My, my. New York State Commissioner John King has finally and publicly questioned the NYC graduation rate and said that the abuse of "credit recovery" programs appears to be the main reason for the improved graduation rates. In fact, Commissioner King stated the following:
‘Hey, do this computer program for 10 hours, write me a five-page paper and I’ll check it off that you passed,’ ” State Education Commissioner John King told The Post.
Interestingly, the DOE failed to defend the increased graduation rates like it usually does, in the New York Post article . The DOE spokesman even agreed with the State that some principals might have abused the "credit recovery" program to increase their graduation rates. The City did an audit of 60 schools that have unusually large "credit recovery" programs and it should be available soon. Given that the DOE did not defend the use of "credit recovery", I suspect the numbers do show some principals artificially raised their graduation rate by abusing the "credit recovery" program. Remember these outrageous examples Here, Here, and Here just to name a few.
I believe that finally, the State correctly interpreted the failure of the majority of NYC students to meet the "college and career readiness" standards they developed. Therefore, this brings into question the validity of the graduation rates and the amount and quality of the "credit recovery" programs used to graduate students from the NYC high schools. It should be very interesting when the DOE actually publishes the 60 school audit on the use of "credit recovery" and their graduation rates. I am certainly interested.
In my old school the principal was so worried about graduation rates that he would let the students do credit recovery for three or four days during Regents week..a few hours per day! All the teachers in the school know it is bogus even the ones getting per session to "teach" these ridiculous classes!
I interviewed at a school last spring ans had a chance to chat with some of the students while i was waiting. One of them asked me, "You DO know how we graduate around here, right?" I responded, "Why don't you tell me?" He said, "Well nobody makes a big deal about doin' work and stuff because everybody just goes on the computer instead because it's easier. So we mostly go on the computer and the teachers don't bust us about doin' work."
Maybe now that the bogus credit recovery has come to the attention of the media the press may look further into what is going on in the DOE and maybe the ATR crisis will finally get the attention it needs!
I see nothing happening with us ATRs until this mayor is out. A principal today flat out said to me,'Why would I hire a teacher at market rate when I could have people for free and hire someone in February for a few months and then excess him again? I get to keep the extra money for trips, supplies etc and the person I hire in February or March gets excessed again.'
As much as I hate to say it, the way this system is set up, she is right. Sad, but true.
The financial system is COLLAPSING as we speak...if you think your TDA is stable long term, you're infantile.
NOW, we have a John Corzine stealing private citizen's accounts, and walking...If you're not in the "the cub" you will eventually lose everything. The UFT leadership is just a much smaller cog of the large PONZI that IS the goold old USA...When the shit hits the fan...they will seize your TDA...act accordingly...
The system is COLLAPSING all around us...if you think your TDA is safe longterm...you're naive...act accordingly to survive...
I was sent to a a high school in Long Island City( one of 3 high schools housed at Laguardia Community College campus)where the principal spent a good portion of the Election Day PD talking about using Credit Recovery. I raised my hand(which was kind of silly, I am an ATR)and told them they are embarking on a "slippery slope". I was basically told that is why I am an ATR and my school was a failure. That's what you get when you try to warn a small and designer school to watch out. Foolish Principal! Hope they get busted for this illegal activity. Do you remember your friends getting "credit recovery" when we were in high school????? I don't!!!!
The former principal at Lafayette HS is now a principal of a school in the Rockaways. What happened to the investigation regarding student Tatiana Reina and the bogus diploma awarded to her? The principal is one Jaqueline Boswell and she drew the anger of the staff at her present school last spring, check out the Rockaway Wave for the story.
Still fighting!
I have a new suggestion Chaz and all fellow ATR's....why don't we order ATR t-shirts? These shirts should be worn daily to our weekly locations. It would show unity and solidarity!!!
That's a good idea and maybe we should go to the Delegate Assembly and wear them there.
Bottom line, students from the poor areas simply cannot or will not do the work required. Blame will be thrown on teachers, or the students will do nothing and graduate anyway. Standards have been set so low. Students believe they can come in, do nothing and get away with it. And they do. Criminals that we are babysitting. That's the system. TOTAL JOKE.
I would do that great idea
The public has to know what is going on with the ATRs
Every time I try to explain what is happening to me to a friend, she looks at me in complete disbelief and shock
and she can't believe how we are being treated.
Love the idea of the t-shirts. They would have to be black though! we should also wear black armbands. LOL
In my current school we were pestered last year and forced to do Credit Recovery with the kids. It is total bullshit, and even more comical is the fact the kids say "MISTER WHY SHOULD I DO MY WORK WHEN I CAN JUST DO MY WORK ON THE COMPUTER AND LOOK UP THE ANSWERS FOR IT IN ONE DAY AND BE DONE?"
What can I as their teacher say to that?
hey--i thought of the atr t-shirt thing before--i love it! there should be a scarlett A on the sleeve. . .
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