our own union I call on that statement that it is patently false.
It is possible to sue your own union just look up the federal case of Teachers4action. Unfortunately the lawyer was an asshole. However, it is possible to sue the union. Damn the torpedoes full steam ahead.
Sincerely ,
Angry Nog
How ignorant you all are. The Open Market is for in service teachers to have the ability to transfer from one school to another. It is not for hiring new teachers .Do you realy think fellows, TFA, or "friends" of someone get positions thru the Open Market? Craigs lust is not illegal nor is the many teachers who personally drop off resumes to schools. Again you are just looking for excuses to justify your inability to get someone to want you. The Union cant make domeone hire you or want to hire you . Only the individual. professional can do that
Anon 9:31
You're the ignorant one! The DOE requires that schools follow certain procedures in hiring a teacher and Craigslist is not one of them.
Obviously, you voted for that wonderful contract, that tells me how little intelligence you have.
So what are the requirements? Where does it say in writing that schools cannot advertise on Craigs list? Its been going on for years. Schools also advertise in the NY times and community newspapers. I bet none of you really try to get hired. You are just waiting for someone to do the work for you and hand you a job. Very sad
You're the idiot. The UFT could have helped ATRs if, during contract negotiations, they insisted salary be removed from consideration when principals evaluate candidates for positions.
Bayside HS's principal is notorious for mass excessing of staff. As a result one of the best high schools on paper now has had a lot of programs cut and is no longer attracting the best and brightest. When I was there an AP even told me how frustrated he was by the excessing.
The thing about excessing is that you have to wait a year and a day before you can rehire. What I suspect happened is Bayside HS excessed a bunch of teachers to save money and now wants to fill those vacancies with temporary subs. That's why it's advertising on CL, instead of using the DOE's internal hiring system. It's shady as hell but hiring a sub for a month or two and then letting them go would give them enough time to keep playing the "excess and then rehire" shell game.
Are any of the licenses that school is advertising for to be found among open market or excess staff? I doubt it. The DOE and UFT should be working to help excessed teachers upgrade their licenses to what is in demand now- not what was in demand when they were hired decades ago. Just my 2 cents
Craigslist IS illegal. There are other DOE portals/avenues for new teachers and TFA's. Chaz, I used to copy and paste these into email and send them to Amy Arundell, who would follow up with the DOE and have them taken down. I stopped looking for them because other of my fish were being fried. Do you want to send this to Amy or shall I?
To Angry Nod,
As I said before I had a close friend who sued the UFT about 5 years ago. The judge threw it out saying the union couldn't be sued. Perhaps it can? I certainly hope so. Why hasn't anyone done so? The ATR fiasco has been going on for many years, I would think someone would have tried by now. Full steam ahead? We don't have a train on the tracks. There needs to be a conductor - we have plenty of passengers. One of the organizations that want to lead the union should take the lead, organize and file suit.
Be my guest.
Anon 5:13
Some are titled positions and a few others are just a fancy name for other titles.
Anon 12:06
The union should have insisted on following the procedures outlined in the 2009 ATR Agreement tht was cancelled one year later but failed to do so in the new contract.
Open Market is a joke. I applied to over 15 vacancies, and was lucky enough to get two interviews. Since the hiring freeze for guidance counselors was lifted, I believe that this was the year for principals to hire newbies or those with a few years of experience. If you are a senior person, the decks are stacked against you because of your salary.
Does Michael Mulgrew do anything.
I think he just collects his salary, and makes speeches.
But his time is coming.
Bronx ATR ,
Firstly, full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes is a nautical reference.
Secondly I think of the train to Aushwitz with your imagery.
In order to start a suit against the union would most likely cost over fifty grand just to get it started. That's why nothing has been done. The average teacher cannot afford it.
The lawyers get $400 an hour. Nobody is going to do it pro bono. In order to get started we need to form a class action suit and come up with the money ourselves. This requires an incredible logistical and financial effort. We need to create a mailing list of all ATR members and then organize. I have some experience in this. It's a hard and thankless task. There is no guarantee . Are you game?
Angry Nog
Let me tell you something Amon 9:31, you are an ignorant; "Can't get anyone to hire us?" We didn't close our schools. We didn't ask to be excessed. We didn't create the ATR pool. We didn't ask to become an ATR. We didn't create the weekly rotation We didn't ask to be rotated. We didn't create academy principals who play school with their three years of teaching experience. We didn't create networks that tell them not to hire us. (a principal stated this). (We can't get anyone to hire us? You're an ass.
As an active UFT member I have to respond to Anonymous 12:12 AM, we watch everything and Bayside excessed 2 counselors last year and no teachers. The year before there were no excesses at all and the year before that there were 2 and this is from a staff at 180 members. Mass excessing? The school is woefully underfunded like the other large high schools. Get your facts straight before you post- Chaz works hard and deserves truthful comments.
The open market hiring system is a farce. I have multiple licenses and been teaching for 15 years. Over the years I have yet to get one interview. The inaction on the part of the union over in this matter indicates that they are complicit in setting the ATR's up for failure. What is downright unethical is that we pay union dues and the UFT instead of helping us secure a regularly appointed position is trying to making it much easier to fire us. Hey Mikey if you were a true union leader maybe there wouldn't be so many blogs critical of you.
None of this means anything. Everything is the same for the next 2 years. Very, very few will be placed. The union will do nothing and no one has the balls to sue. I'm not reading anything more from you bunch of bitches.
Anon 5:04
Thanks for the compliment. However, I must disagree with ytou. I know of at least four teachers who were excessed in the 2013-14 school year and a couple of teachers appeared not to be properly credentialed in one department who hired them.
The schpool was Bayside High School.
I don't think these actions if not hiring ATR's is the schools fault but above the schools either the network or DOE. I work at a very large low income Queens HS ( there are maybe 5 large low income HS') that us a high needs school. Put of our 20 teacher special education department. 5 have left at the end of last year. They have not advertised and have not interviewed for even one if these positions yet!!! I was told by the principal that the DOE has not given the funds to hire teachers so they can't do it. This is not a funding or excessing issue, these 5 special Ed teachers had full programs!!! So there are 25 special education classes that need teachers!!! (5x5) not an excessing or budget issue. These need to be filled. Now it is we'll after open market, they have to hire whoever is left . They will then not succeed in our school and the process will begin again next year!!!
If it means being hired by some jerk principal or staying a rotating atr, I will take the second choice.
Here are more ads for NYC teachers from NYC schools. I found the link while searching for teachers college info for my resume.
Thanks for proving my point. Many eachers in the ATR pool get hired.obviously not the ones on this blog. Look in the mirror. There is a reason you are not getting hired. The Union can not make a principal want you period
Anon 8:36
The point is that 95% of the ATRs are not hired and many senior ATR are not even interviewed due to salary.
How can you say ATRs are being hired? The data shows otherwise.
Why isn't the UFT filing complaints about the DOE hiring in such places as craigslist?!
Is the new open market now the excessed staff site and are there any jobs posted on that site? and when do they remove those jobs if they are posted? when they force place AtRs in October? too many questions sorry Im confused
The Open Market is not a hiring system it is a transfer system. It replaced the senioity, integration and SBO transfer system.
Not a surprise. Bayside HS has treated hiring like a secret society for decades, long before the current hiring system. I am aware of a number of people who were denied slots only to see legitimate vacancies filled by people from outside the system who are politically connected to certain pols or former administrators. Some of the complaints to the union are so old the grievants are long retired. UFT never heard a word or saw a thing!
How old are you? I am 57. I am in Newark. I have a solid resume and advanced education credits. I am EWPS (Newark version of ATR). I am awaiting my placement. Is there a problem with my teaching skills set? No, there is a problem with my personality. I speak up when confronted with the ridiculous demands placed upon me. Last year, as an ESL certified teacher, I was asked to assist in the teaching of Math and Science. I have three credits in Math and eight credits in Science. I was also told not to use district mandated ESL materials because they were not Common Core aligned. I fought for my students and myself.
At the end of the year, a parent who could not speak one word of English came in and thanked me for teaching his son. The principal, however, did not view me as "a good fit."
I would like to hear from you in a few years when you gain a little maturity.
Good post and excellent comments! It even doesn’t matter who is right and who is wrong, it is just interesting to see how real teachers think and what conclusions they make. Most of the ideas expressed here also prove that it is difficult to overestimate the role of a good teacher in the classroom. I speak about real teachers who have wrote their thesis (check this thesis help online if you only plan your career) and feel that it is their mission. As I have noticed such specialists don`t pay attention at all these difficulties, hey just do what they love and make hundreds of young people happier.
Yes, teachers who were excessed from Bayside High School have licenses in those same areas they are advertising. .... ... fact.
Not true.
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