Saturday, November 10, 2018

Breaking News - ATRs Are To Stay In Place For The Semester.

I have been informed that the DOE will leave ATRs in place, at the school they started in for the rest of the semester.  I had heard this rumor last month and it seems that is what has happened, with some exceptions.

Will ATRs be rotated at all?  I do believe they will be rotated for the second semester.  Let's see if that actually happens.

Just to remind ATRs, the useless rotation was proposed by the UFT leadership back in 2012 and adopted by the DOE.  So blame our union leadership for the rotation that make ATRs a stranger in a strange land.


  1. Harder to hit a moving target. Wouldn’t mind week to week rotation

  2. My school has 3 AwesomeTeacherS and I'm glad to hear they're staying. My school is good, they like being here (though I'm sure they'd rather have a real program) and I and the faculty get along with them great too.
    They should allow for year-long placement if it's mutually agreeable by the teacher and Principal. At least it's some stability for everyone involved.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Shoot me NOW, please.

  4. Anonymous7:47 PM

    It is an apartheid system. Thanks Mulgrew.

  5. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Yes the ATR system is dysfunctional! Just read T.J.L. It is not us and them! That is what DOE wants you to think!!

    You sound like the ATRs in your school are aliens and you are untouchable! "faculty get along with them great"

    ATRs should be given permanent positions now! Not forced placements!

    Remember ATRs are teachers and members of UFT just like you are!

    Anyone can become an ATR! Here today and gone tomorrow!

  6. Wait, so the UFT originally came up with rotations? SMH

  7. Elizabeth

    Correct. It was UFT Vice President Michael Mandel who proposed the ATR rotation and Larry Becker of the DOE agreed.

    Did Mr. Mandel consult with the ATRs? Of course not.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Has anyone ever filed an appeal with the Commissioner of Education about the ATR situation pursuant to Education Law § 310?

  9. 5:50 you're right. As far as I'm concerned they're fellow faculty but we know that's not how the DOE sees it. Thank you for pointing out how that sounded.

    I do question the "given permanent positions" but not "forced placements". I agree no one new should be hired until anyone on the ATR list is placed but doesn't that lead to forced placement? Many openings are in schools most people don't want to be in. Plus we all know most Principals hide their vacancies. That went on even in the good old days of seniority transfers.

  10. Education reformers have succeeded in changing some of our language. We should reverse that.

    "Forced Placement" - wtf? Before we talk about ATRs, talk about a school that excesses one teacher. Just one. That teacher should be assigned (using normal English) to a new school. That teacher retains the right to transfer (normal English again) to another school.

    Let's lose the Klein-speak.


  11. Anonymous7:01 AM

    My principal told me that one of the three ATRs in my school will be in my school all year. How would he know?

  12. Just say "I voted for Trump and I will do it again". You will get out.

  13. Because he offered them a year contract.

  14. I'm glad they aren't rotating me. The school I am at is pretty good and I like it here.

  15. Well good for you. A lot of people are not happy. This is a union job! You are supposed to think of others. Not just you. It is that type of thinking that is weakening the union! “Well it has not happened to ME!” Just wait.
