The headline in today's New York Post, print edition, was about the so-called DOE super Principal, Michael Wiltshire, who finds himself in very serious hot water for failing to report an alleged gang rape of a female student by five football players in the locker room in December and to compound the failure to report the alleged gang rape to the DOE, also failed to notify the police as well. Instead he and his assistant principals apparently tried to cover up the alleged gang rape and when an anonymous call was placed to the local Superintendent, who contacted the corrupt Special Commissioner of Investigations (SCI) and an investigation was launched. which for some inexplicable reason was downgraded and sent to the equally corrupt DOE's Office Of Special Investigations (OSI) which usually does not investigate sexually related incidents. The New York Post article can be found Here.
The Boys and Girls high school Principal is Michael Wiltshire who was hailed as one of those super principals that Mayor Bill de Blasio boasted about, complete with a $25,000 bonus. He was supposed to turn the school around and he did increase the bogus graduation rate, from 42% to 50% mostly by moving failing students to transfer schools, reducing the student population, and authorizing massive amounts of credit recovery. However, according to the school's snapshot, only 10% of the students meet the career and college readiness value and the teaching staff gives the Principal a below average trust rating. While the Principal and DOE spin the disappointing statistics the school continues to struggle academically.
There are rumors that Michael Wiltshire will be leaving to become Principal at Uniondale High School on Long Island and eliminate the uncomfortable decision that the DOE faces in firing or disciplining the super Principal they bragged about. Let's see how this unfortunate saga ends? Probably not good for Mr. Wiltshire who has embarrassed the DOE and blasted the OSI for their shoddy work, or the academically struggling Boys and Girls high school.
Note: It now appears there may not have been a gang rape after all but a threat to "run a train" on the female student. However, the school administration failed to report the threat within 24 hours and only reluctantly reported it four days later after the Superintendent asked the Principal about it and an investigation was underway. You can read it Here.
I was a dean, before I retired, and there were gang rapes, lines of students paying for oral sex and other atrocities. This was all during the Bloomberg administration. The ones I know of were all taped and the girls (including the victims) were suspended to avoid the appearance a crime had taken place. The victims parents, as was I, were forced to watch the tapes at the suspension hearing site. There is very little worse that I have experienced than having to watch a father watch a video of his daughter being forced to perform oral sex in a room full of people. The victim and students were suspended.
This is the DOE in a nutshell. Chaos, violence, disrespect, crimes in schools, nobody reports it, a wonderful picture is painted for outsiders. All a crock. How disgusting it is to work in these places. Just imagine if they put all the cell phone violations into OORS....
"This is the DOE in a nutshell. Chaos, violence, disrespect, crimes in schools, nobody reports it, a wonderful picture is painted for outsiders. All a crock. How disgusting it is to work in these places"....all under the auspices of the modern Democratic Party machine...everything's cool as long as you keep voting for us...The Welfare State in action...
Simple enough, most NYC students are trash.
His M.O. has not changed. He does the exact same thing at Medgar Evers College Prep High School.
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