Thursday, April 07, 2016

More Newbie Teachers To Be Hired At Six "Failed" Schools.

The New York State Education Department has decided that six schools are "out of time" and the schools will follow the infamous 18D process if they want to reapply for their positions.  With the new designation, comes additional requirements on teachers that make it more difficult to recruit and retain "quality teachers".  Just look at the disaster at Automotive High School, who ended up hiring a majority of "newbie teachers" with no actual teaching experience as only the CTE teachers bothered to reapply for their positions as the subject teachers rather be an ATR in another school then be required to be subject to additional requirements as a condition of employment.  I predicted this result in my post earlier.

The six "out of time" schools are August Martin and John Adams High Schools in Queens, Herbert H. Lehman, Banana Kelly, and Fordham Leadership Academy For Business and Technology  High Schools in the Bronx along with a middle school, also in the Bronx.  The teachers who don't apply for their positions (most of them) will be assigned in September to a school for the year where a vacancy in their subject area exists.  For the vast majority of those teachers it will be like going from one failing school to another. Since the better schools will be able to recruit and fill their vacancies from an eager pool of applicants willing to work in these great schools.

As for the six "out of time" schools, look for continued failure as they cannot recruit "quality teachers" Unless these six schools screen out the most behaviorally and academically challenged students, they will end up with "newbie teachers" with no teaching experience and a student body that has far too many "high needs" students.  A recipe for educational disaster.


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    The middle school, which is one of the six on the list has had multiple issues with their principal. He is being sued by 2 former teachers and an administrator. This article was in the Daily News just a few days ago..

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      He's being sued by MORE than 2 former employees. & recently a student was stabbed on the corner of the school during dismissal, no administration present outside & school safety had been asking for more help from administration during dismissal!

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The out of time teachers who are placed in a school for a year will be required to do whatever that principal says they should do. From my understanding, these placed teachers are not limited to the classroom. They can be assigned to ANY task the principal wants them to do. Apparently, our union agreed to this arrangement. These placed teachers are not going into the ATR pool and their placement is not permanent. Imagine being placed in a school where the principal tells you to clean the will have to do it if you are placed in their school. This is just another method to make teachers retire or quit. Being placed from the out of time schools is worse than being an ATR. Shameful.

  3. retired teacher11:11 AM

    Reading about the chaos in Bronx schools reminds me of the poem by Ogden Nash: "The Bronx? No thonx!"

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    yeah thats the answer bring in no nothing 24 year olds to save lehman hs...omg you cannot make it up omg please help us....the world is upside down and we are claming up to the politicians and the establishment who are sitting in albany looking at a computer screen making decisions...omg omg..omg do not ever become a teacher kids.

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Enough is enough Chaz. The same ol people on here comment representing ATR's. Guess what? We've all seen the truth! What's sad is that your stories and your commenters stories are rare, very rare. My high school in Da Bronx frequently sees ATR's coming in and out. We have to watch these teachers sitting in the lounge, library, or wherever the hell they hide, go through the day making a full salary while we have 5 teaching periods of full class loads. It's divide and conquer at it's finest. No one gives a shit how or why someone became an ATR Chaz. You can be angry as well as the readers on here but the truth is indeed showing that ATR's are pretty damn happy, EXCEPT for the readers on this blog. Today was a perfect example. Saw the ATR lady whose been at my school all week. Lovely as can be, smiling etc. We spoke and she's been an ATR for 6 years. She LOVES it. Not a care in the world. This is the same story we here over and over and over and over. The only time I don't hear it is when I read this blog. Somehow the ATR's on this blog are getting screwed but all other ATR's are living it up. A previous ATR told me he could never picture himself going back to teaching 5 classes per day. He's too used to the ATR flow. Many ATR's are not miserable Chaz. They come in for 2 weeks then move along. Majority of the time there's nothing for them to do. They literally hang out in the lounge or library and I'm not pretending. It's terrible to witness because now I and others are kind of hoping that we can be ATR's one day. The stories on here are so rare that it's almost unbelievable. We have an ATR former principal who collects cell phones in the morning and distributes at end of day. This woman is clearing 160K. It's embarrassing. People are happy and this blog is preaching the opposite. There might be a few angry responses to this but it's certainly the truth. Hundreds upon hundreds of ATR teachers and administrators are skating while teachers are getting killed with this Danielson nonsense and 34 in a class. Teachers at my school are actually asking how they can become an ATR. This is what it's coming to Chaz!

  6. Anonymous11:03 AM

    ATRs are placed for a month at a time, not two weeks. What school are you in so I can beg, borrow or steal enough money to bribe someone to be sent there? Have you been to the Roosevelt, Lehman, Evander, Monroe, Morris, Kennedy or Walton campuses or how about some of the stand alone shitholes (too large to list)? After spending most her time at those schools, any ATR would be in heaven if they landed in yours. How is she making $160,000? Or is this just another fabrication? Do you work for the UFT or the DOE? If you don't want to name yourself, at least name your school - as it is complimentary to it and you have no reason not to, unless it's another lie. There are only about 10 good schools in the Bronx. Pick one of those, asshole - so maybe someone will believe you.

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I actually agree with the above poster. With all the drama that regular teacher face, being an ATR seems like a good gig. If you can stay in your own district, being an ATR seems pretty simple compared to the constant micromanagement that we face.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Please belive you WILL be in our shoes if you are fool enough to think (like Many of us ATR'S did) that teaching could be a career. ATRS did not create this situation; hard working, experienced teachers know this. I smile every day, even if I am not happy because thats how I get along. As an ATR, I say to you, before you reach the high end of that salary chart, you will be among us. Grow up and have an understanding.... no matter how we feel about a situation, many of us have experienced the pressure of Danielson and "newbie" admins. Your problem is you think you are not us.... you ARE us, later. I never had a U rating, nor an ineffective under Danielson. I was damn good and proud of it. I refuse to accept the ignorance of anyone who might decide I am useless, when circumstances made me an ATR, not being a poor teacher. This is all nothing more than a money decision. Don't believe? Stay a teacher some more years. By the way, I recognize the pressure ALL of us are under. Success starts from the top down, not the bottom up. And the top is a mess.

  8. Objectively, why was the ATR pool created and why is it still in place? If there's a need for teachers why aren't ATRs being placed permanently? Is the DOE rewarding us for our decades of labor? Why is the treat of becoming an ATR to one thing that sends shivers down the backs of veteran teachers? You really need a much better argument, 9:44. Perhaps its time for you to be thrown into the pool.

  9. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Hey 11:03, were you serious with that comeback? So I said 2 weeks, not 4. That's your first response? Like that matters? 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, doesn't matter, same shit. Next you're talking about what school I'm in? I'm in a school that you did not list but I know for a fact that when my original school was closing and I was given 4 years notice, I made sure to hop onto another school that wasn't closing. You and others actually stayed for the duration of your Titanic venture and have the audacity to actually be complaining that your school closed and now you're an ATR. Hey buddy, you got 4 years notice! What's the next dumb thing you wrote? Oh yes, "How is she making 160K?" I'm talking abpout 2 different people pal. Read it agin. The first is some 6 year ATR getover who plays Candy Crush in the lounge at top salary. The 2nd is our 160K ATR Principal who is now an ATR AP but still retains her 160K salary. Did you know that there are hundreds of ATR Administrators making 150K, 160K, 170K? She said to me "I was a principal pulling my hair out at 160K and now I'm collecting cell phones and distributing them, for 160K"
    Bronx ATR, trust me when I say that I welcome the pool. I'd love to make my top salary without teaching 5 periods with 34 in a class being observed with something called Danielson and putting grades into something called Skedula. Trust me when I say I welcome it. Anyday I will take it. You guys must really wake up.

  10. Bronx science? Go into your principal and read what you wrote. Request to be placed as an ATR. You will be quickly accommodated. No ATR I know of requested it, you'll be the first. Wonder why?

  11. Anonymous6:16 PM

    You hopped to another school to avoid becoming an ATR but want to be one, and then complain about ATR's work load and salary? I never complained about my school closing. You don't have a clue and don't even know what you want.

  12. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Agreed-this ATR situation is a complete debacle. So how and why is it continuing ? If its so cushy, these veteran teachers won't be driven to retire short term. So why doesn't the DOE change this policy?

  13. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Perhaps some would like to believe it's cushy. The UFT, the DOE and ATRs know better. It's making people quit, retire and get ill. That's why it continues. The Bronx Science genius knows it too, otherwise he wouldn't have hopped to another school to avoid becoming one. They do work teachers hard at Bronx Science, but what gall to heap his displeasure on ATRs. Poor thing has to deal with the best kids in the city, while those dastardly ATRs finally get a break at his school. Outrageous!

  14. Anonymous10:43 PM

    @8:22 you are a super genius. You are 100% CORRECT!!!!! Hahahaaaaaaaa that's right buddy, no one retiring from the ATR pool. If I were an ATR I'd work until 80. Imagine making full salary with no Danielson observations, no responsibility, and no school having to pay for you? Imagine that? Yes it's like hitting the lottery. Incentive for older teachers to retire? What??? Who the hell would retire from being an ATR? It's when they go back into the classroom, that's when they will retire. Imagine being an ATR for years and years and then one day you are placed in some random terrible high school to teach 9th grade global to 34 kids 5x a day in 3 different rooms and be monitored by some AP scoring you on a Danielson model? Imagine that? That's when an ATR will retire. Until that point I say congratulations to the ATR's out there. Not only are you getting a full salary for doing absolutely nothing with no responsibility, you are actually grandfathered in to ATR super status because these teachers in the renewal schools like Lehman, Fordham Leadership, Banana Kelly, etc who are about to be sent off to slaughter, come September THEY have new rules. But not you guys who are grandfathered in. The new people getting excessed from these schools do not get to do what you guys are doing. Instead they will be placed at a school for an entire year as a probationary hire with real classes and guess what? Yes, REAL RATINGS. The DOE found a new way and the union agreed. Pat yourself on the back because you're safe. You can get 20 U's in a row and nothing will happen to you. Congratulations! You hit it on the head 8:22, no one is retiring from ATR status. You'd have to be insane to walk away from a 100K+ job with no responsibility. The worst part of the ATR's day at a new school each month is actually finding the location and where to park. Other than that, same paycheck without the hassle. The 2 or 3 ATR's on here who comment are hysterical. I would trade with you tonight. Trust me!

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Bronx Science (10:43),
    So what's it to you? You have to teach all those eager kids because you jumped ship to avoid being an ATR. Youre a lazy, jealous, disgrace to the profession. You're not in a receivership school - you can still get your golden ticket. I think I'll forward your comments on to your principal. Should make for an interesting PD. Give my regards to Jean.

  16. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Oh I see, now I teach at Bronx Science for someone named Jean? Ok. This is odd that several commenters on here have determined this. Funny. There's about 130 high schools in the Bronx and it's determined I'm at Science. Ok. Hey guys this my last post. Enjoy the spring break coming up. The year is over. Another year down! WooHoooooooo! Hopefully I can get into the ATR pool. I am hoping I can!

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      You can become an ATR. Just advise that you wish to give up your appointed position to let a newbie have a chance. If you have enough years in, they will let you. Technically, it's called volunteering to be excessed. Do it and see how much greener the grass is on the other side. I would like to hear how it works out for you

  17. I hope you can as well.

  18. Anonymous5:05 PM

    He'll never do it, all talk to create negative feelings towards ATRs. He wouldn't have jumped ship if he wanted to be an ATR. After teaching in one of the very few good high schools in the Bronx, he'd never survive as an ATR in the Bronx hellholes. He's what we call a true bitch.

  19. you get observed as an ATR on the danielson scale even if that is the first step you have taken in a particular "challenging " class n a school you had never been in...You have no room to sit and plan the day. They send you anywhere and you better have lesson plans for that grade that adhere to Danielson,, no worksheets.. try to carry around all the stuff you need for all the grades...all your lesson plans for days for all the grades plus paper etc. (many dont let you use their stuff many dont have computers that work for you to post so you have to bring your own chart paper too)
    ,,,, I am sorry some think it is a picnic but I do not know a teacher who would not want a classroom.

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