One of the great fictions are that the general public was made to believe that Michael Bloomberg improved education in the New York City Public Schools. Even last week I heard a reporter ask the ex-mayor what was his greatest achievement and Michael Bloomberg replied that he changed and improved the school system. He cited an increase in graduation rates, removal of teachers who were either incompetent or committed some form of misconduct, allowed principals to hire who they pleased,and the closing of failing large comprehensive schools and replacing them with more successful small schools. What Michael Bloomberg failed to mention was how he starved the schools of money. In his third term most schools were only funded at between 82% to 85% of the resources they were allocated to receive. By contrast, his new small schools were fully funded at 100% of there fair funding and even one school received 150% of what they should have received. Rather than rehash all the negative issues. You can read my post
If you are an education deformer or a charter school operator,, Michael Bloomberg was a great education Mayor. However, if you are a public school parent, student, or teacher, then Michael Bloomberg was a terrible education Mayor.
Mikey Bloomberg quite possibly might be the worst thing that ever happened to the NYC schools. If you polled NYC teachers and asked them if Bloomberg did good for the schools or not, I would bet anyone that 100 percent, not even 99 percent of the teachers would say that bloomberg destroyed the system and that bloomberg is the biggest jerk you ever want to meet.
Students also are losing under bloombergs ill fated policies that have made nyc schools a complete shit house filled with crowed classrooms, schools on top of each other as many comprehensive schools now have 6 or 7 schools inside the building. Offices now consist of 5 or more people jammed into small rooms talking over each other whether you are a counselor or a para, secretary or AP, all jammed into one room. Bloomberg hated teachers and he took every good thing away from teachers including:
1. No more teacher cafeterias in the schools so now there is no place to eat
2. No more parking placards so now there is no where for teachers to park
3. reduced the TDA rate from 8.25 to 7 percent
4. pitted younger teachers against older teachers implementing the fair student funding bull shit formula where everyone loses as principals hire cheap workers instead of the best.
5. created the unfortunate atr pool punishing teachers who worked hard to earn their way only to be dissed and treated like a piece of crap just because the made a decent salary and not peanuts like a new teacher.
6. Hired 3 chancellors in his tenure to run the NYC schools - First he hired Joel Klein who was not an educator but rather an attorney....Bloomberg had to fire klein because he was poison in the system and kept trying to rip the teaching profession apart trashing teachers especially the atrs.....going to the press and telling them how bad teachers are for no good reason other than he was a miserable bastard.
7. Bloomberg then hired his second NYC schools chancellor the infamous socialite Ms. kathy Black....excuse me..lol....Ms. black last all but three months after she told a parent to consider birth control to level out the playing field....
8. Bloombergs third hire was Mr. Walcott a second grade teacher for two years and suddenly now a chancellor!!! only in a mikey bloomberg world. walcott was the quintessential puppet who just repeated anything bloomberg said.
9. I am getting tired of typing and i can go on for ever but less anyone tell you that mikey bloomberg did a good job for our schools. Bloomberg is the biggest piece of crap on the face of the earth and it pains me to think that God gave all that money to a jerk who walks around thinking he knows what best for us all. Good riddence.
This little SOB and his masochist chancellors were very successful in destroying public education and the institutional memory of the system. He is a spiteful, egotist whose real legacy was turning the city school system into an Enron scam that has hurt thousands upon thousand of children and employees. May he rot in HELL.
to the barricades
Michael Bloomberg is a filthy rich asshole bastard.
worked in a school in the Bronx during the Bloomberg UFT debacle. It was nothing less than the systematic dismantling of a school community. I hear fools in school I work in now talk about how DiBlasio is worse than Bloomberg. No way. Equivalently bad, sure but no way is DiBlaBLa worse.
DiBlaBla is a classic NEOLiberal - DO NOTHING DEMOCRAT;
Bloomberg was a tyrant who knew just what he wanted to do. He ruined this job with the help of the UFT - two more terms and I think he would have succeeded.
But like many tyrants, Bloomberg made a mistake - the 3rd term was to Bloomberg as Russia was to Hitler.
Instead, He should have run for governor - he would have won and he would have had total power over the SED.
C'mon Eric...old stuff.
There's much more recent info.....Namita Dwarka of Bryant is still stealing cash, ATR supervisor Justin Stark was a hitman until he finally went to Edison HS....blah, blah,blah....
Bloomberg didn't do these things we did these things to ourselves
Are you sure Bloomberg isn't still running the schools? Almost everything is the same. The only change I've seen is that the system has become even worse.
It was Bloomberg that issued an edict that ALL school from hereforth shall be proclaimed businesses. Irregardless of the fact that schools do not have and never will have a business structure.
There is no ownership , therefore there is no one to take a risk with his capital. There are no checks and balances , which in a real business keep them from making foolish decisions. In a real business, the best talent and experience is sought after and rightfully paid their worth. In a school system , the lazy and larded and stupid are rewarded. A real business would NEVER hire a leader with no experience AND no brains. A real business would never stay profitable if pigs were feeding at the trough. Nor if those pigs repeatedly hired their porcine friends to fill do-nothing positions.
I hereby proclaim the school system under Bloomberg to be Ineffective. Time for administrative and Union heads to roll. Can you hear them rolling?
Right on 7:37!!!
The mayor has done NOTHING to help the schools rebuild after the Bloomberg dismantling!
Business as usual at the dysfunctional DOE!
UFT stands by FROZEN!!!
In addition to doing his utmost to destroy the public schools and the teaching profession in NYC, Bloomberg also sat by while the subway system was allowed to fall apart.
While Pataki and Cuomo are more directly responsible for this criminal negligence, Bloomberg had a hand in it, too, by saying nothing about declining maintenance of the system, and only caring that the #7 line was extended to his pet investment projects at Hudson yards.
A vile facsimile of a human being, who's long gotten a free ride from a captive media...
Saw this coming with BDB - he gets universal Pre K - he figured his legacy was secure. Then appoint a caretaker chancellor and voila education wise it's Bloomberg's 4th term. UFT leadership was apparently fine with that.
Speaking of ATRs.... are people signing on to lawsuit??? This should be all ATRs. Why wouldn’t everyone be joining?
The UFT is siding with bad principals.
7:22 "A vile facsimile of a human being." Best comment ever!
Fariña is completely fake.
with all the name calling most of sound like POTUS. Bloomberg might have sucked I don't know I don't care but he was a successful billionaire who rose from nothing to something. he became the person who could effect thousands and gave it a try. when he was done he moved on. all you "educators" do is cry and whine. most of you whiners are probably bad at it anyway. but what else do you have to do in your lives except complain!
Lazy, larded, stupid administrator
It is a class action lawsuit against the DOE since the average age is 53.
Bloomberg is delusional and a was-been. Why is anyone interviewing him?
The UFT is making it very easy to target ATRs by refusing to enforce the contract. By refusing to file grievances that are legally legitimate. By creating the ATR pool. By agreeing to field supervisors that are only there to go after veteran teachers. By not allowing a chapter for ATR's. By making us third class citizens. Which per diem subs are being observed by field assassins? By eliminating seniority. By agreeing to fair student funding. By destroying thousands of teachers careers. By agreeing to rotation in a vocation that is built on relationships. By refusing to respond when we are vilified in the press. By telling us that we are lucky to have a job and benefits. By refusing representation in any situation that they should be helping. By theft and denial of services. I can also mention racketeering. They colluded with the DOE to not only create the ATR pool but to assist in the psychological warfare that they the Human Resources enforcement arm of the DOE.
The UFT had sold us out at every turn. The truth is that because of NYS civil service laws they can't have us fired . So all you can possibly say about the UFT is that they pupport to represent our interests and take our money for it. They just hurt us terribly. There is a special place in hell for these sociopathic parasites. I eagerly wait for JANUS. I'm going to keep my money. They need to be starved.
And our UFT is corrupt and useless.
ATRs, and new teachers want to leave but our Chancellor loves her.
UFT is collaborating with the DOE to get rid of experienced teachers that way we can have a shortage. Thank you Mulgrew.
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