There is increasing anecdotal evidence that principals are either hiding or filling their vacancies with substitute teachers or requiring teachers in the school to cover (usually at per session rates) the otherwise uncovered classes. Complaints to the UFT leadership has been met with shrugs and indifference. Instead the UFT proudly announced that 100+ ATRs have been placed into long term positions (vacancies, or leaves).Yes, according to the UFT, a measly 5% of the 2,000 ATRS received a job tryout since the DOE's "ring around the rosy" started, using a selection algorithm that is next to worthless. However, many of the ATRs took positions in struggling schools out of their Borough where there is high teacher turnover rate. Therefore, unless the union publishes what schools and where (by Borough) these ATRs took positions, I am not impressed. I was offered seven jobs, three in Brooklyn and three in the Bronx. The one school in Queens that offered me a position is closing and is not a viable option. Since I am a Queens teacher, I expect to work in a stable Queens school. Therefore, if I was desperate and wanted to work in far and away Transfer schools, or travel for an hour or more, to other Boroughs I could have been part of the 100+ too! I do not call this a victory by any means.
The union inaction is appalling, a real pro active union would file formal complaints and expose the apparent Principal "hi jinks" surrounding the vacancies in their schools. Furthermore, why is the union allowing the principals to bring in substitute teachers to cover vacancies or long term leaves? Granted, the union has lived up to their promise in saving ATRs from the DOE ax. However, many ATRs are "quality teachers" and allowing the DOE and principals to abuse the "ATR Agreement" is unfair to the students who suffer from a lack of these "quality teachers". It is one thing for the DOE to practice "children last" polices but it is another for our union to aid and abed the DOE in this hurtful practice.
The GEM-ATR Committee has a list of proposals that all ATRs support and can be found here.
I keep informing the union of day to days covering positions! They are not doing anything about it! And really I am tired of this merryground and it is only the second week!
The union is going to agree to assigning ATRs outside there home boroughs.
In my school, we had three ATRs who were allowed to be rotated out, while a per diem sub is filling a 3 month leave. I am not sure if we have new ATRs (it's a big building and I am new myself), but I know they are not filling this leave position.
Who cares?? Many ATR's are there for a reason and we all know that many are lucky to still have a job. Be grateful that Unity saved your neck as you were slated to be the first to go.
No, the system is not perfect, but eventually the good ATR's will find jobs. It may take some time and some may view that as unfair, but given the huge numbers involved that is to be expected.
In short, grow up and stop complaining.
What are you talking about? I live in SI and my old school was on SI but I am being placed in far off places in BKLYN!
Who cares? Many of us are NOT an ATR for any reason...hope you wind up one soon!
Anonymous at 9:23 is the typical Unity idiot. The union's position is you are lucky to have a job and be grateful that the law wasn't changed. Thanks a lot UFT. Before 2005's sellout, I would have picked schools on a wish list and been sent to one of them. They sold us out in 2005 and it has just gotten worse since then.
I agree! I know I am a good teacher! My former students are still in contact with me asking me to write them college recommendations. I can't help it if I didn't lick the principal's behind! The union sold us out and they are continuing to do it! I fear the next "give backs" Hope its not our jobs!
There is no need to call me an idiot because I support Unity, but I will respond in kind. What you dummies don't understand is that we are the union. You are just as much a part of it as I am. Unions run by majority rule. If you do not like what they are doing, then vote them out. Until that happens, you have to accept that they are there because we put them there. I recognize that this might be an overwhelming task, but such is life. Membership in other unions have defeated long term incumbents. Elections in the TWU and PSC CUNY come to mind.
Coverages cannot be paid by per session ratea. They are paid by a coverage rate with the first coverage a non paid contractual agreement per term.
Anon 8:27
You are right. I confused the two.
Some of these placements were also made principal to principal for teachers they liked, and so they recommended them for jobs.
The idiot anon is right about one thing--the teachers voted for this in exchange for money. But it wasn't a majority vote since a small percentage of teachers voted.
As more teachers are excessed next year and more schools close, it will be interesting to see how the union responds and what other loopy loop-holed agreement they will endorse.
Chaz the UFT should be insistent that this free coverage per term be eliminated. Most if not all school budgets are annualized therefore the prior claim by the DOE that a coverage be allowed per term for free is antiquated and unfair.
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