Monday, May 06, 2019

Why Doesn't Michael Mulgrew Go After Vindictive School Principals?

Michael Mulgrew took over the UFT Presidency from Randi Weingarten and one of the few changes he did was to stop the UFT from going after vindictive principals.  Under Randi Weingarten, the teacher paer would publish articles on selected principals that need improvement, they were called PINI principals.  Once Micheal Mulgrew took over, those articles disappeared. 

Moreover, when parents, staff, and students picketed school policies, the UFT leadership was nowhere to be found.  Its been ten years since the UFT leadership has participated in a walkout and that was William Cullen Bryant High School in Queens and run by Namia Dwarka, who still continues to run her school despite all the articles written about her, Here, Here, and Here.

Why doesn't UFT President Michael Mulgrew support parents, staff, and students, who protest vindictive principals?  The answer is that he rather keep good relations with the CSA, the union that school principals are part of then the membership that elected him.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    My thought on mulgrew is simple. It’s easier to go along to get along than to actually fight for your members.

    Plus, mulgrew has got to be getting kickbacks somehow. Has to.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    He made a deal with the CSA. Some say it is because of an incriminating video Bloomberg has of him. Why not ask him directly? Ask the oblivious newly elected executive board members to ask him.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Speaking of rotten principals, Donna Geller at PS 70 in Astoria is one of the worst of all. She is a racist, a bigot, and has been engaging in blatantly illegal activities for years. At least 2/3 of her staff has turned over in the past few years, as teachers continue to flee her school. Somehow she is still there because she has high up connections at the DOE.

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    It is a shsmeful snd corrupt Union.

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Mulgrew does not do shit to help teachers because he is not accountable to anyone. He knows he will get re-elected over and over again due to the Unity machine tentacles that grip the schools (and retirees), of the UFT. Why should he rock the boat or step on toes?

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    A lot of these people still don't realize that the Leadership Principals are destroying our schools. We have a shameful Union.

  7. Anonymous5:18 AM

    The DOE-UFT swamp needs to be drained.

    Will people really opt-out? I doubt it but it would send a message.

  8. Anonymous11:08 PM

    They are becoming more useless everyday.

  9. My question is what does Mulgrew have to gain by going easy on bad principals when he could gain a lot of currency with members for simple stuff like attacking them publicly? What is his upside for staying quiet?
