Monday, April 04, 2016

DOE Threatens To Discipline Teachers Who Tell Parents That They Support The "Opt Out" Movement.

Once again the DOE has tried to intimidate teachers by threatening them with discipline if they convince parents to "opt out" their children from the Common Core based State tests starting tomorrow that will last for 6 days.  Three days this week for English and three days next week for Math. According to The New York Post , who supports the Common Core high-stakes tests, a DOE official said the following:

"Teachers may be subject to discipline: if they cross the line in prodding parents to opt out".

The DOE was responding to two schools where teachers wrote an email and a letter to their parents about the right to "opt out".  They are PS 8 in Brooklyn Heights and the Earth School. The email from PS 8 can be found in the New York Post article while the Earth School letter can be found on Ednotes online.

As far as I'm concerned, the Common Core based high-stakes state tests are too long (6 hours over three days for each test) and are not age appropriate where only 1 out of 3 are deemed proficient.  Until New York State eliminates or drastically shortens the test to  1 to 2 hours for the tests, I believe "opting out" is an appropriate response for parents concerned about these tests..


  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I hate testing and I support the right of anyone to opt out. However, as a public employee, (teacher) I do not believe it is ethical to try and sway parents to opt out or not to opt out. As sad as testing is, it is still being mandated by my government employer who puts money in my bank account. To go against what my government employer says is a form of insubordination even though I think it is wrong.

  2. Gee Chaz what kind of reporting - not mentioning that Jia Lee is the chapter leader of the Earth School and has the guts to make a stand?

    1. Did she administer the test today? Won't answer the question on

  3. Anonymous8:57 PM

    This is one of the many things wrong with society today.

    Opting out is ridiculous and sends the wrong message to our youth. What is next? Telling a student to not play little league on days the opposing team is throwing a good pitcher.

    Here is an idea. How about actually send kids to school to learn and hold them and their parents accountable for meeting the same requirements as everyone else. Everyone is playing by the same rules. Spend the year learning and getting prepared to take the test instead of missing days, fooling around and not taking instruction seriously.

    Grow up and demand more of yourself. Its a part of reality

  4. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Teachers subject to discipline, but not students. This is a putrid profession.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM


    You need to blog ATR Supervisor Justin Stark, what a spectacular fool.

  6. Norm:

    I referenced your blog which mentions that information. I didn't think it was necessary to include again in my post.

  7. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Jia Lee is rather weak and one dimensional. She would be a deer in head lights running the union. It's like having Jeb Bush run our country. No thank you!

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I call stark the vile rabid slug friend calls him inbred imbecile
    So is diane l. what a c--t

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM


    You must write something on stark, the prick is evil.

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I heard Justin Starks parents are first cousins, has anyone else heard that?

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Wouldn't surprise me couldn't be that ugly and stupid without a reason - Diane L. Too anyone heard of that wench

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM
