Friday, October 13, 2017

Chancellor Carmen Farina Hates ATRs.

Yesterday, Chancellor Carmen Farina told Chalkbeat that ATRs will not be placed in Renewal Schools and that ATRs who were subject to discipline would not be placed in any schools.  The interview with the Chancellor clearly shows that she hates ATRs and believes they are inferior teachers.  Moreover, it also shows how she believes that all ATRs who faced discipline, were guilty, even when an arbitrator, faced with the evidence, found that the teacher was not guilty of the charges.Finally, the Chancellor continues to vilify ATRs.

To me. its not surprising that the Chancellor feels the way she does since she was a Deputy Chancellor under Joel Klein and retained 80% of the Bloomberg policymakers when she was appointed Chancellor under Mayor Bill de Blasio.  Moreover, as Principal of PS 6 in Manhattan she pushed out 80% of the teachers in her school and as Chancellor she went to various schools to seek out poorly performing teachers and advised principals how to start a paper trail to terminate them.

As for the ATRs?  Chancellor Carmen Farina has made it clear that she shares the Bloomberg/Klein ideology that ATRs are "bad teachers"  and that the ATR pool must be drained by any means possible.  While few ATRs would want to work in a Renewal School and we ATRs can celebrate that we will not be dumped into these low performing schools.  I feel sorry for the students in those Renewal Schools who will continue to academically struggle as they experience high teacher turnover and a steady stream of "newbie" teachers that have a steep learning curve themselves. . In other words the Renewal Schools will continue to be separate and unequal when it comes to student and teacher quality.

The Chancellor did gave herself some wiggle room by saying that ATR hiring will be on a case by case basis and that principals will be able to accept or reject the ATR placement.  This seems to contradict what the DOE said about vacancies after October 15 in which principals would have no say in who the DOE sends the school from the ATR pool.

It seems to me that the Chancellor has made it clear she hates the ATRs and our union leadership continues to remain silent in rebutting the erroneous assumptions that ATRs are "inferior" or "bad" teachers.  Then again, the UFT leadership has never stood up for the ATRs so why would  I expect the unaccountable union leadership to do the right thing and stand up for their must vulnerable of members?


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    NEWS FLASH TO CHAZ: Farina hates ALL teachers.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    She should retire and take all the corrupt principals with her.

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Farina is very anti-teacher in general. She doesn't bother me as much as the UFT's silence on every ATR attack.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I went to an award ceremony last year for teachers and Farina was the guest speaker. I refused to stand for her when everybody else applauded her. She is no friend of ours.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    @9:40 farina IS retired. she collects a pension and a salary. both of which is more than she deserves. but that's how the cookie crumbles. as long as the members just complain with words and instead walk out nothing will really change! someone needs to organize a walkout.

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    So what is the deal now? Some ATRs rotating and some being placed for the year? Tell me why does the DOE need Asher?

  7. Anonymous3:29 PM

    She visited our school last year. She came to my room with the crowd of adoring sycophants. She really looked like she was an evil boss. I saw it in her eyes. Cold and cruel. I would have hated to work directly under her.

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    @1:19 I believe they needed ASSher so they could give another individual an extremely long title with extra money to do nothing but collect and smile. the tax payers are the real idiots in this game!

  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    This system needs a reboot or an overhaul.

  10. Anonymous7:45 PM

    So her henchmen and Women will become more intent on Destroying the Lives of ATR's? Is that what will happen? The Red Flag, the Scarlet Letter will now be the mark of death for those who were found not guilty in their 3020a hearing. This is what it has come down to< Is it because people weren't stupid enough to take that BS Buyout before the summer? WHERE IS OUR UNION? How much further can this go?

  11. The corrupt, totally complicit UFT has all the power now of a newborn squirrel. They had the power, they had the fear of of those they dealt with, and they threw it away by rigidly sticking to a dynasty of groomed heir-apparents who knew the right butt to kiss instead of looking for people who were actually qualified to lead. First the 6-months-in-a-classroom wonder Randi Weingarten, who threw away truckloads of our rights and days off, and then the venal adulterer Mike Mulgrew, who now allows himself (and thereby his members) to be screwed over regularly by the DOE. If the UFT had remained the strong teacher protecting entity it started out as, the ATR situation would never have gotten off the ground let alone become the situation of torture it has become for those caught up in its grasp. It is nothing less than terrorism for those falsely accused and then falsely categorized (despite evidence to the contrary), to be treated with utter disdain and suspicion, to be harassed, threatened, and forced out by any nefarious means. What a horror to allow people who PAY for protection to be treated this way. They might as well live in Communist China or some similar entity.

    Anyone thinking of voting for DeDumDum for reelection then richly deserves the cesspool conditions teaching has become in the NYC DOE. If you think you have no one better to vote for and stay home, shame on you! Anyone has to be better than this corrupt, greedy, lazy, incompetent FOOL.

    And members can "take a knee" to the UFT by cutting off their COPE contributions, which obviously have NOT been used for anything resembling benefit to them. Instead, they have been squandered on buses, posters, tee shirts, etc. for causes entirely unrelated to teacher causes, such as supporting Occupy Wall Street thugs, Garner rallies, and who knows what else. Take a knee to the UFT! Cut your COPE contribution! Chaz, how about a link to show people how?

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I think all ATR's should file an age discrimination complaint with EEOC.
    The EEOC will have to answer thousands of complaints.
    Stop complaining and do something about it. We are professionals and we must act like
    Professionals. We help our students we must help ourselves .
    I went to the ATR meeting in Brooklyn and one person said look at us were all over the age of 50.
    This is a democracy and this happens.
    Stand up for your rights ! DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous1:17 PM

    since its carmen farinas and bill deblasios liberal policies they should be held accountable for the stabbing at the "urban assembly zoo for wildlife conservation". no I didn't make a mistake in saying "zoo" it just really applies. and yes there is a lot of "wildlife" at this school. in the criminal justice world it might be "negligent homicide".

  14. Anonymous2:12 PM

    You are right @10:11AM. This ATR situation is so blantantly obvious. Even the union dropped its age discrimination suit. Why did the union file a lawsuit for age discrimination years ago? There is a strong case here in numbers.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      The UFT makes back deals but they are aware of the stabbing of veteran teachers. They are just looking the other way.

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Many of us are dropping the COPE contributions.

  15. Anonymous2:16 PM

    UFT and NYSUT filed a lawsuit about teacher certification and charter schools. There is a case there. There is a case also with the creation of the ATR pool. The ATRs have an excellent class action lawsuit case. It needs to be a class action.

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    she really needs to go period

  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    NYCDOE has approximately 80,000 teachers give or take some. The ATR pool consists of 1000 teachers. 1000 / 80,000 = 0.0125 percentage point of teachers in the pool versus the entire labor force for the DOE. Minuscule. Any questions?

  18. Anonymous6:38 PM

    She is making everything worse. Remember her Common Core nonsense.

  19. Anonymous8:34 AM

    To 12:51
    ATR's age over 40(Law)is over 99%.
    The Law requres age discrimination over 40.

  20. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Teachers being hired over the age of 40 under 1%.
    Teachers being hired under the age of 40 over 99%.

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Senile old goat

  22. Anonymous9:44 AM


    Well, I can tell you're not a math teacher. I hope.

  23. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I’m under 40. Been an atr for 7 years. No principal wants me.

    I have no disciplinary issues and next received a U

  24. Anonymous4:52 PM

    anon 944

    LOL- what a terrible calculation by genius anon 1251

    Must be newbie haha

  25. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The same failed policies with the same failed results.

  26. Anonymous10:01 PM

    In this system corruption and wrongdoing by bad principals is rewarded.

  27. Anonymous11:45 AM

    12:51 is exactly right in the calculation. Yes, 1000 atr teachers and you have a staff force of 80000 teachers and the percentage is 1.25 percent meaning aprox 1 percent of the nycdoe teaching force are atrs. So, 12:51 get your numbers straight before you berate a colleague and that goes for you too 9:44.

  28. Anonymous11:04 PM

    anon 11:45 and 12:51

    "0.0125 percentage point" does not equal 1.25 percent.

  29. Anonymous2:09 PM

    yes it does awipe
