Rumors are flying around that ATRs will stay in one school the entire school year, However, according to the DOE ATR rotation is still in force for this school year. When will ATRs be rotated is anybody's guess.?
Originally, ATRs were to be rotated this month and that may still be the case. However, I have also heard that ATRs will stay in one school for the semester It is possible that the ATRs will not be rotated at all. Of course nobody at the DOE or UFT will confirm or dispute the rumors.
Even principals have no clue on how long they can depend on having the ATR in their school. Therefore, they cannot assign ATRs to a class since they cannot depend on the ATR being in his or her school a month from now.
You would think that for stability sake the DOE and UFT would have come to an agreement on how long an ATR is assigned to a school.
I am sad for the current atr situation because the people running the asylum are the inmates at the doe. So sad that people have to live this on a daily basis as this is our livlihoods. The press is to blame along with coke bottle glasses klein and bloomberg who created the atr pool.
Interesting news item yesterday regarding michael blooberg who might be looking to run for president. Ever notice that bloomberg who is 77 years old never wears glasses? No one has ever seen bloomberg wearing corrective lenses. This means one of two thihgs. Either bloomberg takes balance of nature and his vision is perfect or he is the most vain person you ever want to meet. This is the man who created the atr fiasco but bloomy cannot see clearly as we just found out, Bloomy put on some glasses and see the world for what it is and not what you think it is with your cloudy vision
What they want is chaos,instability and to perpetuate age discrimination. They believe in wasting money going after senior teachers.
you allow yourselves to stay in this mess. your getting what you deserve!
4:38 Just what would you do? Quit? Are you a union hack or just a psychopath?
@4:38 and that exactly why the DOE has made you they're bitches! enjoy the very long career...or will it be?
It is outrageous to see our schools in shambles, and they do not go adter vindictive Leadership Principals. They just go after outspoken teachers.
These NYSUT lawyers are not defending senior teachers.
The UFT has agreed to Field Supervisors so that way they can harass ATRs into quitting or to retire. The UFT did realize that there was not enough psychological abuse against veteran teachers.
I am an ATR because the system allows children to accuse teachers of nonsense. They pay "investigators" huge salaries that should go to the teachers. Nobody chooses to be an ATR! If the system were not so corrupt there would be no ATRs!
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