The reasons that teaching in the New York City Public School System has become an unappealing job can be attributed to many factors. The Obama Administration's policies linking teacher performance with student growth (junk Science) in his Race To The Top policy. Education reform organizations that demanded that teachers be held totally accountable for student outcomes. Politicians, like Governor Andrew Cuomo who made sure that the teacher evaluations metric was based on 50% of a students growth score (junk Science). Add that to the New York City and UFT approved punitive Charlotte Dainelson rubric as a weapon to go after teachers and the "gotcha" system of micromanagement imposed by DOE policy and you have a school system that suffers from low morale, high teacher turnover, and ideology over student academic achievement.
Despite all the above issues, a good Principal can run interference for their staff and make the classroom environment less hostile and the school culture more collaborative. However, in the New York City Schools we have far too many Leadership Academy Principals, with limited classroom experience, who are trained to be the CEO and not instructional leader of their school. The result, is a school system that has an "us against them" mentality. Worse, many principals are pushing out veteran teachers and hiring "newbies", despite their steep learning curve that hurts student academic achievement which shows up in the dismal college and career readiness rates..
A case in point is the CPE1 saga where the Principal, Monika Garp, has a "0%" trust factor from staff and parents have demanded her removal, yet she stays in charge. Or how about Namita Dwarka of William Cullen Bryant High School, who has the lowest trust factor in Queens high schools and have seen a teacher turnover of 88% since she became Principal in 2012. Who can forget Marcella Sills of PS 106 who somehow lasted eight years as Principal as the school suffered from unusually high teacher turnover, lack of resources, and a Principal that showed up late most every day. The school was nicknamed the "school of no" because it had no gym or art classes, no updated books. no nurse and no librarian for the library. Yet when the school received a grade it was an "A" by the Bloomberg administration. Think politics played a role in the grade? Of course it did.
A good school system has a collaborative environment, small class sizes, and a school administration that staff respects and not fear. Unfortunately, the New York City School System has failed to realize this and as a result the schools suffer from high teacher turnover, large class sizes, and a school administration that is not trusted by the school staff. Is it any wonder that the majority of students are not ready for college and the adult world?
Fariña wants these bad principals there to go after veteran teachers. They want to hire on the cheap.
The UFT has become such a disgrace that they will back these bad principals removing good experienced
teachers, so they can replaced by newbies who won't stay too long.
I agree!!
There is a horrible, vindictive bully of a principal and her attack AP animals in lower Manhattan. ATRS better stay away
And this benefits UFT since they will get more dues paying members
Dwarka gets away with everything because Fariña and Mulgrew back her all the way.
Pauline Shakespeare ---PS 34 Queens
evil witch
Steve Schwartz of P. S. 24! Terrible and all about his ego!
Joseph Scarmato Of Tottenville HS Staten Island
Goes after experienced teacher over 15 years, he bullies them and tries to push them out. Many left over health reasons because of him. he has no respect for teachers and the way he speaks to them along with the students. He slut shames the young female students, never caring what the boys wear. He has his attendance people mark the students present at school even when a teacher questions it when there were not any students in class, their answer " Its what Joe wants" If a parent corrects him or puts him on the spot for his mistakes, he retaliates by taking it out on the child during school hours and calling child services with false claims in hopes he will scare the parent away from pointing out his mistakes and lack of professionalism. teachers walk into that school look sadly like they are walking through the valley the shadow of death since that man became principal. Shame on the union, the DOE and state for not protecting our children and teachers from this man!!!!!!
The principal of my school Miss Perera in Harlem where my kid gos is having an affair with a cop I know. I heard from his own big mouth. She married and a nasty woman.The whole school knows and the parents. She is a phony joke. I hope we get a new one soon. She don't care about the kids. The teachers are bad to.
I spelled her name wrong. K. Periera. She sleepong with a cop I know. She married and is our principal ps 175 harlem. Very mean and donbt care about kids.
I spelled her name wrong. K. Pereira. She sleeping with a cop I know. She married and is our principal ps 175 harlem. Very mean and donbt care about kids
Ms Rodriguez and Ms Hall at PS 98 are the absolute worst.
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