One of Bill de Blasio's campaign promises was to reduce class sizes and no longer make New York City the school system with the largest class sizes in the State. Well the latest data has shown how hollow the Mayor's class size promise is. A recently published study has shown that there has been a significant increase in class sizes, across the board, with the greatest increases occurring in the younger grades. The study prepared by the Education Law Center shows that class sizes continued to increase in 2016 and violates the 2007 City class size limits under State law. In fact, 80% of the city public school students are in classes that exceeded the State limit.
In 2007, city Education Department officials followed state law in setting average class size goals of 19.9 students for kindergarten through third grade, 22.9 students for fourth through eighth grade and 24.5 students for high school.
Therefore, looking at the data the city public schools are exceeding class size limits by the following percentages for the 2016 school year.:
Early Elementary........................24%
Elementary/Middle School............14%
High School..............................11%
Promises, promises, how false they are when Mayor Bill de Blasio makes them/
1 comment:
Another false promise by the incompetent De Blasio and his disappointing Chancellor as you have always pointed out.
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