Tuesday, May 01, 2018

The City Continues To Play Hardball With Unions On The Next Contract.

The Bill de Blasio administration continues to play hardball with the unions on the next contract.  According to the PBA and DC37, the City has only offered 1% raises and any extra wage hikes must be paid by "givebacks".  While family leave is a top priority for most of the unions, the City wants the unions to follow the City imposed family leave policy on their non union managers which resulted in a windfall for the City economically.  So far, no union has agreed to the City leave policy. A City Council analysis  found that an acceptable family leave proposal would cost the City $250 million dollars.  A sum the City can well afford with their $3 billion budget surplus.

The present day inflation rate is 2.10% and is expected to rise to close to 3% by the end of the calendar year and probably higher in the 2019 calendar year.  Therefore, just to keep up with the expected inflation rate, the unions shouldn't settle for anything less than two 3% raises, without "givebacks"and that  should be the floor.

Moreover, the City is, once again. demanding health care "givebacks".  Be it either higher co payments by employees or higher deductibles.   At this point, no union has or will agree to higher health care costs since they agreed to them on the previous contract.

Finally, the City has a 3 billion dollar surplus and giving unions across the board 3% raises (4% for uniformed employees) will not brake the bank.  For every 1% raise, the City pays $586 million dollars.  Therefore, for a 3% raise, it will cost the city $1.76 billion dollars the first year.  Given the slightly high rate for uniformed employees the total first year City payout is probably closer to $2 billion dollars.  That still leaves the City with a $1 billion dollar surplus. While the City payout will increase over the next two or three years, the economic growth of the City will aslo increase.  Therefore, the budget surplus should be at or more than the 2018 level.

The bottom line, the City can well afford to give it's hard working public sector employees a wage increase  that keeps pace with inflation.and a family leave policy tht's fair to all.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Watch moldy mike say "if we don't settle, we go to the back of the line" again.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Meanwhile, the city has wasted HOW MUCH MONEY ON THE ATRS SINCE BLOOMBERG? How much money has the city flushed down the drain since the beginning of the ATR situation? How many hundreds of millions have they wasted with this BS?

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Now they are wasting money on field supervisors harassing ATRs to quit or retire. Just nonsense.

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    How much money has the DOE wasted on corrupt 'textbook representatives' pushing massive purchases of books no one uses anymore?

    How much has been flushed down the tube on the 'coaches,' 'consultants,' and the army of 'experts' who come and bore us to death at the so called professional developments?

    How much is wasted when perfectly good furniture and teaching equipment is thrown out of the schools every year?

    What about the bogus seminars that admins go to all the time or outright wastage of maintenance budgets.

    If these sources of shameful waste were curtailed, the city could give us the 3% without even touching their surplus much if at all.

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    diblasio is our friend and he is a union guy no where near creepy Bloomberg who DID create the atr pool and still has the atr pool on his. hands....diblasio is just acting out a business negotiation but I am sure diblasio will take care of. his people

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      You got yo be kidding.

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Cuomo just stated NYC has an 8 billion dollar surplus. https://cityandstateny.com/articles/policy/policy/cuomos-“disingenuous”-estimate-nycs-surplus.html
    The city denies it, of course, but I’d say it’s close to 8 billion.

  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The city is just now proposing to waste $23 million on "anti-bias training of city educators". How many peoples' raises would that fund? I suspect a lot.

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Call me a cynic, call me an old fart, call me what you will. However, in my old age, I just want peace of mind at this stage in my career. I am making good money but am sick and tired of the stress from drive by Danielson observations. If the UFT is not going to get us cash, they can at least get us some better working conditions. (I will now wait for everyone here to say that the UFT will not do a thing since there is no pushback from the rank and file now that we are pretty much forced to pay dues if we want legal representation in the event of charges being brought up on us) Maybe, just maybe, a miracle will happen.

  8. Dear 5:56,
    You're a rare old fart indeed if you aren't an ATR. The UFT just got us a 2% raise and texted me its self congratulatory toot, in case we may be predisposed to not recognizing that tangible reward. Veteran teachers don't care about raises - its working conditions; young teachers only care about raises because they don't know a different working environment is possible or ever existed.

  9. And let's not forget the insulting 1k they give us when we get a contract. After taxes the 1k is usually around 700 dollars and some teachers are so happy and excited. How our union can agree to less than 3 percent is beyond me and the dumb media who will report that we now make 120k. The contract needs to be both: money & working conditions.

  10. I just realized my assistant overbooked me on June 12 during Regents week. She has me booked at 2 different schools for proctoring. If anyone is available to proctor on June 12th please let me know and I can give you all the details. The principal is looking for a "team player" with a strong algebra and/or US History background but can work with you as well. There will be 27 students in the room and he is looking to have at least 21 pass but no more than 23 otherwise he says "red flags" go up. He is also paying 5 hours of per session for two straight days. Email me ASAP...

    1. Algebra AND US history!? How. What. My head hurts. Wait,why do you have an assistant? I'm numb...rofl

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    my problem shady is figuring out who gets to pass?

  12. It's truly a sad state of affairs, as I would jump for joy at 1% and givebacks on health as long as Danielson and the drive-by observations are gone.

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    sub central is being closed down as most principals are using atr teachers now and the subs are pissed

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Did I mention I recently saw Bryant Principal, Namita Dwarka, making out with her AP Moises Morales at Finnigans on Queens Blvd. DISGUSTING!

  15. Anonymous6:30 PM

    shady is so in demand
    he needs an assistant.
    I would voulenter just to see the man in action

  16. Anonymous6:40 PM

    10:44, The subs are pissed? How do you think the ATRs feel? No ATR wants to be a sub. The school I'm in is so horrendous 5 teachers have quit this year and two went out in ambulances from assaults. Two to three teachers are out daily and no sub will come to the building. This place is hell. UFT told me they can't do anything unless I'm assaulted and request a safety transfer. I've been here since November. I usually throw up every Monday morning anticipating going into this place. I have two years to go to retire. The whole ATR poison is illegal. No more dues from me the minute Janus goes through. I hope the Koch brothers take the whole thing over and treat the DOE/UFT the way they deserve. I'm surprised Weingarten isn't publically hugging and kissing them like she has with Bloomberg. Fear of the Koch brothers isn't keeping me in the UFT, it's motivating me to leave. Knock it down, all of it.

  17. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Is Sub Central really being shut down? Most schools I have passed through via the ATR Grand Tour all use Sub Central every day. I am used for extra support, to cover people out on PD or meeting days, and for last minute call-ins.

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    AP Morales is married!!!!

    RE------Did I mention I recently saw Bryant Principal, Namita Dwarka, making out with her AP Moises Morales at Finnigans on Queens Blvd. DISGUSTING!

    1. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Everybody investigates her but she never gets in trouble.

  19. Anonymous9:44 PM

    The 3020-a Arbitration charging process used in New York City, requires a vote in Executive Session by the New York City Panel. The UFT and NYSUT are not enforcing the law. They are basically looking the other way so the DOE is getting away with it.

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Wow >6:40. So your attitude is, "I'm retiring in two years and since I've got mine, screw everyone else"? If you're saying you hope the Koch brother are successful, you're either a shill or a full or more likely both.
