Sunday, December 07, 2014

Queens High Schools To Avoid.

The DOE's "High School Quality Snapshot" contains some very interesting information and two categories in the report sparked my interest.  They are "would teachers recommend their school to parents" and "do students feel safe in their school"?  Both categories, when put together, gives a educator some very important information whether to apply or accept a position at schools that rated low in one or both categories.  The first list is more about how the school administration treats their staff and students.  While the second list is about how well the school handles student discipline issues.

The first list are the schools who rated lowest in the category "teachers would recommend this school to parents".  The citywide and borough average is 81%.

School                                             Teacher Recommended
Math, Science & Research...............................25%
Business Computer Applications........................33%
Queens Collegiate..........................................41%
Law, Government & Community Service..............44%
Queens Preparatory Academy...........................54%
William Cullen Bryant.......................................54%
Queens HS of Teaching...................................58%
George Washington Carver...............................58%
Gateway to the Health Sciences.......................61%
Pathways College Preparatory..........................62%

The second list, are the schools rated lowest in the category "students feel safe in the hallways, bathrooms,locker rooms, and cafeteria".  The citywide average is 76%.  The borough average is 82%.

School                                               Student Safety
Rockaway Collegiate......................................50%
Martin Van Buren...........................................55%
August Martin...............................................57%
Pathway College Preparatory...........................67%
George Washington Carver..............................68%
Math, Science & Research..............................68%
Law, Government & Community Service.............68%
John Adams.................................................70%
August Martin..............................................71%

The final list combines the two lists and ranks the school based upon lowest total percentages and these are the top twelve schools to avoid at all costs.

School                                                                    Rank
Math, Science & Research..............................1
Rockaway Collegiate.....................................2
Business, Computer Applications...................3
Law, Government & Community Service.........4
Martin Van Buren..........................................5
August Martin...............................................6
Queens Collegiate.........................................7
George Washington Carver............................8
Queens Preparatory Academy........................9
William Cullen Bryant...................................10
Pathways College Preparatory......................10

The school ranked #1 is the Math, Science & Research Technology Magnet school in the old Andrew Jackson campus, with the infamous Leadership Academy Principal, Jose Cruz in charge.  Yes, the same Jose Cruz who gave 33% of his staff "unsatisfactory ratings" in 2013 and according to the Organizer 23% received "ineffective" from him last year (August Martin had the highest at 27%). Furthermore,  only 12% of the staff believe Principal Cruz was an effective manager.  Add this year's list to last year's list and none of the schools on the four lists are schools I would be happy to work in and hope I never do.


  1. Hi Chaz,
    It would great if you could the same for my third world country the Bronx. Please consider it, thanks.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Beware the "Queens HS for Teaching" on Commonwealth Blvd! They really do have two-way mirrors in most rooms, and the administration/teachers/union rep. WILL NOT warn you!!!!

    They are fascist pigs.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Crumbs! I am stationed at Queens Collegiate this coming week.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I have some level of familiarity with most of the schools on this Queens worst list. Avoiding accepting a job at any of these schools is probably good advice- especially as the negativity of the current staff at these schools is toxic and infectious. It is to some degree a "chicken or the egg" dilemma as to whether the schools are horrible because the teachers are horrible or the teachers are horrible because the schools are horrible, but either way, teachers and admins who have a hope of remaining positive in helping kids learn are best to avoid these places.

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Just ride the ATR wave as long as possible. Most of you, Chaz included, can retire in a few years and get the hell out of this crazy system. Nothing is going to change for the better...nothing. I am glad I don't have to deal with that nonsense. I have an AP who is really good at working with her teachers. She even gave me a heads up of when she was going to observe me for my second observation. My first observation, I got 5 effectives and one developing....I will take it. It seems that for a teacher to find a school with admins who some measure of integrity is a real crap shoot. And there is very little that can be done to get these people out. I was told by an admin that it really doesn't matter what an admin does...they can treat their entire staff like shit....if the numbers are "good", that admin isn't going anyplace...nowhere. Highlighting bad admins will probably cause some embarrasment...but it is not enough for the DOE to shuffle admins around and out the door.

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      In my travels through the ATR pool I have met a few good administrators, but they are the exception not the rule.
      still always watch your back

  6. Anon 12:09

    It's not the teachers are horrible but the administration. I have met some teachers at the Campus Magnet schools and they are good and caring teachers but their schools suffer from an unengaged and behaviorally challenged student body and a "gotcha administration". The result is poor academic outcomes.

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    If behaviorally challenged students cant be managed by both teachers and admins...then no education will occur...admins know this and use this fact when they do observations. Teachers in this system need to step up their classroom management skills if they want to keep their jobs. That may require stepping outside the box. One of the reasons my AP and Principal leave me alone is because I have my classroom management on LOCK....I dont take no bullshit....and if it comes my way....I go to the Principal first...and it gets handled. If a kid gives me any prolonged grief (which is rare), they get removed from my class. I take no shit from anybody at my school....especially after being screwed over by the previous principal who is at a school in queens and is a complete bipolar nutjob mess.

    1. ReadyToRetireNow7:10 AM

      Question: How do you get them removed from class? Is it for the moment, or permanently? Either way, I'd like to know. In my school, a kid would have to be going off the walls in order for something to be done at the moment...and not even permanently.

  8. Anonymous4:32 PM

    At the risk of incurring the "wrath of Chaz" I can't 100% go along with the idea that all teachers in these horrible schools are great and that it is a combination of horrible administrators and horrible parents/kids that make the school horrible.

    I've seen some wonderful and concerned teachers at the worst high schools but I have also seen the disengaged, "take my days and wait for retirement" types at them too. When these reach a tipping point (especially aided by horrible administrators and parents and kids), there's no return.

    BTW, I have also seen far fewer great teachers at the fully screened high schools (Townsend, Bard, Stuy, et. al). as they figure the kids will teach themselves, I guess.

    A fairer system would allow teachers to rotate among schools every few years (not the current fake open market) so that those in the screened schools get a taste of reality and those in the horrible schools get a taste of Eden.

    Love your blog-keep up the good fight.

  9. Anon 1:06

    When you have a supportive administration and there are few behaviorally challenged students, it makes it much easier to handle classes. However, the schools I listed have poor leadership and it shows in the statistics.

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

  11. Interesting article in the NY Post concerning the fact the majority of NYC teacher trainees have failed basic literacy tests. These are the individuals who are being put in front of NYC students.

  12. Anonymous7:00 PM

    cruz is a psychotic sociopath - he shouldn't be working with kids - or humans - how is he still around - I agree mist administrators are terrible and I wouldn't work in any of these schools and many more

  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    How many times do we have to go through this?

    Its not teachers
    Its not administrators
    Its the parents who do not value education.

    Stop putting blame where it does not belong because of your agenda

  14. Anonymous9:28 PM

    amen to the last comment. parents, parents, parents all day long.

  15. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I am sick and tired of these bozos at the state education dept. After my initial disgust at the news I am, upon reflection, thankful this Thanksgiving for the labor of 22 year old smiling hustler and would be charter school operator “Dr” Ted Morris Jr. for providing teachers and defenders of the public school system with a priceless example of the outright shoddiness, incompetence and contempt for the people of New York of the New York Board of regents: a contempt shared by their super rich allies who lord over public school teachers and parents with self-righteous indignation at every opportunity. Morris, a complete fraud who apparently did not even graduate from high school was granted a charter school by the Regents on the basis of nothing more than a fictitious resume (that, even if true, was a joke) and a ready smile.
    Indeed, the example is so outrageous, so semi- criminal, that the entire Board, including the increasingly bellicose Meryl Tisch, should, in a semi -just world, be pressured to resign. Fire these goons and lets get some real educators in ALbany

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Bloomberg fired Department of Education occupational therapist named Debra Fisher for “ theft of services.” Her crime? Fisher helped run a Kick starter campaign for a 13 year old student with cerebral palsy and did so partly by sending emails from a DOE computer during school hours. That she did so with the knowledge of the principal made no difference.

    Writes Jim Dwyer of the New York Times: “This is a story of an almost unfathomably mindless school bureaucracy at work: the crushing of an occupational therapist who had helped a young boy build a record of blazing success.”

  17. Anonymous2:25 PM

    OK Chaz here it is: Mandated letter for interview at high school in bronx for counseling position. Show up at school and there are 50 excessed guidance counselors in the main office of the high school. Each guidance counselor is filling out an application and in line for the interview. Turns out that the position is only for 2 months.......OK, if that isn't enough for ya, the secretary informs the counselors that tomorrow another 40 excessed guidance counselors are coming in for interviews.....All this for a 2 month leave have got to be kidding me...This is disorganization/clueless at its highest ignorance.. The DOE and the NY Knicks have a lot in common...Money and no brains...

  18. How is this guy even still working? I worked with him my first year when he was AP of Bergtraum. I wanted to quit after that. Had he returned I would have.

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Mulgrew wants to tax the rich to hire more teachers! The guy is clueless on so many levels. There's incredible waste - networks,lawyers,90 degree buildings, Bloomberg's sweetheart contracts, etc..

  20. Anonymous1:32 PM

    anon 10 06
    yeah I also heard and read today that bloomberg is cleaning house at bloombergs company. Word is that since bloomberg came back to the company executives have been flocking out of there in groves...yet the ny post today has a picture of bloomberg with a broom in his hand with the tagline. bloomberg cleaning house...this sicko does this no matter where he it his mission in life to get back at people who abused him during his midget younger days without the billions what else does he have to live for??

  21. Anonymous3:56 PM

    chaz, I wish this was done for all the schools in the City so the parents and students can easily compare the schools.

    Thanks for the lists.

  22. Anonymous5:54 AM

    PS 241 a Manhattan school on 113th st is looking for a SPED teacher. New principal

  23. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I shared a classroom with this guy (Jose Cruz) several years ago. He couldn't teach his way out of a paper bag!

  24. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Please do something with elementary schools. I have been in so many bad ones. Those administrators suck just as bad. They let these people be administrators when they weren't good teachers or have only taught a few years. They all go through that "cult" Leadership Academy.
    Did you know that there are people hired by the DOE to fire teachers????? I met one. She was retired after 28 years from New Jersey. She is now hired by NYCDOE legal department and her job is to fire tenured teachers. This is what our tax dollars are going for? This is what the school budget is being used for? A disgrace.
