PS 9 in Maspeth Queens is a District 75 school that has students with severe disabilities. These students can be autistic, emotionally disturbed, or mentally retarded. Some have more than one severe disability. and need an environment of small classes, .up to date classrooms, and physical education facilities to help these student succeed. However, at PS 9 only small classes are met and that is because of Federal regulations require it.
In the classrooms of PS 9 there are badly damaged chairs and desks and lack of appropriate technology to help the students master academic and behavioral programs. Further, there are too few bathrooms for the students. Read the New York Post story Here
The school lacks a gym and uses the school cafeteria and kitchen as a gym which is a safety issue. Moreover, the school is smack dab in the middle of an industrial area and the classrooms are subject to industrial pollution and truck noise. Finally, the school itself needs to be modernized and despite the DOE's claim that they will spend $14 million dollars to upgrade PS 9, most people don't believe it and want a new and modern school that caters to the needs of this severally disabled students.
Many years ago I worked at p233 @beach channel. Susan Erber was principal. Same setup but at least the kids had the gym and field. The cafeteria was used as a unit. The kids had diapers changed in the same space where they had meals. The tables were so disgusting. Encrusted with drool. Kids were very low functioning. Severely disabled. Weber was a tyrant. Bullshit program. Thankfully I transferred before acquiring an infection.
D75 has better programs but I'm sure there are still more warehouses like p233 and p9.
Parents have to get more involved but a lot of the students are housed in institutions that are no better like Fineson center if it still exists.
Its a tough job at that level. It must be clean and safe for all. Still, the admins use Danielson to rate the sped teachers in these programs to. What a hoax. Most of the kids are non verbal. Top goals were to make eye contact. Miserable. At the time we were ordered to teach age appropriate content even if the kids were severely cognitively disabled. What a hoax.
Erberbecame superintendent of d75.
6:44 am
Alas. This has been going on for years now. Truth is: No one cares.
And you think District 79 is any better? D79 is the alternative and prison school district. This is another district that does nothing for students. Top down district where they brag about their data which nobody ever sees and believes. This district takes students and puts them in a room all day long for 7 hours without taking them to gym and lunch. Lunch is delivered to the students. It seems they prepare students for 24 hour lockdown at any early age.
I worked at P233 also. There were certainly challenges- almost all from the admin, but working with the students was a real positive.
Sorry it didn't work out for you.
Chaz, To rank principals, you should do what Gene does in the Organizer using all four principals survey questions rather than just one, which you do. Genes method gives a more comprehensive view of the principal. Check out Eternos blog for more info.
P233 was a disease pit. The students were not why I left. I was ezcesses back then and sent there illegally. Had right of return to p721. Everything was dropped on. Always a gross smell everywhere. Staff was nice. Admin was corrupt. Conditions dirty. Beach channel hs at the time was a shithole. Thank you
Hey! I graduated from BCHS!
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