Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Do Not Apply To These Queens High Schools.

Now that the school year is a week away, here is a list of Queens High Schools that ATRs should try to stay clear of, if possible. Previously, blogger JD2718 had published a list of Bronx High Schools and you can find it here.

List of schools on my "do not apply" list.

High School....................................Reason
William Cullen Bryant.......................Principal
Cambria Heights Academy................Principal
Campus Magnet Schools..................Administration
Queens Preparatory Academy...........Principal
Applied Communications..................Principal
Gateway To The Health Sciences......Principal
Beach Channel Campus...................Administration
Queens Collegiate...........................Principal
Renewal Schools............................Academics
August Martin................................Academics
Far Rockaway Campus.....................Academics
Martin Van Buren............................Safety 
High School of Teaching...................Administration
Pathways To College.......................Safety/Academics

There are some other high schools that merit being on the list.  However, those schools recently changed principals so its unfair to include them on my "do not apply" list.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Can you give us a list of Brooklyn schools?

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Chaz what is happening with ATR APs and ATR principles?

    Will there still be field assassins this year?

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Thanks for the info. Just a bit curious about Maspeth, as it is the only school with staff
    as the reason. Can you elaborate?

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Last time I read about Maspeth, it had to do with the principal hiring just inexperienced teachers, hardly anyone beyond 30s and if there are a rarity of older people. Reminded me of Logan's Run and the Circus. Jajajajaj. When he meant staff, I think it means as an older teacher dealing with younger, righteous ones, you will be pushed to a corner as ineffective etc...

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Namita Dwarka of Bryant HS and her administrative staff have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past couple of years. Please Carmen, Mike M, Bill D., do something!

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      They all defend corruption.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Do not apply to MS 267, the principal will harass. She also makes her staff lie an assist in bullying you. Worse year of my life, I almost quit due to the harassment had me so stressed out. The union did not help me. They said go to the chapter leader which was her best friend. I informed them still no help. The turn over rate is craxy....

  7. Anonymous12:13 PM


    I can smell ATR Supervisor Justin Stark already.....crawling out of his mucous filled worm whole.

  8. Anonymous1:09 PM

    That Bronx list you mentioned is obsolete by five to eight years.

  9. Maspeth staff is almost all untenured and have been brainwashed that veteran teachers are not welcomed at the school by both the Principal and the staff.

  10. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Is there a list of Manhattan high schools/schools in general?

  11. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Which 'Metropolitan' high school? There are several Queens high schools with 'Metropolitan' in their name.

  12. One Manhattan high school is university neighborhood hs on the Lower East Side. You will age 10 years. High turnover of staff and administrators have received many complaints over the years from older staffers and ATRs. Good luck to anyone placed at that school. Any other Manhattan schools folks?

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Here's a list of Bronx schools- all schools in Kennedy except Marble Hill, all schools in Roosevelt, all schools in Monroe, all schools in Walton, all schools in Lehman except Renassisance, all schools in Dodge, all schools in Clinton, all schools in Evander, Addams, Smith and Morris. Most stand alone small schools are ok. They should put the large schools back together again - they are terrible in every way. Glad I took the 50 thou. No more Bronx for me, except the real zoo with the better behaved animals.

  14. Anonymous8:58 PM

    University Neighborhood HS - micromanagement, sneaky, staff is oppressed, union chapter there is weak. Manhattan Village Academy - admin is moody, bizarre and paranoid. Watch your back. Relatively young staff.

    1. Mva...like being in an alternate universe. Bizarre is an excellent way to describe the environment

  15. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Life Sciences Secondary School - new admin since last year 2016 - senior staff targeted. Union is extremely weak to nonexistent. New chapter leader is questionable - watch your back.

  16. The Metropolitan High School in Forest Park.

  17. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Definitely avoid Gateway to the Sciences. Principal Henry is coated with Teflon and obviously have friends in high places. Regents cheating at Science Skills Center High tampering with bubble sheets, changing wrong answers to right. In a subsequent OSI investigation, she was not even questioned. Reputed to have filled in Learning Environment surveys meant for parents to fabricate parents' approval of the school. The monetary reward she received for the bogus A the school received two years in a row was shared with partners in crime in her Administration. From there she hurriedly left for Gateway to do more damage. Full of sham, little interest in the population she is supposed to be serving.
    ATR don't go to her school. She has taken the license of many teachers and given heart attacks to a few. Both of which she likes to boast about. Shame on DOE to keep corrupt principals like this in the system!

  18. Anonymous11:24 PM

    How is it possible John Bowne or two of the old Jamaica toilets (Queens Collegiate and High School for Community Service) are not included in this list?

  19. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Chaz, are you talking about Queens Metropolitan High School on Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills?

    It had a relatively nice Quality Review Report in the 2014-2015 school year:


    Here is further information about the school:


  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Who is this Justin Stark guy? Why does everyone hate him?

  21. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Justin Stark was an APO at a shuttered Queens HS...he never supervised pedagogy, he was in charge of organizational decision. The reason why so many ATRs despise the tool, is that when he was given a chance to be an APO in another school, or destroy the careers of senior teachers, he chose the latter.

    An evil man to say the least...just google his name and see the comments.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      These field supervisors definetly follow a dirty agenda.

  22. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I second Namita Dwarka from Bryant stole hundred of thousands and the Chancellor looks the other way. This is why NYC ED is by far the worst educational system in the world. Namita Dwarka couldn't manage a fruit stand. Stay away from that school since it is a
    career death trap!

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      She has destroyed careers of good veteran teachers just to get the worse results ever.

  23. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Do not apply to PS 96 in Manhattan. The principal is David Pretto. He targets veteran staff and has targeted African American educators. The school is pathetically oppressive. The principal is very sarcastic and gives you a look with the intent to put you down with a grin in his stupid face. Just try to stay away. It's a battlefield. A recent article mentioned him, along with others: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/stunned-parents-kids-exposed-to-drag-queen-at-nyc-school
