Saturday, April 28, 2018

Randi Weingarten And Michael Bloomberg's Educational Fantasyland

On April 27th the newspaper USA Today had an op ed article jointly written by AFT President Randi Weingarten and Michael Bloomberg on how teachers are poorly paid and not treated as professionals.  While I agree with the op ed, I also think the two authors are hypocrites. Both Randi Weingarten as UFT President and Michael Bloomberg as Mayor of New York City collaborated to create the teacher narrative in the first place and made a more hostile classroom environment for the New York City teachers.

It wasn't long ago that Michael Bloomberg went after teachers with a vengeance. Remember what he did as Mayor of New York City?

  • Refused to give teachers the citywide negotiated 4%  raises for 2008 and 2009.
  • Tried to pass legislation on "last in, first out: to eliminate teachers without due process.
  • Wanted to reduce teachers by 50% by raising class sizes to 70.
  • Closed 162 schools and most veteran teachers were dumped into the ATR pool.
  • Imposed "Fair Student Funding" that incentivizes principals to hire cheaper "newbie teachers".
  • Removed the seniority transfer system.
  • Created the ATR pool that reached over 2,500 excessed teachers.
  • Saw a sharp rise in 3020-a charges and hired more lawyers to prosecute teachers.
  • Hired non-educator managers that made the DOE the enemy of teachers.
  • Supported and encourage the rise in charter schools while closing public schools.
  • Refused to reduce class sizes, despite calls to do so.
  • Parents were ignored and left out when they objected to school closings.
  • Supported-the Bill Gates inspired  small schools which even Bill Gates found not to improve student academic achievement.
  • Required a longer school day for raises the barely exceeded the inflation rate.
  • Punitive teacher evaluation system.
Of course UFT President, Randi Weingarten, was a willing collaborator to Mayor Bloomberg's attack on teachers.  She allowed many of the Bloomberg inspired anti-teacher policies to be implemented.
  • Allowed the elimination of the seniority transfer system and the rise of the ATR pool, mostly consisted of veteran teachers.
  • Allowed the DOE to implement the "Fair Student Funding" policy.
  • Agreed to the terrible 2005 contract that was "giveback" laden and made teaching more difficult.
  • Approved the reduction of the TDA's fixed income fund interest rate from 8.25% to 7.00%.
  •  Agreed to remove teachers accused but not convicted of felonies or sexual misconduct to be suspended without pay or benefits.
Now, the two of them are advocating for higher teacher pay and treating teachers as professionals.  While some people may believe they are sincere, I for one know better since I saw what Randi Weingarten and Michael Bloomberg did in New York City and their agreed policy changes has made the New York City classroom a hostile environment as the Bloomberg managers that run the DOE is considered the enemy by most, if not all teachers.

Both AFT President, Randi Weingarten and ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg are hypocrites.  Read the NYC Educator blog for his take on the "op ed" article.

Here are some of my posts that show what they did while in power in New York City.
Here, Here, Here, and Here.



  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Weingarten was no friend to teachers in Newark either.

    Abigail Shure

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    They are both scumbags and can kiss my ass.

  3. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Randi yelled out at a delegate assembly meeting years ago, "we're never giving back on our contract". Obviously time has proven her wrong. Just think of the golden parachute that Randi got when she left the presidency of the UFT for the presidency of the AFT. Weingarten and Mulgrew have sold us teachers short for years. Janus will have consequences for the UFT.

  4. Michael Fiorillo12:29 PM

    They're not just hypocrites, they're liars.

    Urging that teachers be treated like professionals, while they both actively supported the de-skilling of the profession - think TFA, "alternative licensing" and the forced march of Common Core and Danielson, all still supported by Weingarten - was/is the opposite of cultivating the profession.

    As the good people of Appalachia say, I wouldn't piss on them if their hearts were on fire.

  5. Shady1:25 PM

    I remember when Bloomberg and Klein petted the young lad Randy on his head. That's the moment we knew we were doomed and sold out. He even agreed with Bloomberg that we can't grieve file letters, can be given u-ratings for anything and even removed for no reason. Wonder what this young lad is doing now? He was an amazing educator back in the day...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Just make sure you sheep keep paying dues.

  8. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I remember seeing Randy sitting with Bloomberg in Yankee stadium watching the game, his seats of course. I knew it was over for the UFT; it's been down hill ever since.

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    During the mid 90's the UFT dramatically changed its previous adviserial relationship with the NYC DOE after fear that "school vouchers" would eliminate and possibly change the public school landscape. As a result, the UFT began a collaborative approach with the NYC DOE. It instituted UFT teachers Centers in many of it's lower performing schools. The UFT representation changed in that it lost its abrassiveness; and those in charge became to chummy with management. If Sandy Feldman knew how this would have played out, she never would have made Weingarten her successor. Now 20 years later, the UFT has relinquished its power as a union by the naivety of its leaders. If I were up on 3020 charges I would hire my own lawyer. I do not trust these people..That I find alone, just very sad.

  10. Had a rough week. My ATR supervisor called me to come observe me. An old friend who did close to 4 years with up in Kennedy is now at the same school as me. He agreed to sit with my ATR supervisor for me and do my pre-observation with her. As the period was winding down we had a school aide come to the classroom and call him by his real name. Lights bulbs went on and the ATR supervisor asked him his name. She said I thought you told me you were Shady. He said, "No, no. I thought you were referring to the shades I was wearing." Long story short she flipped out. Told the principal who actually tried defending him but now the ATR supervisor is coming back for me.

    The Rubber Room Poker Tournament got sold out. PLEASE, NOBODY can just show up unless you have been notified and have your ticket. The Russian is coming back to play this year, along with the Korean guy from Queens. Should be a great showdown. If anyone sees the Chancellor visiting their schools please invite him to the Brooklyn South Rubber Room.

    Lastly, MAC (Manhattan ATR Chapter) had their elections on Wednesday night. Anyone who is not paying their ATR dues will not be given a 2018 ATR T-shirt. Please pay up ASAP. Send the money to the treasurer.

      ROFL...2018 ATR t-shirt. Once again you have hit one out the park

  11. Anonymous5:16 AM

    To those of you who aren't familiar with David Pakter's story, Google:

    "David Pakter" teacher

    You'll learn a great deal!

  12. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The board of education finish all their 3020a’s.
    A lot of lawyers sitting around doing nothing.
    Be careful who Are they going after now?

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I used to see Randi on Fire Island with her friend Sandra Feldman. Randi had no experience or credentials to take over the UFT, but she was enthroned there by Feldman. She is and has been the Cathie Black of the UFT.

  14. Anonymous9:43 AM

    5:16 - You mean David Suker?

  15. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Delusional, liars - how do these two look at themselves?
    Bloomberg terrorized teachers all over the city, BUT especially in the Bronx!
    Systematic destruction of neighborhood schools.
    Unless you live through it, most teachers will never understand what it was like!
    Tremendous stress on teachers. Destroyed the profession and the mental stability of many.
    Just look at Shady! He used to be a well adjusted individual.
    Now he is a man on the run from drive bys, rubber rooms and ATR assassins.

    1. @11:09am You forgot to mention Shady is also berry berry funny.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      One ting I say for Bloomturd...he's shtdafkup since he left...

  16. Anonymous3:30 PM

    To Anon 9:43 A.M.:

    No, he’s not David Suker.

    He’s David Pakter, and was an award-winning teacher from the HS of Art and Design.

    He was later put into the HS of Fashion Industries as an ATR.

    He had a §3020-a hearing from each school.

  17. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Did the Daily News publish a joke issue?

  18. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Did USA Today just publish a joke issue?

  19. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Bloomberg speaking out for teachers is like Hitler speaking out for Jews.

  20. Does anyone have any updates on the new contract ?the contract was suppose to end this May but our amazing Unity Uft extended it till November .

  21. Anonymous8:29 PM

    You're right. Listen, anyone can have a change of heart or realize they were mistaken, but I see no contrition, no responsibility for the damage of their "former" ed policies. Bloomberg can leave a nice anti-smoking legacy, why does he have to weigh in on education? And Weingarten's claim to fame was that she got NYC teachers near parity to the suburbs. But the loss of dignity drove me out of the DOE. If there is any time to re-instate humane evaluations, seniority based transfers, and fair student funding, the time is now. We have the power and momentum of teachers around the nation, this election year the governor is open to labor, and real results are a bulwark against Janus.

  22. My son Deshawn's principal just called me. He has been trying to reach me all weekend. He wanted to talk educator to educator then begged me to keep DeShawn home this upcoming Wednesday. Apparently, DeShawn's school is having a quality review. Notice I do not say the principal's school. DeShawn owns that school. "Why the hell would I keep DeShawn home?" speaking educator to educator? Plus, the same principal who tells me that DeShawn is the leader in that school - now wants him home during a quality review.

    He starts begging me. I told him DeShawn, only two days ago, told me he is applying to Harvard at the end of his junior year. The principal had the audacity to tell me that my son, Deshawn, has no chance in hell to getting into Harvard or anywhere near Harvard. Can you imagine? The nerve of this guy.

    Long story short, we settled for 10 hours of per session. I will keep DeShawn home and away from the school for 10 hours of per session.

  23. Anonymous7:27 AM

    So many problems in the teaching profession can be laid at the feet of weingarten. Great job, Chaz!

    But perception is everything and absence makes the heart grow fonder This is why so many clueless teachers speak well of weingarten.

    She trained mulgrew and is corrupt as hell.

  24. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Mike Bloomberg might just be the biggest piece of shit this city has ever known. This fake excuse for a human being is so corrupt it boggles my mind. The thing is this though, Bloomberg is a creep but he does it in a quiet way. Trump tells you like it is and in your face. Bloomberg hides behind his $$$ and gives out the crap using others to do his dirty work for him. This way, people really do not know how much of a shit head bloomberg really is.

    Bloomberg is a bastard and for those of us who have suffered and are still suffering in the ATR pool, we can all thank Bloomberg who created this demented scheme to rid people and "save" NYC money as the educators in the pool earn a decent salary as compared to newbie kids earning enough to pay the rent.

    It is sad to me that we are living in a time when we have people like Mike Bloomberg. Let me say that I would not be shocked if a story ever came out that Bloomberg is like the scheme artist in jail now, Bernie Madoff. I really see a similarity between the two in many ways......and I am sure Bloomy has many skeletons just like his buddy Madoff did.

  25. IF professionalism means treat us like white-collar corporate employees who work "at-will", then actually Weingarten and Bloomturd are on target.

    Randi back in '05 made the money the centerpiece of the deal, she was so out of touch she thought we all wanted more money, meanwhile we just wanted relief from the Workshop Model and the other BS. She failed to realize people don't go into this for the money. If we wanted the money we could take our math degrees and go into actuarial or accounting, make more money but without the job security and the short day, vacations, etc.

    As for Bloomturd, he operated his business under the current model now at the DOE, cast a wide net and hire lots of young cheap employees, then fire 10% of the "lowest performing" employees every year, keep the churn going, people coming in and out so there is no institutional memory.

  26. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Can anyone answer this question? It really is a serious question that I cannot find myself able to answer.
    Question: When Michael Bloomberg became Mayor of NYC in 2001 his net worth was roughly around $5 Billion dollars. When Michael Bloomberg's "terms" were over in 2014, he left the NYC mayors office with a net worth of $35 Billion dollars....

    Now, the Mayor did not take a salary as Mayor so how did his net worth grow by $30 billion dollars in 12 years? I have struggled with this question for years. Can anyone answer? Thanks.

  27. Anonymous12:52 PM

    9:51 - The stock values of his companies and his other holdings increased exponentially during that time. He sold off a lot of what he had, thus contributing to the increase.

  28. Anonymous4:28 PM

    @9:51 quite simple the rich get richer while morons like you hope and pray for a tiny sliver of the pie that these rich people promise by blowing smoke up your ass! they get elected you yell yipeeeee! then 4 yrs later you whine and cry about how bad they were. a new rich person comes along, more smoke and on and on and on!

  29. Anonymous2:04 PM

    hey 4:28
    I am assuming that you are the guy who wipes bloomberg's ass for the salary of posting crap lines like you posted here. Your mother will find out soon that you posted that and you will get your ass whipped but you can take it your use to it.

  30. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I'm betting you drive a Kia, your lunch is in a brown bag (probably peanut butter jelly) and your $32 a year salary and buy some common sense or maybe some courtesy, you terd.

  31. Anonymous9:03 PM

    @2:07 OMG you must be a nyshitty babysitter! its spelled "TURD". curious what online school did you get your degree from?

  32. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Field Supervisors are bullying ATRs into retirement with the help of the UFT.
