Saturday, August 01, 2015

Principals To Avoid In Queens.

Thanks to Gene J Mann of The Organizer who put together the list of the trustworthiness for all Queens principals in the latest school survey, we now can rank each principal on whether they and their decisions are trustworthy by the school staff.  The Citywide average for Principal trustworthiness is 86% and is used as the baseline.

The list below are the principals who had the lowest trustworthiness ratings by their teaching staff  and I call them the "dirty dozen" plus two.

Samantha Severin.....................Q45..........................25.8%
Lynne Callender........................Q496.........................34.2%
Rachelle Legions.......................Q106........................36.2%
Judy Henry............................Q680.........................37.4%
Melissa Haidary........................Q186.........................44.4%
Vasilios Marolios.......................Q540.........................47.4%
Melissa Menake........................Q326........................50.2%
Raquel De Millio........................Q165........................51.2%
Enric Kendall...........................Q460.........................51.6%
Caryn Michaell.........................Q87..........................52.2%
Namita Dwarka......................Q445.........................52.2%
Adeline Valastro-Tripoli...............Q58.........................53.0%
Patricia Costa..........................Q242........................53.0%
Cheryl Ann Leone.....................Q306.........................54.4%

As for principals who are newsworthy due to their actions, here are a few.

Ruchelle White.....................Q226........................56.8%
Neil Ganesh..........................Q475........................69.0%
Minerva Zanca......................Q294.......................72.4%
Jose Cruz.............................Q492.......................72.8%
Jamie Dubel.........................Q310.......................74.8%

Maybe Chancellor Carmen Farina should look at this list and realize that these principals have not earned the trust of their staff and should not be running their schools.  However, I am not holding my breath on the disappointing Chancellor to do what's good for the school and their students and remove these principals.  Therefore, if you are looking for a position or want to transfer please avoid working for these principals.

You may also want to avoid these Queens high schools as well.


Anonymous said...

So the average citywide is 86 percent but the principals who are trusted the most are still below the average? This makes no sense. Something does not add up.

Anonymous said...

Very good Job Chaz. Also people may want to look at the ANOI or "Administrators in need of improvement" list on the UFT solidarity website. People can also view personalized stories about the administrators there.

I'd like to say that it's been very effective for alot of people. It saved me the time and trouble of going on interviews with principals who have a very bad reputation.

Anonymous said...

Can you make a list for Brooklyn and Staten Island?

Chaz said...

Anon 9:59

You are misreading the post. The average City Principal has a trustworthiness of 86%. The lower the percentage, the less the staff trusts their Principal.

Anon 10:54

I did not compile the list but you can make your own by reviewing all the school surveys on page 19 and page 23 of the report.

Anonymous said...

Just looked up my school. My Principal being trusted is below 30%. Do we know if these numbers mean anything? Do the Principals have to defend their numbers?

Chaz said...

Since many teachers are afraid the Principal will be informed who filled out what in the school survey, that's why there is an average of 86% staff satisfaction of their Principal. Therefore, when you see low satisfaction rates, that's a real red flag about the school and the administration.

As for the DOE? They do not care one bit.

Anonymous said...

How can Jose Cruz not be on both lists - satan personified - not even human

Anonymous said...

Minerva Zanca's trust in the school in 0%. She told us to rate her better so the school wouldn't close. Now she is retiring. Thank God! Her sidekick, Monica Garg is not trusted at all by the staff, and now she has been promoted to principal of an elementary school. I feel bad for those poor teachers!

Anonymous said...

As for the Bronx, try to avoid the entire borough.

Anonymous said...

Ritter at Hala ( Jamaica Campus)

Anonymous said...

Lynne Callender is another example of Leadership academy's failure, as an ATR I couldn't wait to get out of the school. The students were badly behaved and she constantly spoke to her staff with disrespect during her daily pointless meetings.

Anonymous said...

Campus Magnet should be avoided, especially Math and Science led by Jose Cruz and Business, Computer led by Lynne Callender. Cruz's philosophy is to make his teachers cry and to embarrass them in front of their students. Callender is just a bully, that try to cover up her incompetence by bullying her staff. What a joke that building is. They should just open up the building with one principal(not either Cruz or Callender), One school could be no worse than it is now. I don't know how you can be a principal if you can't respect or work with teachers.

Anonymous said...

it's interesting that people who write mean and misleading information about others hide behind the "anonymous" label. I for one have had supervisors that I liked, and some that I didn't. In the past, I have reported my principal and AP to Office of Special Investigation, and I proudly gave my name. My feeling is that if I have a legitimate complaint about my working conditions, I am going to complain, and I am going to own it. What I find wrong is that by people signing their gripes with the tag "anonymous" they get to commit character assassinations of some underserving parties, just because they don't like their bosses; not because the administrators are abusive. I've seen several comments on this thread about Principal Minerva Zanca not having the trust of her teachers and staff. That's odd, given the school survey results of the last two years. The disgruntled will always say something negative about the boss, but I for one, don't appreciate it when they speak for me. I have worked for Zanca, and I've become a better teacher because of her feedback. There are many of us teachers who worked for her when she was at Math and Science, and I can tell you firsthand that she was the light that gave us hope for our future success and the success of our students. Some of us followed her to Pan American and even the other schools that share the building. She's been to our weddings, she's been to funerals and held our hands through family personal tragedies, and she's celebrated the births of our children, and even cheered us on at an off campus walk to raise money for a disease. The person that has been vilified by strangers who have never even met her, and who never bothered to check the lies to uncover that they are not based on fact, is a kind, caring and selfless person that constantly practices random acts of kindness. If you were to speak to each teacher whom she supervised at MAST between 2010-2012, and the teachers at PAIHS from 2013-1015, you will find that an overwhelming amount of them will not only tell you what an incredible humanitarian she is, but will also tell you how, because of her instructional expertise, she helped make them better teachers. So, let's stop hearing from the same person who over and over posts negative comments under the tag "anonymous" and go to the source of real teachers that were not afraid to partner with her and grow together in practice and character. Thank you for reading. I've stood by long enough without calling for an end to cyber bullying in its worse form. We don't have the excuse that we're just kids!

Anonymous blogger too said...

To anonymous who claims Minerva Zanca asked him to rate her higher so the school wouldn't close... in what meeting was this said? I was at every teacher meeting and this is the first I'm hearing this. The school data speaks for itself. You may have been in the 28% that gave the school low marks... But guess what? The school thrived despite your negativity. It was never in danger of closing and she mobilized us, her team, to create an environment where children could succeed. Stop making this about the adults. We have children waiting for the adults to stop their pettiness and get on with the job we're supposed to be doing: educating them!

Jordan Pink said...

All of the teachers who filed Civil Rights complaints against Zanca and Juan Mendez won money totaling about $1.8 Million!!!!