In a reaction to police injustice how young Black men were treated an organization was created called "Black Lives Matter". This group was a vocal advocate of treating the young black men with the same respect as all other people. However, the Black Lives Matter group slowly morphed into a political organization and seemed to move away from their roots. While the Black Lives Matter movement still had a focus on anti-police action when they could exploit incidents that show the police abusing their authority and rightly so. The movement has also taken an ideological slant that is quite disturbing to me.
For example the Black Lives Matter movement supports the Boycott Disinvestment and Sanction (BDS) organization against Israel, an anti-Semitic movement dominated by pro Palestinian and far left fringe groups. Over the last couple of years and especially after the Ferguson Missouri incident. Black outrage against the police resulted in Black Lives Matter to represent them. Why they would support Anti-Semitic issues and single out Israel is puzzling.
Black Lives Matter has a foreign policy fact sheet and only identifies one country for criticism, Israel and calls the country an‘apartheid state’ committing ‘genocide’. Yet, there us no mention of Syria, which kills thousands of its civilians with chemical weapons, barrel bombs, and rapes children. Back Lives Matter fails to mention Iran, a sponsor of terrorism. How about North Korea or Burma? Read it for yourself Here.
Despite the historic alliance between Blacks and Jews, Black Lives Matter has joined the Anti-Semitic far left fringe groups in attacking the only Jewish State in the world, Israel. That is why I cannot support Black Lives Matter.
For some folks the issue of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is simple: It was founded on two loud lies: Treyvon Martin was shot by a white policeman (he was not - the police arrested the Hispanic civilian who killed him) and the gentle giant Michael Brown shouted 'hands up don't shoot' (he did not - it has been proven). For those folks (both black and white), those two facts are enough to disregard and condemn the divisive hate group.
In addition to this, the organization routinely lies regarding other encounters between young black men and police and routinely engages in race-baiting. Apart from those hopelessly afflicted with white guilt complex (WGC) and a few media types, their support is nonexistent outside of the militant black community.
One of BLM's many other sins is rampant anti-Semitism. BDS is just the latest example. I cannot imagine any level headed person supporting what is quite obviously a divisive hate group.
I don't understand what BLM has to do with a blog about ATRs. But once in a while Chaz you want your readers and yourself to spew racist hateful comments. What has Isreal ever done for blacks and are you denying that racial segregation exist in that country. Also from some of the racist comments that come from some of these teachers maybe you shouldn't be teachers. You would never let teachers with this level of hate teach in your Jewish schools, you probably would even grant a person of color an interview.
The women's movement in the US has also been hijacked by people like Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, who recently gave a speech at a gathering of The Nation of Islam, under the auspices of Louis Farrakhan, a virulent anti Semite. The mission statement says one thing, but the actions of these leaders says the opposite
Hi Chaz,
Then logically you shouldn’t be paying dues to an organization that supports them - the UFT. I personally don’t give a damn about BLM or the KKK - they are the same thing, I just hate the UFT.
Black Lives Matter was always a fraud, a far-left astroturf fraud perpretrated on the public by the left-wing media. It was based on the lie "Hands up, don't shoot" which the thug in Ferguson, Michael Brown, never said, in fact he was high on PCP and charging at PO Wilson when he was shot. This after he held up a convenience store.
Dismayed that this article is felt as necessary because of some perceived prejudice against Isreal or any other political oppositional viewpoint with racial overtones. I am not against Israel nor do I believe the Pakistanian claims for the land as valid, but if Black Lives Matter position offends, you should be equally offended by Israel forcing the deportation of all Africans out of Israel. In my opinion wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it. Just pointing out Black injustice to Israel and feeling no need to speak of Israel's injustice to Blacks is pure hypocrisy and reeks of racism. Wrong works both ways.
Why can't I support BLM?
They are protesting policing of thugs and criminals. For every sob story of the 'good' kid who stopped or roughed up, there are a thousand drug peddlers and gangbangers getting stopped.
Hey, white people also get disrespected and sometimes unfairly hurt by the police, but WE DO NOT COMPLAIN as a tribal group. BLM is a black supremacist organization that wishes only ill on white people, even the useful idiots who march with them, as evidenced by the recent attempts to "tell white people to shut up" and all that.
BLM 'disrupts' normal society by occupying restaurants, libraries, blocking roads and making blanket racist statements against ALL whites. Oh, and they really hate Jews too and are not afraid to say it. How can they get away with saying things anyone else would get in trouble for?
you will never get chaz because you are WHITE, so by proxy your are a racist.
Fitting that this blog post was released shortly after a young black man was killed in his own backyard while only holding a cellphone.
BLM is not divisive. What is divisive, is our society's inability to acknowledge injustice and stand against it, without attempting to absolve ourselves of blame. What is divisive, is the ignorance in these comments. What is divisive, is the repeated acts of police brutality and excessive force that go unpunished.
I am not a supportor of the organization but I am a supporter of their message which is far from militant. Militancy isn't asking someone to appreciate your right to life. Militancy is forcing them recognize your right to life by taking away their right to life.
Not sure why you would not support BLM but maybe if I read your article I would know why. I am not really on here to discuss BLM.
I am looking more for advice. As a teacher I have done some really good work over the years. Some of it was even appreciated by the administration but 100 percent of my good work was always appreciated by my students.
Long story but the BLOODS want to honor me at one of their annual luncheons and I am caught between a rock and a hard place. My principal claims this could be something I need to notify legal about but I ain't no snitch. No way no how.
On the other hand I do not want to open up a flood gate where every other gang in the city will want to start honoring me. Once I go to one luncheon then I will have to go to all.
Any advice from my much respected and highly esteemed colleagues? Has anyone experienced or been part of this dilemma before? Last thing i need is for Farina to get upset and jealous they are not honoring her and I am stealing her spotlight.
The Ferguson kid who got shot supposedly with his arms in the air was a piece of shit. Probably deserved to get shot. He robbed a store owner and roughed him up only 15 minutes before he got shot.
12:17 p.m.-- You are just full of crap. You are so ignorant and so hateful that I have to question how it is that you are (presumably) teaching children. Israel airlifted over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews out of a politically unstable Ethiopia in 1991 over the course of 2 days, utilizing back to back flights. These refugees escaped with nothing more than the clothes on their back. Israel supplied them with housing, training, and helped them assimilate in every way. Had Israel not rescued them, they would have continued to be murdered by the Ethiopian rebels. This is not something I just read; I also have a firsthand account from my neighbor, who was one of those rescued. One of her sisters was murdered by Ethiopians before the airlift took place. The Ethiopian Jews are actually Jews, unlike the "black Hebrews", a cult of blacks originally led by a former Baptist minister from Chicago, headquartered in the Israeli city of Dimona. Black Hebrews are well known in Israel and elsewhere as black supremacists and polygamists. They have established in several other countries around the world and have been indicted on charges in the U.S. of racketeering, murder, bombing, fraud, etc. They are not, in any way, actual Jews, although they accuse real Jews of not being "the real Jews", insisting that THEY are. They are NOT.
And 3:52 p.m., you are sorely lacking in facts. Israel is NOT "forcing the deportation of all Africans out of Israel". The 38,000 mostly Sudanese and Eritrean Africans which Israel is forcing out are in Israel ILLEGALLY. They infiltrated into Israel from a leaky border with Egypt, which has now been walled off. They are not Jews. Had they been Jews, Israel, as a Jewish homeland, would have offered them asylum. The original group was comprised of more than 60,000 illegal border crossers. As a tiny country surrounded by hostile nations, Israel simply lacks the resources to absorb that many illegal, illiterate, low skilled people. Israel is very generously offering these illegals $3500 and an airline ticket out. Those who refuse will be jailed. Israel even found nations willing to take these refugees. So do not open your uninformed hateful mouth about how Israel shows blacks injustice and all the other propaganda you are simply passing along. I hope your students show greater intelligence than you in preparing essays and backing them up with FACTS.
Get your facts straight...no one said Trevor Martin was shot by a white cop or that Michael Brown shouted the phrase "hands up, don't shoot." That mantra was created by the protesters. You obviously are the LIAR spreading false information or FAKE NEWS to support you views, try using real facts next time and maybe your opinion will be respected as right now you come off as an racist liar spreading misinformation.
I have noticed that too that over the years reading this blog that there are many racist comments by teachers against Blacks and Black students which are pure hate, but yet to them it's okay to spew hateful racist comments against Blacks, but Blacks better not say a word against them. NYC school system is full of racist white people who hate the very students they are supposedly teaching. This article will bring these slugs out of the woodwork. They relish the opportunity to spew hate against Blacks. They never have anything positive to say. This is their forum.
Get away with spewing hate, are you serious. Whites have been spewing hate, murder, rape, enslavement, disinfranchisment, against Blacks, to name a few, since the beginning of this country and has got away with it and getting away with it still, and you ask that question as a teacher? REALLY! SURELY, you jest!
6:58 "Daniel Nartey II said...
Fitting that this blog post was released shortly after a young black man was killed in his own backyard while only holding a cellphone."
Any chance this followed a helicopter and police car chase, cops caught up to him in the driveway and ordered him to stop and show his hands, he refused to comply and instead ran around the house to his grandmother's backyard and them came towards them in the darkness with a smallish object in his hand, and then he was shot?
I believe this is on camera. You may be writing of a different incident or just a completely different version of the very same incident.
To 6:11 and 6:19:
Truthful comments or calling out false narratives does not make a person racist. Most 'white' teachers in NYC are actually Jewish and not full-on Caucasian, and Jewish people have been the biggest boosters of the civil rights movement for basically ever. Black people can openly talk murder against white people and Jews and NO ONE says anything.
Are there some whites or Jews who are racist? Most probably there are, but is there an epidemic of that? No. What is a bigger problem is the broad-brushing that goes on: "Whites (as a group) have been spewing hate..." What, every white person? I never have. I grew up in a 99.99% white town. Black people as a concept hardly existed and no one 'spewed' anything.
Teachers in general are the most tolerant of the tolerant ones. We want all our students to succeed, regardless of race. But when people call teachers racists (who do you think they are blaming for the 'school to prison pipeline?') then we have to say, "Wait a minute.
We cannot be blamed for societal ills."
When they imply that 'America' is an 'evil, racist, hateful place,' then we have to ask, "So why does the whole world move here? Why do non-whites always want to get into white spaces?"
When black and latino supremacists (call them as they are) propose policies to help one entire race at the expense of another (Animal Farm) then you have to question that: "Why am I being punished for something a few might have done hundreds of years ago? Why can you say things that would get me fired? What happened to equality? Oh, that's racist now too!?"
When history is white-washed, and they teach that ONLY white people ever did slavery and that all whites are born racist and evil (yes, they say that all the time - look it up), then we get belittled and dehumanized and set up for a future holocaust.
When school discipline is called racist because more of one race gets in trouble, we are called racists and told to stand down and learn 'cultural competency.' This even as we go into increasingly unsafe schools that hurt good minority kids too.
So, in short, pointing out illogic, unfairness and the supremacist ways of those who can openly hate us without sanction is not wrong - it is good journalism and news gathering. When you get to the point where you can no longer openly point out logic and truth, as a society you are finished. We teachers want to forestall the fall of the last bastion of freedom that exists in the world, and though we will ultimately lose as Marxism has captured our young people, we will go down clinging to our right of free speech as long as it exists.
Dear Shady:
¡Ay, caramba!
Personally, I feel there is no place for gangs in schools. Ten years ago, one of the Latin Kings called me a F...g dyke and threatened to kill me!
Some of you racist teachers shouldn't be teaching children of color.....I find most of you who prattle your racism on this blog to be disgusting....Chaz.....thank you for letting the world know that you really have a disdain for black people and black youth.....please hurry up and leave the system....thank goodness you are an ATR and don't have a base of operations for your white supremacist bullshit.
@7:06 I think you should go the BLOODS luncheon. See if they would be willing to patrol the hallways and the bad kids in line. Tell them its OK to dress in the latest GANG attire and smell like WEED. The nyshitty school system has very low standards and that's all acceptable.
@Chaz serious you didn't see that coming. the wounds are far to deep to get involved in that quagmire.
Oh how magnanimous of them. They can't afford to keep the illegal immigrants, but they can afford to pay them to leave and even buy them a ticket. Wow! How generous of them. "But if they were Jewish we would keep them..." You sound like a Trump supporter, just get rid of the Africans...uh, Mexicans, uh who else we don't want, yeah deport the Dreamers too. Only Trump would not pay people to leave. Bye Felicia.
Oh, yes, Felicia, if the illegals don't take the money just throw them in jail. They can't afford to keep them and train them, but can afford to jail them where they will feed and house them with no benefit (slave labor might be beneficial). Again, bye.
Testilying by police - A Stubborn Problem:
Police lying persists, even amid an explosion of video
evidence that has allowed the public to test officers’ credibility. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/18/nyregion/testilying-police-perjury-new-york.html
Now, I am usually a fan of your posts but you missed the mark with this one. What we're not gonna do is throw black people under the bus, resort to whataboutism and be quick to throw the antisemitism card faster than you can say hello. If people are boycotting BDS and supporting Palestine, it is their right. Secondly, Israel is not a saint. We give them billions in aid, for what? So they can continue to annex land that doesn't belong to them despite violating international law (see: Golan Heights)? And let's not act like Israeli society isn't one of the most racist on this planet, with a chief rabbi recently calling black people monkeys, Israel recently expulsing all black migrants, and a Ha'aretz article showing that the number one problem within Israeli society is RACISM. This isn't about what Syria, a country presently ravaged by war, is doing. Even Desmond Tutu called out Israel for its apartheid-esque tactics. And don't act like Burma or North Korea haven't been called out, either. Except the difference is, Israel often brands itself as the most civilized, tolerating country in the Middle East, yet this is inherently paradoxical given what they have been doing to the Palestinians. At the end of the day, the Jewish people will only continue to tarnish their name by supporting Israel, and more importantly, the conflict eats up a lot of Israel's GDP, so if I were Israeli, seeking a new state solution would be at the top of my list. I applaud the Jews who are against the acts Israel is perpetrating against innocent people.
I already can see delusional people in this comment section comparing BLM to the KKK, and it sickens me. These are the types of teachers that deserve everything they get, from being ATR'd to the rubber room. If these are the type of teachers reading your blog, then the DOE is finally right for once, and they really do not belong in schools, but in white supremacy rallies.
How is BLM supporting Palestinians rights and boycotting Israel considered anti-semetic? Palestinians are also semites. Supporting one semite over another is not anti-semetic or does criticizing Israel in any fashion become anti-semetic even if you are hoping the Palestinians lves can improve? That is anti-semetic.
I'm confused by this article, especially since the vast majority of the population for most of us tend to be black/hispanic students, though not always.
I look at BLM as an organization that tries to raise awareness, but they are not perfect and sometimes there are issues. It's all about perspective. I've worked in some schools where BLM was a big thing, and others where it was not. I just go along with it. I don't consider myself racist, or at least, a lot less racist than before I moved to this great city and embraced the diversity it has to offer.
To be honest, though, I mostly come by because you usually know more about the situation involving folks like us (ATR's). I've heard nothing since the new chancellor was announced. It would be great if I knew something.
Most of these comments conclusively prove the need and importance of Black Lives Matter.
To think they're being made by NYC public school teachers (and not just Trolls) makes my skin crawl.
Thank God for the IDF. Without them the barbarians that surround them would be wading in Jewish blood while the idiots who post here cheer their empty heads off
Give folks a minute and you will see their true colors. There are two standards in this country--blacks must be PERFECT while others can be human. I think knowledgeable blm folks could care less about the fearf
Con't the fearful anonymous writers and you Chaz think. It's whatever.. the truth will always prevail chaz.
A real discussion about race relations cannot be had on a blog. There are many perspectives. I will say that as a very proud African American the ignorant comments are just that ignorant. Why claim to spew "facts" if you refuse to exam all of the facts. Once we hear all of the facts it is then we can move forward with the argument. Until then, the opinions on this blog are just that. Just keep in mind that the US can never be great until the foundation is restructured. BLM too.
A real discussion about race relations cannot be had on a blog. There are many perspectives. I will say that as a very proud African American the ignorant comments are just that ignorant. Why claim to spew "facts" if you refuse to exam all of the facts. Once we hear all of the facts it is then we can move forward with the argument. Until then, the opinions on this blog are just that. Just keep in mind that the US can never be great until the foundation is restructured. BLM too.
@waitingforsupport - you can feel the deep inner racist against "humans" dying to come out! I was an ATR for 6yrs so I scoured the Bronx like so many of the rats that infested the neighborhoods. Far to many behavior problems came from the "minorities" and the teachers black and white have no problem sharing they're frustrations. I loved listening to them and loved watching the chaos!. Then I would move on. Those are the facts.
Blacks were the biggest boosters of the Civil Rights Movement, others helped or joined in later when the atrocities were televised. Don't even try taking any credit for it at all or giving Jews credit for it.
This is the most ridiculous group of excuses,rationalization of "not all whites are racists" I ever heard. And the statement that there are MAYBE a few who are racist is even more ridiculous. There might be another holocaust? What, Blacks are going to cause it? Really? You grew up in a 99.9 percent white town so that means there is no racism. LOL! That is the problem with people like you. If you did not see it, then it does not exist. If just one or two black families moved into your town, you would have seen plenty. Your lack of diversity in your world does not give you the right to discount the extreme racism experienced by Black people. You are clueless.
NYC parents need to see and read this post, it will give them an idea of how some teachers feel about the children they come in contact with on a daily basis.
the "people" that shout the loudest seem to have the least, stop waiting for everything to be handed to you. you might feel better about yourself.
@7:21 pm...every day on this blog and others are folks "waiting"...I guess they don't buy into your theory. #BLM
@4:11 Far too many NYShitty parents are apathetic when it comes to they're child's education and just plain pathetic as a parent! Many come into the school looking for problems not solutions and of course the lawsuit and some kind of payout is the furthest thing from they're minds.
P.S. how many parents and students can read these posts?
Sorry slug, the days of sit down and shut up are over. We feel real good about ourselves. We fought for our freedom and won. We will continue to demand, shout, and fight for as long as we need to. YOU will not defeat us!
@Waitingforsupport - I read what your saying and I want to understand it but all I'm getting is Waaaaa, Waaaaaaaaa, Waaaaaaaaaaa! Stop crying its the same old song for the past 60 yrs.
@4:11 pm I agree with you
@9:14 am it's "their" not they're". We wouldn't want the parents and students to think we are ALL challenged.
@10:35 you seem so frustrated. I hope you feel better. By the way it's "you're" not "your" and "it's" not "its"...sorry but I'm an English teacher.
@9:50 I agree DEMAND, SHOUT, FIGHT except you don't want to earn it you want it GIVEN!
@3:36 so do you.
Lol..full on Caucasian. My goodness you can't make this stuff up "full on Caucasian". Stunning
College programs are filled with people who want to teach and with them comes their biases. Don't be shocked when these folks start relaying their stories through their own lens. Most folks are used to viewing things through their own lens however the argument then becomes whose lens is "right"? I do know that if you are NOT black you can't talk about the black experiences in this country. It's like a man talking about how women should get over the pain of childbirth.
@waitingforsupport - you seem to have a lot of insight on the subject. teaching in the Bronx I did find it hard to relate to so many of the students. Problem was my dad was home and had not 1 but 2 jobs. I hope your not implying I was a bad role model?
Or a grief counselor who never experienced a personal death.
And my favorite one, someone who recommends surgery when they themselves haven't ever had any.
Absolutely not something you learn from reading a book.
Quite obviously some people can't comprehend text. As of when I'm writing there are 28 comments and Chaz's post. Commenters are claiming racism and even "white supremacy" when there is not one word written against black people nor is there one word written in support of neo Nazis.
The post was about a far left, Marxist radical (see their platform on their website, very little about blacks or policing) organization calling itself Black Lives Matter. One of many similar front groups like Occupy Wall Street, Women's March, Youth Empower, etc.
Disapproving of such leftist orgs does not make one racist or a Nazi, no matter how much the left tries to say so.
Lastly, the original post is relevant as there have been attempts at the DA to get BLM recognized and/or supported on an official basis by the Union.
@TJL...It's a post on a blog so people will interpret it with a specific lens. You see BLM one way while someone else sees it another. You oppose the group, I may not oppose the group.
Someone on the blog said stop crying it's the same old song for 60 years. My response: Teachers are "waaaa waaaing" since Bloomberg and over Danielson. Someone can make the argument how this is the "same old song" but that would be insensitive,right? Well, it's insensitive to say what you said @ 10:35am. If you are a child, your ignorance is understandable.
@waitingforsupport I want to start a new movement I call it "hands up, stop crying and complaining already". Focus on the children who need examples not crybabies and complainers!
Tell them its ok to work hard for something and stop thinking they are entitled.
T.J.L. 8:39
Yes, the faux charge of racist is routinely yelled at those who disagree with BLM.
BLM hates facts. Last year The Guardian, in an attempt to bolster the claims of BLM by providing them with facts concerning the reportedly disproportionate police killings of unarmed young black men, closely tracked each incident by month. To The Guardian's credit, even though they completely undermined each of BLM's claims, they still published the facts. You can read about the DEC 2016 stats here: https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/01/police-shootings-december-2015-facts/
@9:26am...You can start that movement because we are in America.
@TJL...lots of people hate facts including Donnie
Free speech for some, but not all.
Same old,same old political correctness!
Forget political correctness how about not saying something that can hurt another human...how about that!?
Since color has become a language somehow, and anti Israel bigots distort, then let's remind, most Israelis are "brown," in terms of stats. You have also many Ethiopian Jews.
No wonder the propagandists will never show democratic multiracial Israel in day to day lives.
But of course Israeli security concerns are just that. Unrelated to any "color" or "race." Actually, speaking of racism, yes, Arab Muslim attackers target only Jews. Talk about real racism.
True, thus hijacking of term 'it's racism," is as old as Palestine propaganda emerged by holocaust denier Issa Nakhleh who began in June-17-1949 the "like the Nazis and worse than nazis" line (and by Nov-14-1972 said all 6,000,000 were alive and Hitler "didn't" kill, and represented 'Muslim Congress' at Holocaust deniers convention in 1982), then picked up in 1960 by Nazi Tacuara saluter Ahmad Shukairy who by Oct-17-1961 added that garbage-touch apartheid slur too and questioned Catholic Uruguayan rep. Enrique Fabregat's loyalty, stating because he's (supposedly) a Jew. And both, of course were Hitler's ally ex-mufti Islamic leader al-Husseini avid fans. With Shukairy his aide
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