It seems that Mayor De Blasio was informed of the academic fraud at Maspeth high school and failed to take action. Worse, the Mayor did not remove the school administrators before the school year started but told the district councilman not to go to the press if he wanted to be on the Mayor's good side. Susan Edelman of the New York Post wrote an article that explains it all.
Can you imagine if a teacher was caught committing academic fraud? He or she would be removed from the school and the DOE would file 3020-a termination charges. Yet, despite the many whistle blowers and their allegations, the DOE kept all the school administrators and only reluctantly started an in house investigation, while dragging their collective feet. This is just another example of the DOE's double standard.
You can also read the article of why a teacher quit Maspeth high school due to alleged corruption.
To read more about Maspeth high school read my blog Here.
Cuomo needs to pull the schools away from deBlasio. Mulgrew, Carranza and deBlasio should plan their last threesome before Cuomo raids the bed.
C'mon Chaz....post that picture of Namita Dwark drunk off her monkey, sitting with her family in the Guyanese jungle.
You can find it under bad principals in my blog.
In 2013 we elected deBlasio with the hope that he would undo all the destruction that Bloomberg did to the DOE. We actually had hope that he would dismantle the corrupt "gotcha squad" and their army of crooked lawyers and investigators. We hoped he would end the process of corrupt principals railroading innocent teachers into rubber rooms and bringing them up on phony charges. We thought he would end the disgusting "Leadership Academy" where the most vile, degenerate and incompetent administrators would perfect their craft of fucking teachers over. We thought he would actually enable the UFT to be a real voice for teachers once again, instead of just a bunch of lazy money grabbers. None of this happened, and in fact, things have only gotten worse year after year. Is it any wonder nobody wants to be a teacher anymore?
I find these articles to be rather tiresome and not because they are exposing fraudulent behavior on the part of teachers (full disclosure: I am one of them). Tiresome because these articles never consider the bigger picture. In a system that rewards principal andspe teachers on the basis of numbers what does one expect? In a system with so many black and brown kids who are being raised in structurally and socially unjust geographies what else do we expect? Now, Maspect could have satisfied itself with an 80 percent graduation rate and let some kids seek their diplomas elsewhere. True, they aren't the school that should be violating state laws by helping kids who don't deserve the help. Maspeth deserves to get in trouble. But imagine all the other schools with kids who really struggle; whose teachers can hardly make headway in a classroom. Everyone knows there is fraud. The politicians turn a blind eye because they know that a tightly regulated system will fail too many kids and the voters will not tolerate high degrees of school failure. We are all a part of a rotten system.
And the gall of all these students who willingly took the help only to now pretend to be so ethical. It's disgusting really. Not to mention the parents of the stoned and drugged out kid from last week's NY Post's story. Their attempts to shift blame for their kid's issues was truly repugnant. Teachers should not have helped him that much. I wonder if they would if he were a black or brown kid. We need a new system and it has to be one that fails fewer kids and one that helps more of our kids take responsibility for their learning.
Mulgrew is useless. They will not do anything for teachers standing against corruption. A shameful Union.
10:13: I agree with almost all of what you wrote except that nobody wants to be teachers. Don't forget, the doe just hired 4,000 new teachers, so if nobody wants to be a teacher, who are these people. The doe won't learn until there is a huge teacher shortage and I don't think that will happen for a number of years especially in NYC.
Obviously this is not surprising. This problem isn't going away, but here's what I propose: Since society doesn't want these kids to fail, here's what we should do..
1. If a student never shows up and does absolutely nothing, fail them. There's absolutely no way to justify a passing grade here.
2. If a student pretends to do a little work and still deserves to fail, give them a 65 and pass them along.
3. After a 65, give students the grade they deserve.
With my method, we will know which kids graduated who didn't deserve it (the ones with a bunch of 65's on their transcript), but they're still graduating so you won't get the backlash of people complaining about their failure, and the students who give a crap can continue on their way with their earned grades. Let's be honest, are the kids getting the unearned 65's going to end up being successful? Odds are that they're not, you couldn't get odds on it in Vegas. Holding the failures accountable will just lead to them dropping out, so what's the difference? We need to readjust our expectations. Sad world but it is what it is.
There were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year. ... Blacks committed 537,204" of them. (Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Black girl who said 3 white 6th graders held her down and cut her dreads... Admits she made whole thing up...After days of national, racial outrage.
Right, but none of them are making a career out of teaching. The rate of college students entering education programs is plummeting nationwide and has been for many years. Plus, half the teachers in NYC are over 50 so a huge wave of retirements is coming.
Chaz, @ 8:01 and 10:07, I can't understand encouraging the racial and personal attacks on an administrator. Whether they are poor principals or not, how does referring to them as monkeys, calling their home country a jungle... Meaningful?
You imply that you approve of racial prejudice amd bigotry. Disgusting!
The system is a mess.
If you do the right thing you’ll be hit with a 3020 A.
I reported on my principal I was hit with 3020A.
I know a bunch of other teachers reported on the principal and they was
Hit with a 3020A.
It was worth it. Even though no change, it was worth it. I can live with myself .
I will still do the right thing. Maybe at the end something can be done,
And it wasn’t for nothing .
@5:56 Not sure why you brought that quote to a thread about Maspeth High School's cheating scandal? Are you insinuating that blacks were responsible for the cheating at Maspeth? Can you at the very least control your KKK views and play along with other for at least 5 minutes?
Instead of charter, need to add 20-30 more vocational schools, some focused on cars, hair, plumbing, carpentry etc
Students who are not doing well should be going to these schools.
Charter schools are basically taking the better students who have more parent involvement. I also wanted to add a small tax/penalty and/or fine to parents are not doing their jobs with kids failing or causing hysteria.
@9:54 that was at the second ladies school and they tried blaming her of course. Could anyone imagine blaming Michelle for her lunch meals. Go watch Bill Burr on netflix he killed the PC NONSENSE like chappelle
Just look at the photo chaz used for this story...how do they have the balls to stand there and pretend they are great when indeed they are cheaters and cheaters supreme yet they stand there like they are superior educators....as they say you cannot mke this sht up
Anon 621....
You think the comment about Dwarka getting "drunk off her monkey" in the Guyanese jungle is racist....lets see....
Dwarka is from Guyana which is about 80% forested; she is obviously sloppy drunk. Her picture on Facebook stated she was at "home with family".
"Drunk off her monkey" is not directed to her color or nationality, its a saying.
Blow off....621
Excellent information, I like your post.
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Dwarka wouldn't still be principal if she were white.
Never so much corruption going on.
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