Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bill Gates Ideas Are A Failure When It Comes To Public Eduction.

Over the last twenty years.  Bill Gates has used his vast fortune, reputation, and celebrity to push an education agenda that radically  changed the landscape.  His ideas was must sought after by education reformers, politicians, and even the AFT.  Remember Randi Weingarten , President of the AFT invited Bill Gates to be the keynote speaker at their convention. His many ideas were adopted by various administrations and States.  Most have proven to be failures and his latest idea is the Obama imposed teacher evaluation system is rapidly falling into disfavor and in some states has been eliminated.  Here are some of Bill Gates ideas that are no longer used in education.

First, was the small high schools that Bill Gates pushed and a decade later he admitted that it was a failure as they failed to show improved academic achievement.  Next, was making teachers accountable for student growth which was based on "junk Science" and high-states testing.  Now more and more Sates are moving away from this failed model.  Bill Gates also proposed that cameras be installed in the classroom. However, this idea was blocked by teachers who realized that the cameras would be used by administrators to spy on them and not to help students   Finally, Bill Gates convinced the Obama Administration to push a teacher evaluation system on the States by bribing them with federal money during the height of the recession. Here again the teacher evaluation system is failing students and discouraging teachers from staying in the low paying profession.

Presently, Bill Gates has decided that all students need a quality teacher.  However, when it comes yo defining a quality teacher, Mr. Gates is strangely silent.  Maybe because he knows that many urban and rural school districts hire "newbie" teachers and despite his "children first" statements, he knows that these teachers have a steep learning curve that makes their students guinea pigs.  He also believes that the graduation rate is a measure of success even when he admitted that far too many students graduate unprepared for the adult world.

Bill Gates may spend a billion dollars on public education (most go to charter school networks) but when it comes to teachers, he is the reason that their is a teacher shortage as they are being held unfairly accountable for student outcomes.


  1. Shady4:37 AM

    In my opinion, with teacher shortages popping up everywhere, there is going to be no way any state (especially NY) is going to continue to harass teachers. If you notice Cuomo the Bozo has already lightened up on teachers. It might be because he wants to run for higher office or he sees the teacher shortages coming. I remember the hardest punch in the face I ever received was when I told my dad that I wanted to be a teacher. And you know what I will do the same thing to my kid if they tell me they want to teach.

    Teaching is not a profession any more. Trash media like Post and Daily News goes after educators every day. Higher ups in Tweed make policy changes based on what a failed writer for one of these papers thinks. This is a real tragedy. That's why I do not support or laugh at anyone making the papers. Even Kwait, no matter how horrible he is or was, I still do not joke about. Do not get me wrong if I was a female I'd wear two pairs of underwear around him but I will not gloat that he is in these trash papers. Look it the other principal, Jimenez, he was cleared by 3 different superintendents. His current staff adores him and wrote letters on his behalf to the DOE. Look how he is treated because DOE decided to settle a lawsuit.

    I guess my rant is until teachers are given the respect they deserve we are screwed. If we are screwed then the younger generations are screwed. No matter what happens education is always going to be the backbone of any country. And when Janus passes educators will be more screwed. Was talking to a fireman buddy of mine - he said "Janus will not effect us. No idiot in the firehouse will ever sign out of the union."

    Laura, I am serious - call me. I left you 3 messages today with school secretary and emailed you 4 times. If you do attempt to sue the city for harassment - I want 35 percent cut. Let me know if you want me to email you nude pics but you have to call me.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    All the people who say, "Every student deserves a quality teacher" are really saying that the children currently DO NOT have such. This is when you read the subtext.

    If these people had their way they would fire every teacher over 30 years old tomorrow and 'replace' them with..exactly who? There is no huge pipeline of hopeful teachers in the pipeline. Education programs are shrinking across the nation due to lack of interest.

    I am amazed that these 40-50 year old plus wealthy men believe that a bunch of 'energetic' 22-year-olds are the answer, especially since they (the rich men) went to school at a time when the average teacher was older, wiser and more experienced.

    In our day and age, being experienced is looked down upon, and admins in urban areas all across the land try to hustle their older teachers out the door. This is a play from Leftism where they want the young to be separated from the 'past' so they can be 'molded' into good little social activists.

    The young know-nothings teaching the young know-nothings to build the perfect Soviet man. I am not exaggerating here. You can read about this all over the net from their own sources, and many of us personally know young teachers who espouse socialism, communism, collapsing the 'system,' fighting the evil white male patriarchy and 'replacing' it, etc...

    The future will not be kind to any of us.

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Written 5 years ago and nothing has changed!! The UFT expects ATR to continue to pay dues? No, we are not idiots, pay for your own meals, you bunch do nothing, lying thieves.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      At least Mulgrew has helped the DOE to hire retired APs to harass ATRs.

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Gates is just one lucky man. Gates was able to make billions after stealing apple software...yes I know its debatable and their is a court case bla bla bla but the bottom line is Gates is a fool. For example, anyone familiar with microsoft products will tell you that microsoft makes the worst software on the market. Windows has continually been a disaster version after version.

    So, as it goes Gates made the money - right place right time - but we as a society fail to realize sometimes the history behind what we see. The history shows that Gates was just another software guy who probably would be working in the tech industry now as a tech consultant or alike but instead Gates made billions off the backs of hard working people with the explosion of the microsoft windows product. The best part of the story with microsoft is however that if Apple would have licensed their software the way Gates was doing then apple and microsoft would have competed thus limiting microsofts growth.

    However, Apple remained a closed system to apple only and so microsoft expanded and made Gates richer than he ever imagined. Why all this history you say? The history shows that a software tech guy knows didley squat about education and should never step a foot into education but Gates has sprung his ideas of education upon us just because he made billions but remember everyone, Gates is really nothing but a tech guy from silicon valley.

  5. What teacher shortage? That would be great news for us but the reality is there are literally hundreds of resumes for each position.

    Now perhaps if you said "quality teacher" or "experienced teacher" shortage, you'd be right, except for the fact that there's an army of ATR's ready and willing to work that the City won't hire.

    Part of the reason there's a surplus is the City (and State, which the City convinced) has watered down the requirements to enter the profession, it hires thousands of "microwave teachers" who take a 4-week course through TFA, MfA, Fellows, etc. and voila, there are now more "teachers" than the City knows what to do with, and there are thousands more who graduate their fancy $50,000 a year colleges who want to come to "the big City" and "save the world" for "social justice".

    Meanwhile in the suburban districts, the 2% property tax Cap means there's lots of excessing. The same goes in NJ and PA where there are major cutbacks because you can only raise property taxes so much.

  6. 7:31, this is the post of the year. Excellent analysis.

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I love it when more and more of you whine and cry like a baby sitting in shitty diapers!!!

    1. chaz try looking over your work (proof read)before you hit send.
    2. bill gates is super wealthy in spite of his teachers.
    3. mr. gates did not create atr's the inability to teach and manage did.
    4. if we REALLY knew what standing together meant maybe there is a chance.
    5. nyc-doe is the worst school system on the planet, why? A. parents B. students
    C. administrators D. teachers

  8. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Bill Gates is a failure as a human being.
    He is a dreadful, self -centered narcissist.
    No individual of our times has done more to harm mankind.

  9. No teacher shortage in NYC - there's actually a surplus caused by intentional displacement of veteran teachers into the ATR pool. There are currently more schools closing and more budget tightening to facilitate that process. This will coincide with the hiring of thousands of new teachers in August. Where's the UFT on all this? 'You're lucky to have a job'. Luck has nothing to do with it. I have two Master's degrees and multiple licenses. I jumped through every hoop and had a tenure process with a micromanager assistant principal that included weekly observations. I also have decades of experience. I've been very successful in the very worst high schools and have five Who's Who in Teaching. Now I'm a unglorified babysitter. Along with that I've been paying dues for my entire career. I expect better representation from 'our' union. I'm thinking of getting 'I Luv Janus' tattooed on my right bicep.

  10. Watch what is happening in the next year or two...mark my words: "teacher shortages"

  11. Anonymous5:11 AM

    So what does the UFT plan to do about the way people are excessed? Anyone can become an ATR! UFT should be firm on this issue in contract negotiations!

    Rank and file want change now!!!!!

  12. Anonymous1:18 PM

    In NYC I don't think there will be a teacher shortage. Remember, if you're 22 years old you are all an AP could ever want. Of course, the quality and all that will not be there, but does any of us really think they care? Turnover will continue to be high though due to the awful working conditions (out-of-control students) and the paperwork and Danielson's harassment.

  13. Anonymous4:37 PM

    >4:42, what you're essentially saying is that because you feel OUR union hasn't worked well for you (and ostensibly others though based on your comment I doubt you care), that now you hope all unions are destroyed in the country? Yeah, you certainly seem like you were an effective teacher that truly cared about your students. Caring about others seems like one of your best qualities.

  14. Curious to know which school does Bill Gates children attend and the type of education they are receiving. Hmm...

  15. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Gates had some family breaks as well...his Momma was very well connected to the Power Elite, which got him connected to tech biggies, to begin with...IBM-the same company that handled all of the data punch cards during the Holocaust...for the can look it up.

  16. @4:37 & 4:42 (Bronx ATR)... Have to disagree with Bronx ATR about unions & Janus. Don't get me wrong - there are many problems with UFT and Mulgrew. For one, try calling Mulgrew with an issue. He looks at his members like "are you really calling me?" That top -down attitude has to go. We are all union and we are all equal. UFT needs to change and stop looking down on members. CSA does a way better job. If an administrator has an issue he can contact the top and they will respond. However, CSA is also a smaller union. BUT to say get rid of unions you must be on crack. I am not saying this in a bad way. For some people crack works for them. What I am saying is the union is all we have. If the union gets destroyed forget being an ATR. Forget your salaries. Why would they pay us 100k when they can pay someone 25k? Think hard before you think Janus is the answer.

  17. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Our High Schools got destroyed by Fariña protecting incompetent Principals with the help of Mulgrew.

  18. @4:37 - It's not just me who feels OUR union hasn't worked well for us. Do your own poll, ask ten teachers and listen to the responses you get; or go out and find one the hundreds of discontinued teachers, from the last decade, that lost their teaching licenses. All unions are not going to be destroyed. The only unions that are even concerned are of the UFT variety. Again speak to some other municipal workers - the local cop or fireman should wake you up considerably. Caring about the Quail Gang, or any other gang for that matter, has nothing to do with caring for children - unless you're saying the UFT is run by children - it certainly seems that way sometimes. Bringing to light the marked indifference of those that are paid to represent us is caring. (Many NYC education blogs are hated by the UFT. None of us are uncaring people.) Otherwise, I could stay silent and blind to the suffering of the rank and file and/or make disasterous, ridiculous leaps of conjecture concerning the emotive qualities of my dissenters. Good luck to you,Sir or Madame - hopefully you are one of those 'Door Knockers' and will be visiting me. We can sit down and have a long discussion.

  19. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Shady, Bronx ATR never said get rid of unions. He’s not going to give them his money. It’s his money, like yours is yours. The UFT acts like mine is mine and yours is mine. How are you going to change an organization run by crackheads if you continue to give them money? Got to agree with Bronx ATR.

  20. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The UFT is full of people who do not know how do their job.

  21. Shady1:26 AM

    @Bronx ATR... I hear you and I do respect your opinion. I am not even disagreeing with many of your facts. However, just think without paying union dues what will happen to the union? What will happen to first: ATRs? Second, the rest of the teachers? You know we only have jobs because of our union and contract. You think without a union that 1 ATR will exist? No way!!! Do you think without a union 10,000 teachers will not be let go or discontinued? YES for sure.

    The union is not perfect but it is the only thing that protects us. By the way, my buddy is a fireman. Do you know what he said? He said and I will quote him, "NOT 1 fireman will sign out of the union. You will not find one fireman who will sign out and still sleep in the firehouse with the guys."

    Janus is being done by big business to get rid of unions. Getting rid of unions will get rid of high paid teachers.

  22. Anonymous8:35 AM

    @1:26 shady must be a nyshitty teacher and also an atr because you one of dumbest people who ever post anything! "not 1 firefighter will sign out of the union". so people around the globe and especially in this country people of color and women are fighting to be seen and heard but a firefighter doesn't get that choice. what if this firefighter was black? I guess that would be a different story.

  23. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Not one fireman or cop will leave their union because their union represents them and acts in good faith. They aren’t worried about Janus. That isn’t the UFT and that’s a huge understatement. The UFT have screwed over their members for years. What incentive do they have to change? How can anyone ignite change in such a corrupt organization? They, not us, have that racket closed tighter than a tuna can. If Janus gives us a can opener in the form of optional dues, many of us are going to make some tuna salad. I’m one of them. If they do anything to help (end Danielson, Fair Student Funding, reform the discipline code, paid family leave w/o givebacks, stop oversized classes,ets.,etc. or make a genuine attempt I will continue to pay dues. Their response is a discount card, Door Knockers, and a customer hotline. I no longer view them as a union. -Atlas

  24. Anonymous8:44 AM

    NYPD officers have had their share of bull crap from media and public while their union has not done much - so it seems - what can a union do when everyone is under attack in the world of fake news, corrupt gov and a human species that is losing ground and seemingly on a mission of self destruction aka planet of the apes......

    So why attack the UFT? They are protecting us as well as possible considering the new world order of see something say. something and get convicted for something a few decades ago...

  25. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Their union has done a hell of a lot more than the UFT. I’ll trade Mike Mulgrew for Pat Lynch any day of the week.
