Thursday, March 31, 2016

Welcome To Dwarkaville!

One of the more infamous Leadership Academy principals in the New York City Public School system is Namita Dwarka of William Cullen Bryant High School in Astoria Queens.  She has one of the lowest trust rating in Queens and she is known to target veteran teachers.  According to the New York Post and school staff she is the subject of multiple investigations and somehow has retained her position.  The school staff welcomes ATRs and other visitors with "welcome to Dwarkaville" and keep your head down  You can read all about her reign of terror Here..

Over the last month two separate ATRs told me stories on what Dwarkaville has done to them.  First there was an Earth Science teacher who was the fourth teacher assigned to teach the 4 classes of Earth Science and 1 class of Geology at the school.  He noticed that the Geology class was being taught the same as the Earth Science classes and the curriculum was the same. All 5 classes were expected to end by taking the Earth Science Regents.  While that is usually not a problem as repeaters feel the Geology class is different from the Earth Science class they previously failed, Dwarkaville, did it differently.  The teacher quickly realized that some of the same students in some of his Earth Science classes were also in his Geology class.  In other words they were getting a double Science credit for the same course!  The teacher spoke to the Science AP who denied the double credits and the next day the teacher found himself removed from his classes and charged with verbal abuse.  He was given a Letter to the file by the Principal, Namita Dwarka, who conducted a kangaroo hearing and the teacher soon left the school for another school in Queens. Now the poor students have a fifth teacher and that's not fair to them.

The second ATR was assigned to Dwarkaville as a Chemistry teacher because of the disappearance of their appointed Chemistry teacher.  She took over the class that was in chaos and in lab made the students follow lab safety procedures such as putting on goggles,tying long hair into a pony tail, and keeping and using the lab equipment properly and in its rightful place.  All safety issues that need to be addressed.  Well, three students who didn't want to follow the rules complained to the Science AP who instantly removed the ATR from the Chemistry classes and made the other Chemistry teachers take a "sixth period" class even if they didn't want to.

Hopefully, now that the old Superintendent who has protected principals like Namita Dwarka is no longer in charge of William Cullen Bryant and just maybe the new Superintendent will do the right thing and replace Namita Dwarka and her assistant principals and make William Cullen Bryant a better school going forward.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I honestly think that there are a lot of teachers who are too scared to admit on the school survey that they do not trust their principal. In this day and age of targeting, anything is possible and folks are terrified to speak the the truth due to the possibilities of reprisals. (real or imagined)

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      She gets away with everything.

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Why do people have Facbook? It's got to be the worst possible thing for educators. Or is that a picture? Either way a picture says a thousand words and for this one it all says NO!

  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Dwarka will fall. So will her dishonest APs, just a matter of time.

    A smiling insider.

  4. Anonymous8:50 PM

    If this piece of sh$t disappeared..nobody would notice any many people would celebrate.

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Hey Namita....

    We know you google yourself. How does it feel to be thought an evil bitch by everyone?

    One of your inner circle...

  6. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Regents Scores have plummeted, but they continue to tatget veteran teachers.

  7. Anonymous3:37 AM

    This principal is bringing the school to the ground.

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    This is what happens when we have these immigrants from other countries who come to America with their cultural values and try to implement them here in the USA. This is a main reason for the erosion of quality of life. This is the sad truth of America these days. The Americans who built this country and educational system in the past are now flooded with a swath of immigrants who bring their low level class of mud with them and land here on our turf thinking that they are still in their homeland - or better yet - constantly yelling how great their homeland is but not good enough to live there evidently If this principal is allowed to continue this low life form of behavior it will sadden the true educators of this country and especially this city. Justice is calling.

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    She is a nasty piece of garbage but I think Cruz at maggot is still way worse for weekly subs - he needs to be fired asap

  10. Anonymous12:02 AM

    They look to keep the worse in power, so they can destroy our schools and communities.

  11. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Fariña, when are you going to do the right thing?

  12. Anonymous4:09 PM

    A complete loser and incompetent.

  13. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Easy passes for all students,and Fariña and the YET are loving her. She also likes to get rid of the older staff because is good for the budget.

  14. Anonymous8:57 PM

    FARINA you are a big dissapointment.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Permitting fraud, misuse of funds, and age discrimination is not a way to fix education. DWARKA should have been renoved 4 years ago.

  15. Anonymous8:40 PM

    To think that picture was taken by a trusted friend she was partying with, maybe even her family. Namita, you have nooo friends to trust!

  16. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Just outrageous what is allowed in NYC.

  17. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Fariña is protecting incompetence. Thank you Mulgrew for not doing anything.

  18. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Total corruption.
