One of the most overlooked aspects of teaching at a renewal school is how potentially dangerous it is to be a teacher at these struggling schools. In
today's New York Post, there was a story about a teacher who dared tried to defend herself from a violently aggressive student and was removed from the classroom and assigned to the
"rubber room" at Queens Plaza North for the rest of the school year and possibly subject to 3020-a termination charges.
The violently aggressive male student who threatened the female teacher with assault was given a mere 5 day removal from his class and will be back in his classroom next week. Before the
social justice crap took over the New York City schools this student would have received a Superintendent's suspension and sent to another school. Just think what kind of message this sends to the students at Flushing High School? Threaten a teacher with physical harm, get a response and the teacher is gone and you're a hero to the other misbehaving students at the school. I spent one year at Flushing High School back in 201
1-12 school year and I can tell you I was happy to leave. Read my description
It's not just Flushing High School, it's all the renewal schools that teachers are under assault and many choose to leave as quickly as possible. My good friend NYC educator
doesn't think social justice is crap, However when students can disrupt, threaten, and physically assault teachers, knowing full well that they only have to sit through a restorative justice circle session or get a warning card that they consider a joke and not worry about being suspended, sent to a different school, or arrested, then social justice is crap because it adds stress to the educational process, it hurts teacher instruction, student learning, and makes the school environment unsafe for all.
Speaking of renewal schools. The Principal of Automotive High School,
Caterina Lafergola, is leaving to become a Principal at Baldwin high school in Long Island. What possessed this suburb to hire a
failed NYC Principal who has lots of baggage is beyond me? Then again the Baldwin school system did gives us the infamous James Brown
didn't they and
failed to tell the DOE about his past? I pity the parents, students, and especially the veteran teachers of the high school with her as Principal. Then again, maybe there is a silver lining, Automotive high school might actually improve since its addition by subtraction unless the DOE puts another unqualified Leadership Academy Principal in charge of the struggling school.
Remember at the DOE its still
"children last"..Always.
Its called students who are trash. Get it straight...We are there to be their slaves, they break rules, laws, we get blamed and we suffer. Its 7 hours of torture every day.
I just finished 3 weeks of pure hell at a renewal school. That translates into 3 weeks of getting shoved (causing me a leg injury which is under treatment at my physical therapist), getting threatened with bodily harm, having things like meter sticks and wooden pointers waved around my head and shoved near my eyes, my backpack thrown down, having students disconnect the phone when I tried to call for a dean, being subjected to anti-white prejudiced statements, being subjected to personal attacks on my clothing, appearance, etc., being even subjected to a completely baloney allegation that I left children alone in a classroom which my program clearly showed I wasn't even assigned to! Fortunately, that was dropped for the ludicrous nonsense that it was. I am sick of dealing with unsocialized thugs who view ATRs as targets for unthinkable treatment. I really could have been seriously injured in the 3 weeks spent at Thugville High. There were several instances where I genuinely feared for my safety. I asked for a safety transfer. Instead, I am now assigned to a school which its own teachers say has gang activity and many incidents of violence. I take it the DOE WANTS me to be grievously injured while on the job and I clearly see the UFT doesn't give a darn either.
Well, this is the state of NYC and the DOE. White people are trash, others are the majority, and no matter what they do, criminality, violence, lack of supplies, no interest in any work, we are crackers, faggots, we can suck their dick, we cant tell them to follow any rules...I guess our lessons are too boring. I guess they are really good kids, how many times have I heard that and what will it take for people to realize they arent good kids? They are scum who should be locked up. Just keep making more Transfer schools, suspension centers and renewal schools, they are just perfect.
In every school, this is going on. Keep getting abused or quit. Dont look for any help, you will be blamed. They will keep living off of our taxes. Keep emailing strires to Edelman. Embarrass these principals, make it public.
"There's no justice, there's just us."-AGNOSTIC FRONT
I don't give a FUCK. Passing everyone. Survivor: DOE Edition. Way too smart to fall into these traps.
The readers here are quite racist. This whole debate about justice is overlayed with racial tension.
To 11:07: Awwwwwwww. Poor baby. When black kids tell me they don't have to listen to me "because I'm white", say "yo white ass" when addressing me (especially when threatening to jump that white ass after school...), etc. I suppose that is NOT racial, eh? Flashing your race card to justify horrific behavior is just so yesterday, snowflake. It's what people who can't come up with good reasons for lousy behavior use as an excuse. How knee jerk of you.
Anon 1107
Breaking out the race card huh? This is what is wrong with the country. The PC bros need to stop and put an end to the pussification of what used to be a great country.
to 8:05 pm
im not the one who did the crime,
why should i take their jive?
Just look at the numbers. Every black school failing, poor attendance, high discipline problems, covered up violations in order to make it look better. Go to a transfer school, suspension center...all black. Schools that close, all black. Schools with 3% to 10% college ready rates, all black. Gangs, all black. The large majority of the problems, attendance, lateness, violence, disrespect, insubordination, no notebooks, pens, pencils, no parents, and teenage pregnancy comes from the same place. But notice, with a household income of near zero, the newest, most expensive Iphones, laptops, Ipads, $200, sneakers, etc. Aint this country great. By the way, we got our 1.5$ raise this year. What am I gonna do with that $700 for the year, minus taxes. What a scam. Better off not working and feeding off the taxpayers.
Just open the newspaper, look at the rash of shootings. Notice any common denominator? Just like the rapes, robberies, etc. How about the knockout game? Black on white violence. Where is Al Sharpton to condemn this? Why isnt Obama complaining about racial problems?
The economy is rigged...AGAINST THE WHITE WORKING MIDDLE CLASS. The trash gets fed assistance to buy expensive material goods, free breakfast, lunch, metrocards, section 8. I have a lousy middle class salary, in NYC, get taxed forever, leaving me with nothing. Why work? Maybe if I had 6 kids by 21 years old I would get a big tax refund, on taxes I didnt even pay in the first place.
Its a double standard, obviously. Once they call you white anything, according to the discipline code, its an automatic level 4 and suspension. If you said nigga once...of course its every 3rd word out of their mouths, but that doesnt count. Their behavior is acceptable, no matter how disgusting. We are the babysitters, slaves and suckers paid to take the abuse and then get blamed.
Maybe instead of Mulgrew worrying about a $10 increase in Teachers Choice he should do something about the Zero Discipline DOE. Protect repeat criminal students instead of teachers with Masers degrees and a spotless record. Still wiating for someone to go into these schools and tell the girls its not right to get pregnant at 16, or get pregnant several times with no job...
Chaz, I'm surprise you would allow such racist rants on your website. Most nyc teachers are suffering not just in black schools.I'm at Richmond hill high school, which is diversed and get treated worst than when I was campus magnet. I read a report that the hasdic jews in brooklyn make up a 1/3 of the people on welfare in that borough. Sounds like some of you guys shouldn't be teachers.
Richmond Hill is 60 percent black and Hispanic. 5 percent white. If you don't agree with the previous posters simply look at the National crime rate and who fills the jails. It's overwhelming.
Is it racist if these are facts. Did you see how they burned Baltimore to the ground protecting a repeat, repeat, repeat felon and drug dealer? Did you see how they burned Ferguson to the ground protecting another criminal, who on that very day broke 5 laws? Who was saying that suspensions are racist? They arent racist. Blacks get suspended more often, just like they get arrested more often? How is that racist? Stop breaking laws, arrests go down. Excuses, excuses. What about stop and frisk? They compain about that, so its sopped by a liberal mayor, shootings go up, then they compain they arent being protected by the police they call racist.
They just do whatever they want. Curse, threaten, discriminate, throw things, walk in and out, go in to the wrong classes, smoke, gang signs.
Richmond hill is hell message me as I was therefor 3 years
They will never admit it, but many of the comments do in fact have racial undertones. They'll mention the jails, but what about the fact that black women have the best college graduation rate? What about the school in Chicago with a 100% black male population that consistently has a 100% percent college acceptance rate?
It won't be mentioned because some commentators view blacks as all the same. Contrary to the popular belief in the comment section race does NOT go hand in hand with crime. Black children who come from in tact homes and middle class background do well. SHOCKER. I am a black teacher. Do you really think some of the WORST students in the system treat me any better? Believe me, most of them are equal opportunity troublemakers. I've encountered horrible White and Asian students too.
Some of you really shouldn't be teaching.
a quarter of blacks come from married parents.
Or students should act civilized, or be thrown out.
These people lack systematic analysis of the dituation
Every child is a blessing. Whatever their race. If you disagree you are a madman.
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