Chancellor Richard Carranza's prime objective is to
integrate schools, by any means possible. However, the Chancellor's integration policy seems not to apply to his top level cronies. According to columnist, Susan Edelmen, of the
New York Post, two of his cronies, Deputy Chancellor,
Cheryl Watson-Harris and Executive Superintendent Meisha Ross-Porter got DOE zoned waivers from their majority Black and Hispanic schools to a more Asian and White schools outside their zone.
Deputy Chancellor Cheryl Watson-Harri's younger child was zoned for PS 170 an elementary school; that largely serves immigrant children. Its 1,000-student body is 24
percent white and 58 percent Asian, with 32 percent of students learning
English. In contrast, PS 185’s 650-student body is 68 percent white —
the kind of school Carranza would blast as “segregated.” Only 7 percent
are English language learners.
Moreover, Deputy Chancellor's Watson-Harris' older child was given an exemption to get in the highly selective IS 187 schools which is 91% Asian and White, despite not going through an academic screening committee like everyone else
Supervising Superintendent, Meisha Ross-Porter who took in a friend's child, using her connections she, Instead of enrolling the child in her zoned Mott Hall Community School —
which is 90 percent Hispanic and black and 8 percent white — Porter
requested a seat at MS X101, which offers advanced classes for gifted
kids. Its student body is 67 percent Hispanic and black and 15 percent
What a bunch of hypocrites!
You can't blame any parent for wanting the best possible education for their children. The unfortunate reality is that these senior DOE executives know firsthand that their kids will get a grossly inferior education at a school that is predominantly poor, black and Hispanic. Integrating the schools is a great theoretical concept when you're discussing other people's kids, but when it comes to your own, that's a different story.
The DOE is essentially 2 separate systems - the upper tier for white and Asian kids, and the lower tier for black and Hispanic kids. Unfortunately, the schools in the lower tier (which is at least 85% of the system) do a piss poor job preparing kids for any type of competitive future, which is why parents with money and options either move to the suburbs or send their kids to private school.
next year will be a good indicator of the goals of this administration. They made a lot of mistakes already. Will thy double down or try to be more ethical and professional?
whats the matter DOE simpletons not getting the 6th or 8th choice super-carranza savior you all thought he would be? keep your chins up I bet the next chancellor will fix everything. ahhaahaha!
How is it acceptable to have a "lower tier" for black and Hispanic kids when so many of the people in charge, making the decisions, spending the billions, making the rules, etc. are black and Hispanic?
I don't think this "lower tier" would exist if the blacks and Hispanics in charge really cared about other blacks and Hispanics. I think that the chancellor down to the assistant principals only care about themselves. They are not doing anything to help other blacks and Hispanics succeed in the schools. On the contrary, they are just making it worse.
It is easier to blame others, make excuses and send people to costly trainings, than to hold themselves responsible and accountable.
If students, (and their parents), of all races and cultures were held accountable, every public school school system around the US would improve. But then again, if this were the case, a lot of people, especially those who maintain and expand this "lower tier" would not have jobs.
A few things to add:
There is a belief that, if a student enters a specialized or gifted school, that something magical will happen - that this is where "they" have been hiding all the good teachers and great resources, and now, as a member of this community, there will be automatic benefits of many kinds.
What is more true is, these schools have a lot of kids who are from a higher socio-economic level [with high expectations and a good work ethic], and also a lot of big time "strivers" - kids from less affluent families who have serious success goals and work ethic.
And, though they may cheat on their hw and exams, and have their own problems, these kids are not typically going to behave in ways that are considered normal in many other city schools [academically and socially]. They are on a track for college and beyond.
The teaching in these schools, btw, may not be much better or different from the quality in other city schools. Resources may be - they have their own buildings and wealthy alumni and PTAs, and activist parents.
Most everyone wants the best for their kids and constituents, which is understandable. And, to be clear, there are plenty of bright and hardworking Latinx, African, and other students who could hack it at these schools and also make them more interesting places to learn. The fact that they aren't getting in is part of the pattern of segregation that is really nation-wide for schools now.
If school leaders and parents were smarter, they would welcome, with open arms, these underrepresented high achievers. The specialized schools are already getting the cream of the student population - the smart move would be to take more cream.
But, what is the subtext? Even this administration seems to act like "good kids" should run from other schools into the promised land of specialized schools. This supposes that there are major problems at other public schools. If so, can't they be fixed?
One of the main things that makes a school "good" is kind, hardworking, motivated students. They don't all have to be future masters of the universe. But, good kids make a good school - good kids don't just magically appear, they come from good families and experiences. And yes, good teachers and staff do the rest.
When we read about schools that have a lot of negative things going on, it is disturbing. Folks on this blog often write about it. But, if the plan is to create a system in which all the "good" kids get segregated away, and then the rest of the schools are engaged in various types of academic fraud to achieve high numbers, and bad behavior goes unremediated [adult and kid behavior], the system will start to crumble.
@10:16 Wow, a nuanced perspective on the issue...
...and cue the white victimhood posts in 3...2...1...and...
Thank you at @5:19 PM.
We, the anonymous but reasonable, who are in this for the long haul [and for my pension too lol], salute you!
I rarely respond to anonymous comments here, but thanks to @10:16/@8:35 for such a thoughtful contribution to the discussion.
I think
"If school leaders and parents were smarter, they would welcome, with open arms, these underrepresented high achievers. The specialized schools are already getting the cream of the student population - the smart move would be to take more cream."
represents where my school community (or most of it) is at. I liked being able to identify with that part of the comment.
And I think this is an important conversation starter:
"Even this administration seems to act like "good kids" should run from other schools into the promised land of specialized schools. This supposes that there are major problems at other public schools. If so, can't they be fixed? One of the main things that makes a school "good" is kind, hardworking, motivated students. They don't all have to be future masters of the universe."
To 5:19, dismissing concerns of 'white' people do not make them any less true or valid.
Everyone says to 'have conversations' but white voices (from the traditional American perspective) are often ignored or ridiculed.
How can this be newsworthy? I am very disappointed in anyone reading the Post and believing this is newsworthy.
Which parent would put their own kids in poor performing schools? Only uninformed, unread and uneducated parents.
Now, I put DeShawn in horrible schools because he chose those schools. DeShawn makes over 150 dollars a day in summer school gambling in staircases. Tax-free. DeShawn wasn't going to be able to do that at Stuyvesant or Bronx Science. He also gets to wear his du-rag and represent. Many of the higher performing schools we looked into would not allow him to represent his community or his people.
I am not sure why Carranza, Farina and our mayor are hating on the Asian community. I tried to make DeShawn Asian but he wasn't having it. He threw books at me at age 2 and 3. There was no tellin that boy what to do. After his mom left us - I went for an Asian tiger mom. Our daughter has a 99 average and will be attending Stuyvesant. Same household as DeShawn. Different outcomes. Now, she is not bringing home any $$$ like DeShawn but after college she will be. I am not hating on her.
If the Asian community leaves our public schools we will need to close down our school system.
If I was in their position, I would do the samw thing. Putting my child in the best situation possible.
Chaz, wouldn't you do the same for your child? Susan Edelman would do so too.
We need to stop feeding into these anti educator news and trend. They go afyer admin today, we celebrate. Tomorrow they go after teachers, we raise our hand in anger and condemn the POST.
Enough of these sweeping judgments(Hypocrites, Bad, ...)against admin Chaz. Relax! Not everything needs a label.
I see no hypocrisy here.
Thank you Jonathan, I feel happy that my words were read and appreciated. This, and other, blog spaces are so valuable for us to share ideas. But comment sections are often full of people trolling, or being overly absurdist, which is a shame in some ways. I leave that to those who admin and moderate the discussion. I am buying you a virtual beer though lol.
@12:35 lol too funny- keep the desahwan stories coming.
@shady maybe deshawn would be comfortable in a place that really represents his community or people. they currently have openings at rikers.
Not related to this article. Just heard that the student who was seriously burned in a chemistry accident was awarded 60million dollars.The teacher who allowed this to happen ( Anna Poole) was awarded with a better job and more pay. How is this possible.
In my honest opinion if these parents in struggling schools were heels accountable for their children's actions and overall school performance and you somehow were able to tie this into the benefits that many of these single parents receive you would almost undoubtedly see an immediate rise in test score and performance. I am so tired of hearing black and Hispanic leaders constantly place the blame on the system; and this month's flavor of he month "white teachers". It has nothing to do with the fact that many of these students come to class with no pen, notebook, homework, books etc. this of course is in concert with the fact they are often times disrespecting their teachers. It's a joke this allowed to permeate within the United States of America, However, these problems are in no way just New York's problems they are widespread throughout almost every major city in America. This in fact is what the Democratic Party wants. A large constituency of uneducated people that will have the right to vote. Get ready for Michelle Obama she will be your President in the next 10 years or so.
If we can have another President obama it will be worth the millions of illiterate disrespectful and ignorant kids
@12:04 thank you for liking DeShawn and understanding him.
@1:36 please do not wish Rikers on my DeShawn or our community... wish you can identify yourself so I can put DeShawn in your classroom.
@7:05 why are we continuing to hate on the chemistry teacher who had the explosion in the class? don't you think the DOE is responsible? What about the administration? What about the network who provided the school with ZERO help? Come on now!!! Stop blaming the teacher
@8:15 a.m. I can't agree with you more. NY Post is total trash. When they go after ATRs and teachers we cry and scream. When they go after administrators who are doing what's best for their kids - we celebrate??
Stop quoting and using the Post and Daily news as a legit source.
@shady I don't wish rikers on him I think its an inevitable conclusion given his social economic and well you know. also I would love to have deshawn in class except I am a 3rd
grade teacher in the riverdale section, far to advanced for a deshawn who is what 18, 19,
or 20? maybe your next child will fair much better?
@7:10 am God help us and all of your students if you are truly a 3rd grade teacher or maybe reading is not your forte. If you could read you would understand my previous comment which clearly said "After his mom left us - I went for an Asian tiger mom. Our daughter has a 99 average and will be attending Stuyvesant. Same household as DeShawn. Different outcomes..."
But hey I am not hating. If your students can learn whether you are in the classroom or whether you are not - it is all good. In your case most likely the students are getting results with very impact coming from you. Probably zero impact. Why don't you teach in a real Bronx school and let me know how quickly you'd see your real rating or how quickly you'd quit teaching.
As far as DeShawn goes - he is doing good. He is in summer school and as happy as can be. Thank you for being concerned about my DeShawn.
@7:10 Yo crazy bitch why you hatin on me? You think you're 3rd graders are more advanced than me? At least I can tell the difference between to, two and too? Look at what you wrote, "far to advanced for a deshawn who is what 18, 19,"
Take one more guess whether it is the word too or the number two? I will give your stupid ass one more guess... please bitch you better not be teachin!!! Plus, when you are using a name you must CAPITALIZE. Example, DeShawn.
@shady and duhhhhshawn
like the commander in chief said "go back to, too, two where you came from"
@1:55 pm Again they are asking you to choose which to, too and two is it? As a teacher you should know this.
@7:00 you need to understand we are talking about a nyc teacher. not well trained and motivated suburban teacher. silly!
@1:51 PM
I hate to admit this but there is some truth to your comment. Supposedly, she is a 3rd grade teacher in Riverdale. What white parents would allow a teacher who can't differentiate between "to, too and two" to be in a classroom with their children? Then we wonder why DeShawn goes off in class? LOL... A teacher like this would destroy any class. Teachers like this have to go. Disgusting.
What we have is a miserable ineffective teacher who can't do anything else with her miserable life. She is unhappy. Students torture her and administrators despise her. Where does she go after this? She comes on here to make racist comments about my DeShawn.
At least my DeShawn is happy. Just yesterday the school called me to beg me to keep him home next week. No questions asked. They said please keep DeShawn home and we will promote him. I asked the principal what about the 600 dollars a week he's earning in the staircases and bathrooms? Principal agreed to come out of pocket 1000 dollars as a gift to DeShawn to stay home for a week. We do have many great dedicated educators in the system unlike the miserable teacher who can't read and write.
@7:00 AM You make fun of my spelling and you wrote choose which to, too and too is it? Now why don't you choose the write which or witch? At least I know it is witch to, too or too...
Chancellor Meisha Ross-Porter is an ignorant imbecile with her latest chants about bringing down the specialized high school exams due to "Asians dominating the controversial test once again" (Algar,2021). I get that she wants equality amongst the various specialized high schools within the City of New York. But have you ever considered what those students (I suppose Ross-Porter would categorize as Asians) have gone through to get those good grades on standardized exams that the great city of New York came up with? I know of many Asian friends from my youth, whose parents, many who were of working class backgrounds, sent their children to after school programs and academies that teach and practice various materials related to exams including the SSAT, SAT, ACT, etc. These students sacrificed their personal time and life to focus on their studies, in an attempt to do well on standardized exams, in hopes that they would be granted entry into the prestigious high schools of NYC, namely Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, Townsend Harris, etc. So to make idiotic and ignorant statements, such as: “I know from my 21 years as an educator that far more students could thrive in our Specialized High Schools, if only given the chance...Instead the continued use of the Specialized High School Admissions Test will produce the same unacceptable results over and over again, and it’s far past the time for our students to be fairly represented in these schools” (Algar, 2021) is unfair and biased and in my opinion. Maybe instead of targeting and attacking a certain ethnic group, you should spend your time and wrongfully-issued title and position as an "educator" to appreciate the efforts and hard work that those, no matter their background, put towards working towards their future and education.
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