Sunday, January 29, 2017

The School Of No Plays Hide And Seek.

Back in 2014, when Carmen Farina became Chancellor, one of her first major headaches was PS 106 in Far Rockaway Queens, the Lighthouse school.  Despite documented issues like a Principal showing up late most every day, no library services or books,no Gym or Art classes, and high teacher turnover.  The new Chancellor was reluctant to remove the Principal. However, after a continuous media onslaught, teacher complaints, and poor student academic results, the Chancellor removed the Principal, Marcella Sills, who was eventually fired in her 3020-a hearing by an Independent State arbitrator, David Reilly.  You can read the stories about her wrongdoings Here. Here. and Here.

Fast forward to the present and PS 106 is back in the news again.  This time for hiding between six to eight students who have chronic misbehavior issues and hiding them in an office trailer during their two Quality Review visits by the District Superintendent.  Not once, but twice.  You can find the New York Post article Here.

PS 106 is listed as a "priority school" by NYSED due to their abysmally low English and Math scores, 50% below the District 27 average.  Moreover, teachers and parents complain that the Principal, Rachelle Legions, rarely disciplines bad behavior and bullying is a major problem at the school.  The majority of teachers are untenured and only 59% of the teachers trust the Principal.  You can find the school's snapshot Here.

What will happen to Principal Rachelle Legions now that she was caught "gaming the system"?  I suspect nothing, nothing at all. This is just another example of the DOE looking the other way in their "children last" policy.


  1. The Simpsons already did it. I forget the episode but when Supt. Charmers came to visit Principal Skinner locked Bart, Jimbo, Kearney, and Nelson in the basement.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Isn't it obvious? Ms Legions should be transferred immediately to Tweed to be Randy Ashers second in command. Within weeks every ATR will have their very own Double-Wide to hide in

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    This is not surprising. I used to live in this part of Far Rockaway, and student behavior in this area is abysmal (it's about a 5 minute drive from the infamous Far Rockaway High School campus). The truth is, we don't know how to handle these students who have severe mental issues who act out and ruin the education for everyone else. They shouldn't be in a regular school setting. We have to hide them and pretend they don't exist, or blame the teacher while also not giving them any support on discipline. I'd be shocked if the principal receives any punishment. Imagine the outrage if a teacher hid a bad student when they knew they were getting observed. Although to be honest, what quality administrator or teacher with options would work at a place like this? Get blamed for everything, have to work harder, and have more stress in every aspect imaginable, just to get your rating knocked down because the horrible parenting and welfare state results in students who come to your school in kindergarten two or more years behind academically and socially where they should be. You couldn't pay me triple to work at a school like this.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Remember: this is the same district (27) that allowed the former principal of 106 to get away with murder while the former superintendent covered for her. Do you think the current superintendent is going to do anything different?

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Corruption protects corruption, Fariña should go for having these abusive principals ruining our schools.

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I've been saying it for weeks. Just another day in the rockaways. Horrible Behavior! These kids deserve better from the city, parents, uft/doe and themselves. Rotated into one of these schools and its a free for all. Feel sorry for everyone involved. But I'm just an old man who should retire or find another school or line of work. Who listen to me?

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    If a principal can hide kids from a Quality Review, then teachers should be able to hide kids from a principal during formal observations.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The cases of abuse, corruption and fraud have taken over the schools. All this is happening while they continue to target experienced teachers. A complete sham.

  9. Anonymous8:49 AM

    P106 is part of the great far rockaway educational wasteland. all these schools--106,43, MS 53, village academy and the like--have had good people trying to implement constantly changing policies, ideas, and educational formulas with the same result. i would challenge any administrator--especially those who ran district 27 for many years--to provide a true indicator of how these students have faired once they left school for the real world of work and life. a complete mess!

  10. Anon 8:49

    I agree and let's add the Far Rockaway HS campus.

  11. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Fariña is part of the corruption.

  12. I love how they hide the bad kids during QR but escort them to class when it's observation time! This principal sounds awful which means she is fully qualified for a position with the chancellor.
