In today's New York Post there is an article by Susan Edelman on ex-Principal Marc Williams who resigned when investigated for a grade fixing scandal at the Secondary School of Journalism in Brooklyn. After Mr. Williams resigned as Principal , the DOE gave him a new position as a "case manager" in their Human Resources division at a salary of $127,443.
Unbelievable but true, despite a new Mayor and Chancellor, its still business as usual at the DOE as they continue to practice their "double standard" when it comes to disciplining principals. If Mr. Williams was a teacher, he would be subject to 3020-a termination charges and if he resigned, the DOE would place on his file "a do not hire" flag. However, Mr. Williams was a Principal and was given a new position at a salary that is higher than the top rated senior teacher.
When will the "double standard" when it comes to disciplining principals end? I'm certainly not holding my breath waiting for that day as long as the Bloomberg/Klein ideology continues to permeate the halls of Tweed as Chancellor Carmen Farina retained 80% of the Bloomberg policymakers rather than "clean house" like she needed to do..
It just dawned on me, on a regular basis, the anti-union, anti-teacher media, is constantly giving the UFT all the ammo it needs to force changes at Tweed, and yet they continue to just sit silently by. Good job "Punchy Mike" way to show whose interest you really represent.
In response to the question posed (When will the "double standard" when it comes to disciplining principals end?) - the answer is when the general public at large become aware of the shenanigans that go on in the DOE. Everyone on this blog can vent and bitch and go back and forth...but until the mayor and chancellor be made accountable to the public then the status quo will remain; the catalyst for change must be the parents themselves for it is in the interest of their children. They need to be educated as to what is really going on in the school system and to stop placing blind trust in those who are having a direct effect on the life and future of their children.
But then you talked about the point before Chaz and I think that we can all agree that the DOE fully acknowledges the fact that a significant portion of their principals should not be in the position where they presently are. However since their greater priority lies in getting rid of their teachers who make up the backbone of their entire industry, it suites their needs in retaining horrible principals because they know that these people carry out that priority.
This guy gets a $128,000 reward for fixing grades from Farina. Teachers get a 3020a for missing the toilet bowl. Something is very wrong with the DOE and the UFT that allows it.
Well it's obvious that the principal's union is better than uft.
This Principal is not alone! There are many others throughout the city, if they were teachers would be subject to 3020a for "Legit" offenses and found guilty. Cronyism Cover-ups and Corruption are very alive and thriving, with Farina and Deblasio. What is the solution for this cesspool to be cleaned up????
You need look no farther than Bryant Principal Namita Dwarka and her dim witted science AP Moises Morales. They were caught double dipping students in earth science and "geology", expediting graduation rates through fraudulent credit recovery classes, receiving NCLB cash, and then coming up short $200,000. The ATR that reported it was 3020A'd and fined $2K.
Thanks Mulgrew
Namita Dwarka is conflicted in her own head. She twitches like a heroin addict when you speak with her. Trash with a capital T! Karma will make her pay dearly for threatening people’s careers for nothing but vindictive agendas.
Definitely corruption covered by the UFT also. Shameful Union.
since you all have no backbones and can only gripe, cry, and whine about it to your wives, friends, blogs, drinking buddies and anyone crazy enough to listen to you I say your getting what you deserve. strap in fools there is a long way to go before june!!
Unfortunately @5:01PM the 'fools' are those like you. Carry on.
The Chancellor seems to like the principals like Dwarka who has brought the school to the ground, and goes after experienced teachers with more than 18 years.
Everybody seems to protect corruption nowadays. Thank you Fariña.
To 5:01 - It's not that some of us 'don't have backbones,' it is more like venting.
Many of us have entered survival mode, and have had to do so through no fault of our own.
Some of us offer very spirited resistance, albeit in a more discreet manner.
Not only are ATRs "venting", but regular permanent staff are not happy. Repeat: regular permanent staff are NOT HAPPY. ATRs know this because we've travelled around.
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