I can only laugh when I read how the DOE is telling the media that they are encouraging principals to hire veteran ATRs when the truth is so very different. The only thing the DOE is trying to do is to terminate the ATRs by allowing field
Every ATR that has been sent to my school this year have been over 50 years of age, have 15 or more years of experience, and came from a closing school. Many of these ATRs are excellent teachers but because of their age and salary, they can only obtain a temporary provisional assignment at best. This is a blatant case of discrimination and yet our union leadership has closed their collective eyes to this practice.
If the union leadership actually cared about the ATRs they would demand from the DOE the right for ATRs to choose from the various vacancies in the district before principals are allowed to hire anybody else. To protect lower seniority teachers, the DOE can allow a school an extra teaching unit in that subject area for any ATR selected by the school. Instead our disconnected union leadership agreed with the DOE and made the ATR a second class citizen.
I truly believe that the DOE is practicing age discrimination and the union leadership has silently allowed it to happen. Shame on both of them.
ATRs had it bad, worse than anyone but everyone over50 is being abused. I am so happy to be retired.
Every ATR that has been sent to my school this year have been over 50 years of age, have 15 or more years of experience, and came from a closing school. Many of these ATRs are excellent teachers but because of their age and salary, they can only obtain a temporary provisional assignment at best.
8th class result 2016
Dwarka is making many older teachers ATRs, and then she hires ATRs so Tweed likes her so much because she is able to reduce the budget.
In my experience at the two DOE schools I have worked at, even if you are over 30 your 'target' is growing. It seems admins just want the 24 years olds who prance around like they were little kids needing to be mothered by their largely childless bosses. At the school I m currently at, out of a teaching staff of about 30, only 5 of us are over 40. Not much of a survivor rate.
The high schools are becoming very dangerous. Students are constantly fighting and doing whatever they want. The most common phrase I hear is suck my dick from the male and female students. Everyone is afraid of them and they know it. No detention, no suspensions and no arrests. Every day is a free for all. The only people being suspended and arrested are the teachers. PD is our detention. I'm quitting very soon. I'd prefer to shovel horse manure.
This all stems back to when Randi sold off our Seniority rights. Now anyone who is in their 20's can come and push senior teachers out of coaching, mentoring or any other desirable jobs. All of the teachers who are over 45 are laughed and scorned. Some day their day will come....
We need ti vote Mulgrew out, and vote Portelos in.
I personally think we just gotta shut up and go along to get along. I smile, do what they ask, keep quiet and at the end of the day go home with no stress. This has made my health and well being better, too.
where else will I get close to 90 k to do no work at 38 years old? Nowhere but the DOE!
You won't believe how all the teachers over 50 in my school were treated. I got injured twice on the job aND the principal covered it up with the help of the union
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