One of the more significant changes that has happened since the UFT elections was the election of the MORE/New Action coalition for the high schools. The result is there will be more transparency as Executive Board member Arthur Goldstein,
will be blogging on the issues discussed. Moreover, with people like Jonathan Ha
labi (New Action) and Mike Schirtzer (MORE). We now have advocates who will represent our interests and not the
disconnected union leadership.
Unfortunately, the opposition caucus, will be regularly outvoted by the "Unity" slugs who will vote on whatever the leadership wants since they all take the
"Unity oath". However, at least the membership will be informed in advance the shenanigans the union leadership will use to try to hide controversial issues from them. Maybe now the union leadership will think twice before they impose terrible contracts, change the rules like the ATR agreement, and fail to protect the membership due to vindictive principals.
Let's all hope that with more transparency it will result in a more receptive and responsive union.
Whoever drew that picture of Mulgrew has mad talent!
Another high school student, 20 years old by the way, brought a loaded gun to school yesterday in the Bronx. deBlasio needs to wake up fast to the realities of the inner city.
The media is using the term 20 year old man instead of 20 year old high school student. I wonder why?
Chaz off topic, but when your pay is frozen from either a u-rating or ineffective how long do you have to wait for you to resume your salary step scale? Thanks
Had to fill out a second waiver for per session. Man, the overtime is insane. I love all these small schools that can't hire phys ed teachers full time. I'm making a fortune. You can't make this up.
As an ATR I was recently in the high school where the 20 year high school was found with the gun. Most of the students are in their late teens and early twenties. Not a bad school at all. No metal detectors there. The student put his gun in a plastic bag while he went out to smoke a cigarette. Most of the schools I've been to are much worse. If students are bringing in guns there, they must be bringing them in the others as well. DeBlasio is a moron.
Adding to 11:36's request, I will have 24 1/2 years in June 2017. Planning on retiring in Jan. 2018 using terminal leave. I having all S and effective ratings, even after being in and out of the ATR pool. As an ATR still, if I should receive a U this year because of the nonsense observations with potential classes I have never met, but may be evaluated with the first day I meet them, will that have an effect on any pay raises I would normally be entitled to? I appreciate your input.
A U or ineffective rating only stops a pay increase if you in your steps. Once you achieve 8b. You get all the longevity increases and pay raises that everybody else gets.
Anon 5:20
Didn't you say you were a pretend dentist this week? Pretend teacher (with cushy gig, big bank, and per session) was last week. All in mom's basement while everyone is complaining all the time.
I love 9:13, poor guy loves stalking me. Very entertaining. If you saw my Per Session YTD your head would literally spin around. Enjoy your lonely weekend and say hibtobyour X wife for me.
I just ignore him or her. Whoever he/she is they're a fu***ng idiot that has nothing better to do!
When I look at the salary steps I am confused because lets say if you followed the steps from 1A-5A you would be making x. That's five years. However, there is also in bold on he bottom rates that teachers would be making after every five years of service that do not match up with the salary steps. (Much larger amounts.)
for how long does it stop pay increase Chaz? I thought that it was only one year until you get a developing or ineffective for the next year. I know people who got a U and then an effective the next year but their pay was still frozen.
The longevity pay at the bottom is not affected by your rating.
That doesn't answer my question
Each step increase occurs every 6 months from 1A to 8b. The step increases are frozen for the year you do not get a Satisfactory or at least a developing rating. Once you get the satisfactory or developing rating you should automatically get a step increase.
Unity = Corruption = Mulgrew = Fariña same failed policies
Where is Farina's 5 million dollar task force to enforce admin giving students candy credits? haha
A complete joke.
Chaz, my question was let's say that your in your 5th year and you would be making a salary of x number of dollars according to the pay scale. You would be around 5A-5B then. But under the the steps in bold are the longevity raises. Which indicate that you would be making a totally different amount. So I am highly confused because i don not know how to interpret the pay scale.
11:16- You really shouldn't be teaching if you can't figure out a pay scale and I think Chaz did a good job explaining it. These are our new highly effective teachers.
Effective = cheap
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