Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Our Disconnected Union Leadership Praises Chancellor Carmen Farina. What Were They Smoking?

It.s obvious that our disconnected union leadership does not listen to the classroom teacher and the hostile environment we operate in under the DOE.  In the latest edition of the New York Teacher, the union's propaganda newspaper,  their editorial page praises Chancellor Carmen Farina for her bringing back sanity to the New York City schools.  Moreover, the editorial goes on to say she brought "dignity" and "respect" to teachers.  Finally, the editorial goes on to say that the Chancellor urged collaboration within and across schools.  If you read the editorial you would be led to believe that Chancellor Carmen Farina was the solution to the Bloomberg appointed Chancellors.  The truth is that Chancellor Carmen Farina was part of the problem and not the solution Let's look why.

First, Chancellor Carmen Farina retained 80% of the Bloomberg policymakers and kept most of the destructive DOE programs intact, like Fair Student Funding, Charlotte Danielson, and the ATR pool.

Second, class sizes actually rose under Chancellor Carmen Farina and she funded schools at 87% to 90% of their fair funding.

Third, she failed to remove vindictive and or incompetent principals while teachers facing 3020-a hearings were as high as during the Bloomberg era.

Fourth, by her own admission when she visited schools, she was looking for poorly performing teachers.  Furthermore,  under her veteran teachers are targeted for removal and termination.

Fifth, She has made ATRs who were disciplined second class citizens.

Finally, Chancellor Carmen Farina has allowed the DOE Central Bureaucracy to remain bloated as schools scrounge for resources.

From a vantage point of the classroom teacher, Carmen Farina was just a continuation of the destructive policies from the Bloomberg Administration.


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    WHAT THE HELL IS MULGEW THINKING? Farina is history. He does not need to kiss her ass anymore. Seems like he is still trying to get a "seat at the table". Guess what? The rank and file ain't gonna be picking up your tab at that seat at the table anymore come Janus.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      They have worked together for so long that they will miss each other.

  2. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Our disconnected UFT leaders are neo-Quislings.

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Our Union Leader is well connected to the DOE, maybe Fariña has part of Mulgrew's skeletons.

  4. Anonymous12:39 AM

    The best use of the UFT paper New York Teacher is to line one's cat litter box. The blatant lies, biased laughable "reporting", and general misinformation make it a natural companion to what else dwells in the cat litter box. I never bother to read it any more.

    If I wanted to read about praise heaped upon Farina, or this outstanding teacher or that highly successful program in the NYC school system, I'd be checking out books from the Science Fiction section of the library, under the designation "Fantasy".

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Betsy knows plenty about Carmen!


  5. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Mulgrew is well connected to the DOE, that is why we have a Union that does nothing.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Mulgrew doesn’t care the fix is in. Cuomo is going to force us to pay dues after Janus decision just like with tax reform and harboring illegals. We are not there priority anymore. We all need to become illegal or transgender before the care about us. Working class needs to change their party affiliations.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Mulgrew is married with the DOE.

  7. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I don't like the union paper because every time I peruse it, I get the impression that white men like me no longer exist or matter in the world.

    I also don't like that the union 'supports' so many Leftist causes. The union has one job: support teachers in this job. It should not have been commandeered as another 'social justice' platform.

  8. Anonymous4:18 PM

    If Cuomo tries forcing us to pay dues, the lawsuits from right wing groups will happen overnight. (And I will fully support them)

  9. Anonymous7:11 PM

    2:30 I wouldn't worry too much about race, being white will never help you in the DOE or UFT. (The people they hurt the most are black and Hispanic students; they aren't learning a thing.) They make it seem like we don't exist; same as they do with ATRs. If you really want to see an invisible man look for a white, middle aged male ATR. They'll never show us in their shit paper. Don't worry, the UFT's time is coming.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I’m a white 53yr old 7 yr atr with 221/2 yrs in. I’m invisible and that’s fine with me.

  10. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The foundation of Identity Politics (or Lefty Louey BS) is the destruction of the white male, by definition. We are the source of all the world's ills according to this political stance. If it wasn't for the white male, we would still be living in mud huts...at best.

  11. Anonymous5:39 AM

    They are purging the system of many experienced teachers, and the Union does norhing.The looming shortage of teachers is here, and they continue with the failing policies.

  12. Anonymous7:37 AM

    This further shows that mulgrew has to be taking bribes from the doe

    He is either corrupt or dumb and I don’t feel mulgrew is dumb.

    This is all a by product of weingarten and the awful 05 contract

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Or maybe Fariña has dirt on Mulgrew.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Or maybe they have some dirt on him.

  13. Anonymous6:24 PM

    if mulgrew taught he would think differently

  14. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Why are so many admins so bad?

    For nothing so many of them like to psychologically torture teachers.

    They love those power games too where they call you on the rug for minor or honest mistakes and they act so arrogantly.

  15. Anonymous8:29 PM

    10:52 That’s why we’re all ATRs. Being an ATR in the Bronx is like being a security guard in a housing project. I’m getting the out.

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    families for excellent schools the fake organization pretending to be for the families of poor minorities except they are really nothing but right wing zealots who want to destroy public education - however suddenly they have closed up shop!!!

    jeremiah Kiddredge the CEO let his little head do the thinking for him instead of his big head and now eva moskowitch and the entire scab of charters have abandoned this guy and closed up shop....lol lol Jereemiah was a bullfrog and a bull dog....I mean horn dog. So long families for excellent schools and oh by the way how did it go in massachusetts?

  17. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Mulgrew, what a mess?

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      You are not doing nothing because?
