Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What Metric Should One Use To Determine If A Student Will Be A Sucessful Adult?

A couple of years ago, I proposed that the "college and career readiness" metric should be used to determine if  a school was giving their students a quality education and on track to being a successful adult. I received some undeserved flack from my fellow bloggers and teaching colleagues when this metric showed that majority Black schools did the poorest using this metric.  The more sane of my critics pointed out that the "college and career readiness" metric was not an appropriate indicator of adult success. However, nobody proposed a better metric.  The reason I used this metric was because Principals and the DOE could not manipulate the "college and career readiness" metric.

By contrast throughout the DOE academic fraud is practiced and even condoned at Tweed, be it the bogus graduation rate, phony credit recovery programs, undeserved credit accumulation, or scholarship requirements that forces teachers to pass 80% or more of their students (included frequent absentees) or face low observation ratings.

In January I used a ratio between the graduation rate and college readiness rate for all unscreened high schools in Queens and found any school with a ratio of 3 or less was giving a quality education.   On the other hand, any schools that was higher than 3 raises doubts about how successful their graduates would be in the adult world.   While I received less criticism, there were the same complaints about using the "college and career readiness" metric. 

Today I received a call from a professor from a well known college who was preparing a detailed study on which schools graduate the most successful students into the adult world.  We talked about culture, poverty, family, and peer influences and then he asked me which metric I would use to predict student success in the adult world.  Not surprisingly I cited the "college and career readiness" metric since it could not easily be manipulated by principals.  The professor stated that he was looking for a metric that corrected for all the factors we discussed and using the "college and career reediness" metric did not correct for these factors.   I mentioned the State tried to do this and most education experts call it 'junk science" and has been universally panned. We finished our conversation with promises that we will keep in touch.

My question to all,  what metric would you use to predict the success of a student in the adult world?  I'm interested in your thoughts on this matter.


  1. Anonymous12:47 AM

    How about the amount or respect the child or teen shows. Punctuality and the amount of work handed in. How about attendance and how often the student's eyes are on the teacher meaning paying attention to the lesson. How about responsibility - gosh is that too cliche for a response like this? I don't know how to put that into a metric; I honestly don't. Gosh, trust me, I'm not stupid, but I wouldn't even know how to begin drawing up a "metric". How about what the child eats for breakfast: skittles and soda or something resembling something any sane family would provide their own family. Many Veterans, myself included, can tell anyone after three months with a student if he will add value to a society. They might not become doctors, lawyers or teachers themselves, but I am certain (it may be arrogant on my part) that I can tell with good results the character and future success of my students - if they'll hold a job, if they have the capacity to learn skills on the job, if they will be there when the job opens, if they will hand in college work or at least try to their ability to do the best they can. I think, in this case, the answer is easy - let's not complicate things. How responsible is the child, what work has he handed in, how well does he work together with others, etc. Think you know my point.

  2. Anonymous2:44 AM

    I think that an important portent of success is the willingness to take responsibility. That shows the ability to have commitment for a given task and it shows emancipation from a dependent child-like state to that of an adult. Examples of taking responsibility include being on time to class every day, taking part in classroom discussions, taking the initiative to seek help for schoolwork problem areas, doing all assigned work and behaving in a manner which maximizes the ability to benefit from instruction instead of disrupting a class. Students who can fulfill these criteria will be the ones who can transition to being a successful adult.

  3. Research suggests the best indicator of college and career readiness is not standardized testing, nor arbitrary formulas, but rather teacher grades. We actually see the students each and every day. As for testing, we give them a wide variety and assess their results continually. We also observe how they interact with people rather than Scantrons.

    Makes more sense to me than anything NYSED could come up with.

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The biggest indicator of future success is NOT going to a NYC public school, unless it's a specialized school. If DeBlasio dumbs them down as well, take out my last phrase in the first sentence. The second big indicator is having a stable home environment. The third big indicator is self motivation and self control. I'm entirely serious and this isn't meant as sarcasm.

  5. Regrettably, Chaz, you are a rare critic of the DOE's utter corruption re academic fraud. Scrubbing Regents was a dirty little before distributed scoring stopped principals, APs, and teachers from routinely and fearlessly inflating their students' failing exams. How routine and fearless? Two weeks before my first Regents grading session in June 2002 at the Cobble Hill School of American Studies, my AP Theresa Capra brazenly emailed me the following criminal instruction: "Let's try to focus on getting these kids a 65 …. In a pinch they can get points from writing any old garbage down, you are going to love grading time."

    Against the advice of my borough rep I blew the whistle on Capra's cheating ring to Principal Lennel George who informed LIS Kathy Pelles who reported to then Region 8 Superintendent Carmen Farina. But none of these administrators alerted SCI to my allegations in violation of city law and SCI's Reporting Obligations. Instead, an unauthorized, unwritten internal inquiry by George, approved by Pelles, determined that I was a false accuser. What to do? I rang up NYSED's Bureau of Assessment which analysed the 97-7 65 bulge in two Social Studies exams and concluded that Capra's scores went "beyond any dispersion, magnitude or directionality that is likely to be attributable to chance."

    Long story short: in 2005 an OSI report backed me and five eyewitness teachers including Capra's boyfriend. In 2007, a colossaly crooked SCI report dissed me and OSI's investigation, and exonerated everybody including an amnesiac Farina who could not remember when she found out about the Cobble Hill scandal. Although I was never disciplined for my supposed hoax, I am currently facing a 3020-a for allegedly harassing Capra, now a professor at a community college in NJ, re her resistance to an audit of the disputed exams that would settle who was lying. The fact that Special Commissioner of Investigation Richard Condon dodged a standard audit is prima facie proof of corruption abetted by Farina and State Commissioner of Education MaryEllen Elia who have both ignored my in person pleas for an audit.

    The takeaway: grading crimes will flourish in the DOE with the blessing of NYSED as long as school cops deny immunity to teachers, especially the untenured, who are forced to pass failing students, or else, which is the new dirty little secret. Yuck!

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Please know that "college and career readiness" comes down to "reading and writing and arithmetic" - funny how this simple "metric" has lost its credibility in all forms - TODAY. History has proven that once a child learned how to "read and write and do math" they will succeed and become successful. Yet, TODAY's educational system is asking for a "metric" of what determines this and if WE look back at how WE became "educators" it was not that complicated nor difficult to ascertain - i.e. we went to elementary/grade school - passed, then JHS/HS - passed. Then off to college or went to work (manual or city employment). Suddenly, this line of action has become complicated by being "college ready" but not CAREER READY!!

    Educators have deviated from the "vocational tracking system" and now STEM has replaced this tracking record. But what happens to those who are not STEM prepared, but are "artistically and creatively" inclined?? This is where a prime example of those students who flourished in the past system is now being left behind, as reported in "Famed LaGuardia High School Is Losing Its Artistic Soul, Critics Warn" - DNAinfo‎. So while "metric" is more complicated and matches the new "egotistical" reformees mindset, just know when reading your TITLE, there is a misspelling (...Sucessful...) and does this make you "college and career ready" or just an honest mistake and can be corrected via "spell correct" or a simple eraser, like in the old days.
    We want an answer, but 'reformers' are making it more complicated than necessary just to create more confusion, like the standardized testing vs opt-out movement conflict.

    This isn't complicated to find the metric - WE ARE MAKING COMPLICATED to satisfy a basis of why students ARE NOT "reading, writing and doing arithmetic" like they should - technology can make anyone lazy. But any student must still learn how to read and write, however, now we want them to use "computers and implement technological advances", and while these two often don't mix, there are those students who are becoming "successful" just by being "themselves" and learning at their own pace, like these Millennials who are still trying to find themselves even after finishing college.

    Interestingly, are they considered 'successful adults' when not getting a job even after graduating college??

  7. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Another year coming up, can't wait. Opened my TRS statement a week ago to see it flourishing. What a great benefit. Wow, where can you get a guaranteed 7%? Well over 400K with 7 years left till 55. I might stay till 65 and watch my TDA hit 2 million. I'm guaranteed a million no sweat. You guys are talking about career and college ready and regents cheating and success of a student and curruption and other shit? SOOO FUNNNY!!!!!! Haaaaaa!!!!!!!! Are you guys serious?

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Another year coming up, can't wait. Still in my mom's basement pretending to have a job and it is so easy. I'm in fat city and get jollies thinking of all the money I bank just chillin' in the classroom. TRS, per session, extra classes, annual raises, summers off and stuff. Next week I am a pretend doctor and you guys are whining about schools and stuff. LOL! Next month as the Queen of England I'm going to war with France. LOVE IT!!!

  9. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hysterical. Much more entertainment by than the same ol same ol. The sad thing is (9:23), I think you actually believe I'm not a teacher. I'm hoping I can jump into the Wueens UFT offices with my friends for that extra 20%.
