In my twenty-five years I worked as a teacher, every contract or changes to the contract negotiated by our union leadership always require member "givebacks" by the UFT. Now our failed union leadership negotiated a parental;, not family leave provision, that required the members to give back 75 days worth of a raise. You can read the UFT negotiated parental leave document Here.
While our union leadership proclaim victory, the City's Independent Budget Office determined that the De Blasio Administration would save $9.5 million dollars with the deal.
Read the ICEUFT blog for a detailed analysis of the UFT negotiated parental leave provisions and once again the UFT membership gets snookered. Furthermore, read what Reality Based Educator feels about our union leadership. Here.
Look for massive ATR abuse as Principals scramble to plug the positions abandoned to take advantage of this free-for all. Six weeks,12 weeks or more of paid leave, foster care, adoption,men, women,in or past their reproductive years? ATR MOA regarding using mismatched licensed ATR for covering teachers on Leaves will be trashed in favor of accommodating all the new leave applicants. UFT will sit idley by. Kids first? Inestimable hours of instructional learning time lost, frustration,cconfusion,low morale. Happy New School year everyone.
Now the negotiations start about the ATR’s. With the closing of schools how many are there ?
I believe about 1800 .With a force place or will they continue to do the same. The union wants no force placement.
The union wants the extra union dues from the ATR’s. The mayor wants them forced placed. The principles don’t want them.
I believe everything will remain the same . It is just talk right now will get the decision next week.
@ atrs everywhere, you cant have it both ways. Ive never turned down a position- everything from maternity leave to 1/2 year to full year placements at some of the biggest hell holes in queens. I also never had problem from a fs either.
Excellent points, 10:49 and 10:59. I’ve been covering 5 classes a day for years as an ATR out of license, of course. Many ATRs seem to brag about doing nothing. I wish I was one of them. I guess this will change for everyone now.
Maybe the savings can be added to our salary.
Something's going on with ATR pool. I hope the UFT protects our rights or many of us will opt out of the union.
The 9million saving is for one year. The parental leave goes on for years to come. Its a good deal.
1139 please elaborate
@11:39 I spoke to the UFT and told them about your concern. I even told them that you were thinking of opting out. They said "let the idiot opt out and then we'll see how far that gets him." Now, it is on you to act and make a move. LOL
Let’s stop w the pronouns. Who said what?
What are concerns and who said what at the Uft?
A real major concern is being placed in schools and getting ineffective because if the principal gives us an effective then the principal has to keep us. This is not good. Some principals are petrified to keep us because of our high salaries. This is a huge concern. Other than that the UFT can't sell us down the river and give us 6 months to find a job. NO WAY NO HOW.
I opted out of the union and was told as of September 15th my money will no longer be deducted and I am overjoyed. I had really debated ending my dues or not, and finally did it and was surprised by how happy it made me.
I am an outspoken person in my school and district and strong critic of the UFT. They have simply dismissed my concerns and complaints for years. Now I dismiss them.
I can't imagine why any ATR would pay dues, what are they getting for the money besides abuse and mistreatment?
Change is slow and hard and it may never come to the UFT. Hey, if I was getting a top DOE salary and another six-figure UFT salary I wouldn't be worried too much since I could just shirt over to a job with the Welfare Fund(paid for by the city) and be fine. Maybe get a cushy job administering the new "Parental Leave."
There is no incentive for the UFT hierarchy to do anything to help us and they will do nothing. But damn it feels good not to pay for their abuse anymore!
Talks are under way with the city and UFT concerning ATRs. Mayor is making demands of his BBF Mulgrew.
@7:37 You are one big fat liar. LOL!!! The opt out period is in June. You can't opt out now. LOL... How can you come on here and lie like that? Have you no shame? I will check Monday but I was told that nobody can opt out until next June per the law Cuomo signed. Since Janus came into effect after the opt out period then you must wait until next June.
However, you should opt out. We will see quickly how fast the DOE goes after you. I am sure the UFT will send you their best representation. LOL
I’m not 7:37, you can still opt out but, and it’s a BIG BUTT, deductions will continue to be taken out until next June for the UFT, even though you will not longer be a member. Sort of like the same thing we’ve had since 2005.
@9:00 a.m. Yes, you can always opt out even dating back to 1980s and earlier but deductions will continue till June's opt out period. This idiot dummy (7:37) claims he opted out and "his money is no longer deducted as of Sept 15th". Clearly, he is lying but for what reason? Does he really think he is going to scare the UFT by having people call UFT to opt out? Maybe, I guess. Seems he has other ulterior motives but lying is not the way to go.
If ATRs thought they had no union assistance then ATRs have to wait and see what happens when the UFT is weakened further. The weaker the UFT the closer the city will get to giving them 6 months to find a job or be on the street unemployed.
I personally would prefer that - it would make an age discrimination suit a slam dunk win. It would also put every teacher under the specter of unemployment and would spur a true revolt against the UFT.
what is quite obvious is that along with the nyc teachers ability to teach they don't know whats going on with the opt out period for dues and benefits. another clear reason why the nyc teachers is the jar jar binks of the teaching universe!
Look if @737 thinks he opted out of the union is getting his union dues back in Sept then let him be. I learned years ago that dealing with idiots and stupidity only makes me an idiot & stupid.
@7:37 Wow, great news you opted out and are having no union dues taken out Sept 15th. Even though that it did not happen I want to say congratulations on opting out.
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