Friday, August 25, 2017

Long Island "Opt Out" Rates And Demographics.

Its no secret that "opt out" rates are demographically based, with low income, minority communities having low "opt out" rates while middle class and White communities having the highest "opt out" rates.  Statewide the "opt out" rate was 19% or 2% less than in 2016.  However, on Long Island the "opt out" rates were similar to the 2016 percentages.

What's very obvious from the tables below, the highest and lowest "opt out" rates were found in vastly different racial and income based communities.

Highest "opt out" rates

Rocky Point...................79%..............77%
Wading River................77%..............66%
East Islip......................73%.............71%

Lowest "opt out" rates

Central Islip..................12%...........16% 

In New York City, the 2017 "opt out" rate was 4%.

Interestingly, in heavily East Asian and high income communities,on the North Shore of Nassau County, the "opt out" rates were closer to those in the poor and minority communities the table below shows this. 

High Income "opt out" rates

Great Neck...................22%............20%

Since East Asian communities, as well as high income communities emphasis education, including tutors and after school educational opportunities, it makes sense that these high achieving communities will take the State tests rather than "opt out" since they are exposed to test prep courses during the school year...    This shows up in the State test passing rate of between 75% to 85% for these communities.  Compared that to single digits in places like Wyndanch and Hempstead.


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Administrators in low income communities often exert pressure on parents to retract their opt out requests. One parent was told her son would not be accepted into college.

    Abigail Shure

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    with all these comments about what nyc teachers do and how nyc administrators make threats... why are some shocked when I say nyc teachers and administrators are among the worst educators in the state?

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I have worked in the DOE for 11 years now. In that time I must have worked with at least 70-80 teachers over two boros and across three schools. I must say that in that time, I met maybe 4-5 who I thought were not good teaching material. Even then, only one of them actually sucked as a performer in front of the class.

    As far as admins, in my time I have had ten. Only three of them were competent, professional and knew how to lead. Of the 7 bad ones, three were so bad (dishonest, vindictive, mean-spirited, gratuitously cruel) that I wondered how people like that could exist in the world.

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  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I'm a school social worker for the NYC DOE. When parents approach me with questions about opting out, I never ever speak a word about it out of fear of becoming a "target" with admin. It sucks that I have to keep silent and am not allowed to do my job appropriately. This is my 15th year in the system and yet, it saddens me that even at this point in my career, I live in fear from admins retaliating. Instead of assisting families with their concerns, I am forced to tell them they MUST speak with an AP or the principal. So sad.
