I received my September 15th paycheck and noticed our union has increased our dues by almost 5%. At the same time, my salary will only go up a meagerly 2% come September 30th. I think its only fair if our union followed the same procedures they accepted for the rank and file. Therefore, the union should rollback the dues and allow it to rise in lockstep with our deferred raises. That means our dues should be reduced back to 2009 and the increases should reflect the raises their members actually get that were negotiated by the union.
I guess the union can't rollback our dues since they need it to replenish the money that they blew by co-sponsoring an anti-police march and making nice with Al Sharpton. Maybe our disconnected union leadership will next co-sponser a meeting with the education reformers by claiming they are simply misunderstood and only wants to do what's right for the students. Oh wait, they did invite Bill Gates to be a keynote speaker at the Seattle AFT conference.

What's next for our President, Michael Mulgrew, after screwing the ATRs and giving members an inadequate contract, holding hands with Al Sharpton, hugging Chancellor Carmen Farina, and threatening to punch you in the face if your against his beloved Common Core? I shutter to think what's next as our disconnected union leadership does what's best for them and not for the members. Quail anyone? The tab is on the members.
And people think I'm crazy for wanting to quit...
paying more for less
Chaz you be da' man...
What can I say? We're totally f--ked and the union we've supported for years has thrown us under the bus. To add insult to injury, they've given themselves a raise. The attorney general should investigate Mulgrew and Weingarten for racketeering, because that's what this is.
Because it costs 2 million bucks to send 800 rubber stamps to LA.
How can there not be reasons to launch a lawsuit???? Someone need to explain this to me.
I emailed your post to all my colleagues on my listserv.
You forgot to mention that Mr. Mildew also screwed a married guidance counselor while he himself was married. So while he did indeed screw the ATRs, he was not exclusively screwing them. He was also sharing his dubious charms with his little side piece. She must have standards somewhere in Macy's BASEMENT.
I was wondering myself why the UFT is able to give itself a 6% raise without checking in with the membership, and they get the 6% all in one shot, instead of having to receive niggardly portions of it over several years. Who are the UFT's supervisors? Do they have any?
I am beyond disgusted by the UFT. However, guess who is to blame? THE RANK AND FILE WHO VOTED FOR MULGREW. I find it quite ironic when I hear all the teachers at my school bitching and moaning about our working conditions. When I ask them if they voted in the last UFT election, they look me straight in the face and say "No". These same complainers are also now bitching about the long Monday and Tuesday school day. When asked if they voted for the last contract, they say, "Yes". It is this apathy that got us to where we are.
Now That's Critical Thinking!!
That's no surprise-UFT dues went up every September from 2009-2014 -with no contractual raise.
What about the illegal acts of Mulgrew's sister?
They're sending ATRs out on interviews for positions that don't exist. When calling the schools the administration is baffled. I'm thinking if you don't show up for an interview, for a position that doesn't exist, you will be terminated. A set up or more incompetence? Someone should ask the Grand Poo Bah Mulgrew or one of his toadies, but then again you can't trust what they tell you.
There are no interviews yet , and who calls schmuck? You just go. Stop trying to scare people
Hi Chaz,
I have an unrelated question that no one seems to want to help with. Maybe you or a reader can assist. I teach in a high school and was asked to do a 6th teaching assignment for a separate school within my campus. I always thought this was a .2 designated class. Meaning it's 20% of your salary. Instead, I'm being told this is incorrect and they want to pay me at coverage rate. I tried explaining if I do the class at a regular every day session like I will, it's not a coverage. I'm not "covering" a class. Any comments from anyone on this please?
To Reggie Jackass,
You call when you're sent out to a middle school and you have a 9-12 license. Maybe you would go, but anyone with common sense would call.
This needs to be brought up at the next delegate assembly meeting. Mulgrew is running the union like a dictatorship. The new contract with the tiny raises upfront is a joke. It is troubling to say the least as to back ending the previous pattern when the union themselves spoke of the inequity of salaries between city and suburban teachers.
There have been mandated interviews and forced placements since last week.
Anon 11:18
First, you do not have to take a sixth period if you don't want to.
Second, since the sixth period is in another school outside your work schedule, they can pay you at a coverage rate.
Finally, being in a separate school, the 20% would not apply.
You're the man!
You should get pro rata pay if its in a shortage licence area.the fifferent payrolls different schools may be the problem.
The UFT can get away with this shit because they know that the alternative for teachers (working for charter schools) is so grim. Just to give you an example. In July I put in for a job at a little-known charter school. Not Success, HCZ, or KIPP. I heard nothing, and saw no vacancies on their website. They started their school year about three weeks earlier than the DOE, with staff returning to work in mid-August. Yesterday a woman calls me up, very friendly, for a phone interview. Today she requests that I go in next week for a demo lesson.
So if I'm doing my math correctly, it's likely that the position that was advertised in July was filled, and has re-opened already. Which says a lot about the school. Also, the highly touted principal of this school resigned suddenly last year. No reasons were given other than "a heavy heart."
Over the summer I also interviewed at another charter school, and today I looked on the website. Seems as if two of the AP's that interviewed me over the summer left.
The UFT can get away with such crappy leadership because there's a bunch of teachers in charter schools for whom a job in a UFT school seems like the emerald city.
Question for Chaz:
Several comp time position at a certain high school (testing coordinator, COSA, programmer, asst programmer) are also being compensated by per session pay (during the school year). Is this allowed according to the contract? If it is I would like to apply because it's a lot of per session money and less time in the classroom.
Chaz why are principals conducting Initial Planning Meetings with ATR's who are only there until 10/15
Anon 11:01
As an ATR you will not get or be offered those comp time positions.
But I know an ATR who was placed in a school last week that had a vacancy in their license.
Sorry Chaz, you are incorrect on this one pal. If you are being offered a "6th class" in a high school, it is automatically a .2. It is not outside your work schedule as it is probably within your working hours. If it was before hours or after, it would be per session. Anyway, this is a "hanging class" or "singleton class" whereas the school cannot cover with one of their own because everyone has full teaching assignments. They cannot hire a full time teacher because it's only 1 class, therefore the .2 comes into play. It is indeed 20%, but it is not 20% of your salary. Technically it is 20% of starting teacher salary. It is NO WAY coverage pay at $33 per day. That's ridiculous to have written Chaz. C'mon!
Anon 3:36
It would appears its after the teacher's normal work schedule and its in a different school. Therefore, its per session.
Thanks for the clarification that the 0.2 is 20% of a starting teacher salary.
FYI / the September 30 paycheck has been posted and includes the retro money. After taxes and FICA etc, it's not very much money.
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