Lately the New York Post has been turning away from bashing teachers and have been identifying some really bad principals, here and here. However, as a Queens high school ATR, I thought it's time to list the schools where the staff have reported a hostile work environment on the latest school learning environment survey. Therefore, In other words a "do not apply" list. This post will identify these schools based upon their poor numbers. The lower the number, the higher the negatives. All schools with an overall score of 69% and lower is associated with a hostile learning environment at the school with the Principal the major culprit, are listed below.
School.......................................Overall Score..........Negatives
Math, Science, Research Magnet.......37%.......................61%
Young Women's Leadership School......38%.......................63%
Fredrick Douglas Academy VI.............39%.......................66%
Pan American International l..............43%.......................51%
Queens Preparatory Academy............48%.......................48%
William Cullen Bryant .......................49%.......................47%
Newcomers High School....................51%.......................43%
Business, Computer Applications ........54%.......................41%
Queens Gateway Health Sciences.......54%......................37%
Civic Leadership Academy..................61%......................35%
Law Government And Services............62%......................27%
Queens Collegiate.............................64%......................25%
Bayside High School..........................65%......................24%
High School Of Const Trades..............69%......................22%
Flushing High School.........................69%......................21%
Frank Sinatra High School..................69%......................21%
While the overall score of below 70% shows that the school's learning environment needs great improvement, the negative scores are more instructive of the hostility of the working conditions at the school and that reflects almost entirely on the administration, especially the Principal. Interestingly, the lowest overall score was at the Campus Magnet school with Jose Cruz as Principal. He was previously cited by the Daily News for giving the most "U" ratings than any other high school Principal in the city..
Being an ATR this year may be a blessing in disguise since the ATRs are not subject to the badly flawed teacher evaluation system or the "junk science" associated with it. Further, the difficult Dainelson framework cannot be used for the ATRs unless they take a provisional vacancy or long-term absence. For those ATRs thinking of taking either a provisional or long-term position, please do not apply to the school listed above....unless you want to get terminated!
Thanks to JD2718 for supplying me with the list of Queens high schools.
Frederick Douglass (in the old Far Rock HS) was the most dangerous school I've been to. On the second day, the other ATR left on a stretcher, from a student punch. I was covering a teacher's classes for the week. She left the 5-day work packets on the desk. By the end Period 1, they had all become paper wads. I brought in DVDs covering the same material. A kid came up and said, while the video played, that "he didn't want to watch no DVD, he wanted to watch TV." I asked him to please sit down. Whereupon he opened the DVD player and snatched the DVD out and ran. I caught him (to his GREAT surprise) and got my DVD back unscathed. The ATR gym teacher had been forced to stay at that assignment for months, he was miserable. There was no security, the halls were like a playground. Even getting out of my car subjected me to predatory stares from the students. On the last day of the assignment, there was a knife fight in the school beneath us. After the last class had left, I told the other ATR "Let's get the h_ll out of Dodge" and we ran to get away from this horror school.
The HS for American Studies, co-located in Newcomer's HS, had me proctor a 4 hour AP exam. I had been told after that, I'd have no more assignment for the day. Ha! Four minutes before the end of the exam, I was hustled into a classroom, with NO break whatsoever, to cover a 90 minute class. So I worked the entire school day with absolutely no break. The next day, an APO approached me and said that students in the class I'd covered said that I said nasty things to them. But that THIS time, she wouldn't go to OSI to report me. Never happened, so I just loved her threat. And came back with my own. "So I won't go to the UFT to tell them you violated the contract making me work with no periods off." That shut her up. I heard from others that she was abusive to ATRs and subs.
Any school of the Campus Maggot complex in Cambria Heights is toxic. Students are utterly out of control, and YOU are blamed for this. Students threaten you, nothing happens to them. The principals are happy to hand out U's, even if you work your proverbial derriere off. Stay away!
Anyone else got some good ATR war stories to share? And isn't it a disgrace that we have to live this way?
Great strategy- spread BS about alot of high schools so ATRs don't apply and the field is wider for you, Chaz- a man who apparently does not want or cannot keep a job.
I'll add two other schools to the list:
Robert H. Goddard - the first day I was there the AP asked me whether I was an ATR because I had hit kids or shown them pornography. Too offended to even respond to her. Routinely saw teachers crying after school, during lunch, before school, because of the scare tactics of the administration.
Maspeth High School - there's no chapter leader at the school and the teacher who wanted to run for chapter leader was terminated. I was there during Hurricane Sandy and a school from the Far Rockaways was relocated to the Maspeth building and the principal refused to let those kids go to class because they weren't abiding by the "dress code." The principal of the Far Rockaway school had to point out that since many of the students were now homeless maybe they couldn't worry about collared shirts and khakis. Teachers are routinely made to work after school in clubs and review classes without daring to ask for per session pay.
Anon 1:11
I guess you must be a Principal of one of these failed schools.
The data was produced by the school's staff and published by the DOE. Maybe you should learn to collaborate and not dictate to the staff if you want your school to improve.
After my hellish experience in Flushing HS in 2011-12, I would never accept a position at any of those failed schools on the list nor should anybody else.
Thanks for this valuable information.
You would think the UFT would tell us which schools to avoid, instead they tell us to accept any offer regardless of the school's reputation.
Keep it up.
I was just observed by my supervisor as an ATR and received an S. He told me we are still observed under S and U. Being an ATR this year and from now on is a blessing in disguise.
Anonymous 2:02 The Queens UFT has been doing so, through Gene Mann's newsletter The Organizer. Excessed teachers provided him with "reviews" of schools and he put it out there in multiple issues. Thousands of teachers read this valuable resource. You should contact him and subscribe.
With the number of high schools in Queens, especially after Bloomberg's/Gates' flurry of atomizing large schools, I am surprised that the list is so small.
Thanks chaz!
This is perfect ! And 100 percent true especially about campus magnet and newcomers and flushing and the list goes on and on. But I have to say 1 thing to the atrs - too many of you continue to accept illegal assignments and you must stand up and say no! That means only 1 pd of hallways or cafeteria - no phone calls and no filing . The only thing you are allowed to do is be in a classroom and if you keep accepting illegal assignments it only serves to empower these awful principals. And it makes it one hundred times harder for the atrs who say no and do the right thing ! So I repeat do not do illegal assignments. If there are no teachers out that is not your problem. Bring a good book - buy an iPad but do not do the stuff you are not allowed to do. On and add east west school in Flushing - awful . And whoever said that awful thing to chaz : shame on you - you deserve a year In far rockaway
Cruz will assign you to hallway and cafeteria a day even after he had been grieved about it and obvious list. Teachers quit everyday . Beware
Flushing sent me to the attendance office and the deans office and told me to file a million papers . I said no !!! Just say no . And watch out at far rock Frederick Douglas - even though your commute might be really long if you are 3 minutes late they make you click in and the kids are out of control
Anon 4:15
I never heard of it and if it does exist why hasn't the UFT publicized the alleged newsletter.
hat is the link?
Assailed teacher
The numbers reflect the reluctance of many teachers of rating their school poorly for fear that their Principal might discover that it was the teacher who rated the school poorly.
It takes some brave teachers to write the truth. That just tells you how bad these schools really are.
Chaz. : could you write a blog entry on what atrs should and should not do., I really think way too many are letting schools get away with a lot of illegal stuff and more atrs need to be saying no a lot more often. Only teacher duties basically means only classroom work - no filing or clerical or phone calls or halls or cafeteria unless it's a circular 6! Maybe hopefully they will listen to you!
Thank you for doing this.
The learning environment surveys are practically worthless... it is good that we are able to glean some information, even a tiny bit.
Teachers need to know what kind of school they are walking into. And as good as it is that you are doing this, it shouldn't be me and you, but our union, that makes this sort of information known.
I can add more places that you want to avoid : every school in Springfield gardens - east west in flushing - and hs for teaching in glen oaks
Anon 9:42
I will be doing just that tomorrow.
I so agree. The union needs to supply these lists not us.
Didn't the union publish a Grapevine blog online that teachers could submit their "assessments" of schools?
It should return.
Starting yesterday ATRs are being notified and asked to sign a pre observation statement that they will be placed in a class and observed. The weekly rotation may be monthly and they are to carry 5 days worth of lesson plans at all times.
i agree with a number of schools on your list (other than frank sinatra), but you must realize many experiences are really personal. for example, i worked at flushing and had NO problems with administration. also, i have been in other schools (not listed) where i found the administration deplorable (one of the far rock schools--medical technology or something). truly it is within our best interests NOT to accept any jobs since we are potential targets of administrations everywhere!
Anon 8:45
What district is this coming from? I have no knowledge of this.
Anon 11:37
The list is from the learning survey filled out by the teachers in the school not what the ATRs think.
atrs are going to observed and be in schools monthly?? where is this from?? so on what topic - I walk around with 5 lessons on the Constitution and get told to teach a global class for a week - this makes no sense - does anyone know anything about this? Many of us have never even had prof dev in Danielson or Common Core - I know I was never invited to any sessions - this is crazy and we just got emails saying weekly rotation starts next week. what is going on?
atrs are starting weekly rotation next week - who said anything about monthly? observations on what topic? teach the Constitution in global class and be prepared for any topic at any time? that is crazy? who has heard of this? and what about those of us with no prof dev on Common Core or Danielson from never being invited to any? Is any of this true
Avoid Math & Science at all costs. Jose Cruz is a menace to public education and those who work for him. I wish someone would gather data on the teacher turnover rate in that school since he began his time as Principal there.
The students are not the problem.
Mr. Cruz is a problem!!!!!!! The campus magnet campus is a huge problem.
Cruz is a Nazi. Document everything if you are sent to him and be prepared for a battle as he takes down anyone he doesn't like.
Dwarka is out of control, she believes she is running her own business.
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