Saturday, May 12, 2018

Most New Yorkers Believe Camen Farina's Tenure As Chancellor Was A Failure And I Agree.

The final poll on Carmen Farina's tenure as Chancellor of the New York City schools, most New Yorker's believe she was a failure.  In a Quninnipac poll 38% rated Carmen Farina's tenure as Chancellor as a failure, while 34% said she was successful.  This was a drop of 10% of Ms. Farina's approval rating since October of 2017.and shockingly was below Joel Klein' final approval rating of 46%..

I also believe that Carmen Farina's tenure as Chancellor was a failure and here's why.

Note: It took a new Chancellor to force the DOE to reassign John Browne Principal Howard Kwait as Carmen Farina failed to have him removed.  Read about him Here and Here.

The bottom line is that Carmen Farina's tenure as Chancellor of the New York City schools was a failure as she was part of the problem and not the solution when it came to improving the New York City schools.


  1. Shady1:28 AM

    Carmen Farina looked down on DOE employees. She was lucky enough to have a very good elementary school which to this day can run and get results no matter who the principal is. Carmen was promoted by Klein. She only knew how to run things like Klein. She later despised Klein for running her out of Tweed. Klein realized she is nasty and not very bright. At age 62 he ran her out of Tweed by closing her Teaching and Learning Dept and ultimately forcing her to become the highest paid ATR in the system. She was the first and only deputy chancellor ATR. She then retired and came back for vengeance. Anything Klein had in place she changed back to her first few years with Klein. It was not really her ideas she changed the system back to. She got rid of networks and went back to borough centers that Klein originally created. She did get rid of suspensions and discipline code which cost NY City an unnecessary murder. She left before surveys came out and she'd be blamed. Notice no SCI report ever came out to protect Carmen from being personally sued. She was nasty, mean and vindictive but she is still working two to three days a week. She is still collecting $$$$. She also thinks DOE people love her. I must admit I did hire someone to faint when she walked into a room to give her that appearance.

  2. Disgusted Diva1:50 AM

    Mayoral control is an abject failure. Farina was a symptom

  3. Anonymous4:03 AM

    We cant believe that Dwarka is still in charge of our school (Bryant). The woman "misplaced" nearly $200,000 in cash, has recently lost a federal lawsuit presented by gym teacher Maliarakis, is double dipping kids to make her graduation stats look good, and covers up all sorts of evil wrong doings.

    If a teacher misplaces their $50 in teachers choice receipts, a LTF.

    Hey UFT/DOE....wake up! Are you on Dwarka's side because the school is running to the ground.

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    The UFT is setting up ATRs for failure since they agreed with the DOE to have ATRs observed. Just a sham and a fiasco. Mr. STARK has made many false statements to get rid of ATRs.

  5. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Fair student funding is responsible for age discrimination , including but not limited to : negative observation ratings, being told harassing lies during your post-ob , being over-scrutinized on a daily basis as administrators look for anything they can call a problem even when it isn't a problem, being treated differently than younger teachers and told you didn't do enough of something during the lesson, false accusations, principals having derogatory conversations about you with parents in an effort to gang up against you, closing schools and dismissing only older teachers who have to go on interviews that they will never win, being unfairly targeted for termination charges, being ATRed and therefore sent like a bag lady or man from school to school. And the list goes on. And this is ALL the result of Fair Student Funding. Administrators and Field Supervisors have been acting in bad faith by bringing experienced teachers and ATRs to termination hearings with false charges without a vote 9f the PEP.

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Todays Post has a great story about disgraced Bowne Principal, Howie Kwait. Watch the DOE re-tool the failure into an ATR Supervisor. Yes, the same Howie Kwait that was skrewing Bryant Principal Namita Dwarka, but threw her in the trash heap when he was done.

  7. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Do you think the new guy will clean house? So far I have heard nothing about what he stands for!

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Many Leadership Principals need to go, and many investigators.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Will the mariachi king be any different...?

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    She is promoting Bill Gates' agenda. And in return, she got to be called a Chancellor.
    Let's see if Carranza will also be a fake Chancellor.
    If not, they will soon tell us he wants to spend more time with his family.

  10. ATR 25/5510:18 AM

    "New guy clean house"? Please, he's more concerned about getting more unqualified black & brown faces into Stuyvesant HS than attacking the bloat of lawyers at Tweed. Outside of the uniformed services, Red Bill won't hire anyone smarter than himself (which eliminates 95% of the population) to run the rest of the city. Chancellor Green-Card will be forwarding the SJW agenda, so be prepared for more violence and sham grades in order to coddle the miscreants and their enablers destroying the public schools system. It's going to get much worse before it gets better. And of course, Principal Kwait is reassigned, not fired, for his misdeeds. He's cost the DOE (really the taxpayers) $830K. What business would keep some jackass that cost them $1K due to personal actions, never mind hundreds of thousands, and repeatedly? And the UFT stays silent as teachers are terminated for the smallest offenses.

    1. Lol @10:18 am. You asked, "what business would keep some jackass..." how about the business of running the US of A?!There is a real donkey running that business.

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Why is this becoming a personal vendetta site?
    who cares who is screwing who?
    as long as its not happening on school time, in front of kids etc
    its not illegal!1

    lets just stick to the topics.

    Ps- at least when shady goes off topic- he's funny.

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Under Fariña we have seen abusive Leadership Principals harassing and discriminating good experienced teachers. We also have seen investigators sweeping these investigations under the rug, and a decline of our schools.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      Adults who conduct themselves in immoral immature ways should be removed from the education system entirely. I don’t want you around my children. You are not educating the children… You are teaching them that your own selfish agendas are of most concern. You are NOT performing your job duties.

  13. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Mulgrew loved Fariña, and looked the other way when teachers were abused.

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The union needs to go much further and challenge the DOE’s use of field supervisions at PERB or by filing a lawsuit. How unfair is it to observe a teacher in a classroom of strangers, with no ownership of their grades, and no idea how much rigor to put into a lesson since the ATR has no idea of the students’ academic ability? Any knowledge of IEPs? Yet our disconnected union leadership ignores the issue and allows the DOE to run roughshod over the helpless ATR. They are giving a blank check to Supervisors that for the most part are not acting in good faith. ATRs should not be harassed and targeted by Supervisors coming with an agenda. The whole observation process is manipulated to push experienced teachers out.
    On whose side is our Union? Why was Mulgrew not active in defending teachers?

  15. Anonymous11:55 AM

    The DOE is alternating the due process by serving 3020A termination papers to teachers without a vote of the PEP. The rating officers that signs the evaluation for ATRs is somebody the ATR never met. But what is more outrageous is that the NYSUT lawyers, and the UFT is looking the other way.

  16. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Isn't it amazing that if a teacher was rated so low (38%), which is basically Ineffective, we would be in trouble, but if you are one of the vaunted 'leaders' you get adoration and a golden parachute.

  17. Anonymous3:06 PM
    sign this petition - get family/friends to sign it
    Call UFT Office and complain- don't just complain in the comments
    Call local politicans & Gov Coumo - demand new graduation requirement and repeal of danielson
    Make the local diploma available to everyone and up the stakes on the regents & advanced regents diploma - so that these actually mean something. Meanwhile, let the morons get out of HS.

    1. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Mulgrew and Fariña like Danielson, and the Common Core.

  18. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Dwarka had all the investigations swept under the table.

  19. Anonymous5:25 PM

    It sounds like time is up for these evil, disgusting, disgraceful principals. It's about time someone reassigned Howard Kwait. I don't see how parents can send their child to a school who had a principal that did these things to his staff. What was going to stop him from doing that to students later on? When I went to Bowne to grade Regents exams in June, Kwait was always wearing muscle shirts like he had the body of Lou Ferrigno. I think Dwarka is next and then the others will go in time. This chancellor has my approval so far.

  20. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Namita Dwarka will fall.

    Signed: A trusted insider.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      After all the damage she has done to the reputation of the school, and to the students. It is too late now.

  21. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Many schools have deteriorated due the lack of trust with the Principal in charge. High turnover, low moral, investigations swept under the table, persecution of experienced teachers that were outspoken, etc. Fariña did nothing.

  22. A principal friend of mine would turn all elevators off when Carmen would visit his school. She could not walk up to the even the second floor but would sigh and say "OK, we have to get the elevators fixed for next time." He'd show her the gym and the lunchroom on the first floor. Can't say too much more otherwise people might guess the school but this was common practice among principals. Sad but true.

  23. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Her job was to enforce a corporate takeover of urban public school education so as to grow the charter industry. She was largely successful as her strategies included by design: racism , ageism , institutional demoralization, double standards, high stakes testing as nauseum, demonization of ATRs, collocations, metastasized bureaucracy, and funding cuts. She was highly successful and handsomely paid by her patrons.

  24. Anonymous11:55 AM

    A similar fate awaits Donna Geller from PS 70 in Queens. A liar and a crook like no other!

  25. Anonymous2:16 PM


    The correct vernacular is "who is screwing whom"... While we are on the topic, I find it very interesting.

  26. Anonymous5:07 PM

    One thing we can all agree about: the NYC DOE and school system is very,very toxic.

  27. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Carmen did do 1 thing right she created a terrible group of teachers that had NO business being a classroom unless they were there to clean it. ATR's, lucky for them the union protected this bunch of misfit wanna-be teachers.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Are you referring that she tolerated discrimination against a certain age group so she can replace them with newbies? That is illegal.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      The average age of an ATR is 52 or 53 years old. ???????

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Field supervisors have a blank check to go after ATRs, they know that the UFT will not challenge any type of observations on ATRs, or unfair circumstances. Out of license, in a bad class, students the ATR just met, ATRs having close to 8 days absent or excessive days absent.... Everything even unfair observations, and circumstances are good to terminate an ATR. Any reason is good to make an ATR uncomfortable.

      As long as these field supervisors can carry their dirty agenda on high expectations that are unreachable everybody is happy. At the same time they need to hire new inexperienced fellow teachers to replace all those experienced teachers that are becoming ATRs. It is a perfect plan designed by our leaders and Union. The plan is to make ATRs useless, overwhelmed and discouraged.

  28. Anonymous2:05 PM

    ...she look like she got that stanky old lady smell...

  29. Anonymous5:18 PM

    The union needs to go much further and challenge the DOE’s use of field supervisions at PERB or by filing a lawsuit. How unfair is it to observe a teacher in a classroom of strangers, with no ownership of their grades, and no idea how much rigor to put into a lesson since the ATR has no idea of the students’ academic ability? Do ATRs have any knowledge of IEPs? How can you plan and prepare a lesson successfully without any knowledge of the students? Many experienced teachers are being served termination papers without a vote from the PEP, another violation of the due process. But we have been also rated by someone we never met before, and now a roving Field Supervisor can recommend our termination. There is no oversight over Supervisors who are not acting in good faith. Yet our disconnected union leadership ignores the issues and allows the DOE to run roughshod over the helpless ATR. They are giving a blank check to Supervisors that for the most part are not acting in good faith by modifying the 3020A process for ATRs secretely. ATRs should not be harassed and targeted by Supervisors coming with an agenda. The whole observation process is manipulated to push experienced teachers out. Is this the way that we want to treat our experienced teachers? All ATRs should be back in the classroom. Should we file a PERB complaint against the Union for denying ATRs the right to have a Chapter Leader, for a change of the 3020A for ATRs, or for allowing secret deals to get rid of ATRs without voting on it? Why did the Chancellor allowed Leadeship Principals like Dwarka to discriminate veteran teachers, and to bring the school to the ground?
    On whose side is our Union?

  30. Anonymous3:41 AM

    The Union shamelessly has given up on defending its members, and that is hurting our students.

  31. Anonymous4:19 AM

    When corruption is rampant the whole community suffers, and those that protect it are guilty too.

  32. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Those people that are contributing to the destruction to our schools are guilty. The fair student funding, the ongoing discrimination against veteran teachers, academic fraud, not reporting incidents....
