Almost everybody, except for Mayor Bloomberg and his poodle the Chancellor has reacted negatively to the New York City high School graduation rates. While more and more unprepared students are being pushed out of the high schools due to the explosion of "credit recovery" programs. The reality is that 79% of them are not academically prepared to enter either the business world or college. What do these "graduates" look forward too? Low wage jo and various other cohorts you can find it here.bs, for-profit trade schools that just take their and the taxpayers money, and worst of all, many become a drain on society through financial problems that can lead to family breakups, crime, and even prison. To find out how well or poorly your high school did on the "college & career readiness" data, you can find it here by scrolling down to pages 36 to 59 for the New York City School results. For all other data such as school graduation rates, racial breakdown, and cohort information you can find it here. In addition, if you ust want the graduation rates for your school you can find them l here. Just scroll down to pages 77 to 139 in the pdf for the graduation rate.
Let's look at three schools that serve as poster children in the disconnect between the increasingly bogus graduation rates and real academic achievement.
- Bronx Health Sciences High School has a graduation rate of 96.6%. However, their "college & career readiness" statistics are a mind-numbing 3.4%! How much does "credit recovery" contribute to their bogus graduation rate? It would be interesting to find out.
- Repertory Company High School For Theatre Arts reported a graduation rate of 85.7% but their "college & career readiness" number was an incredibly terrible 4.7%!
- Bronx Aerospace High School listed a 88.6% graduation rate while having a "college & career readiness" value of only 8.6%. Very disappointing indeed.
And, it will go lower than that soon.
And, it will go lower than that soon.
Judge a person by his past, or judge his past by his current action.
That tells you a lot about how Bloomberg ran his company, truth or fraud?
How do you calculate College & Career Readiness?
You determine the college readiness by looking at the percentage of the new admits who are required to take non-credit remedial reading and math classes.
The statistics are worse then I thought, even for the good schools. Thanks Chaz for the State data for the schools.
Number one, get rid of most of this "cooperative learning" bullshit. This is at the core of the dumbing down of America. "Group work" is a load...
The NYC DOE should be ashamed to buy into Bloomberg's spin on the graduation rates.
Education Mayor? what a laugh.
It is not only the NYC DOE that should be ashamed-it is JQ PUBLIC of NYC that is really buying into his crap. It is time for people to become aware of this sham!!!!
I added the actual high school graduation rates as part of my post. Enjoy.
I'm babysitting a credit recovery as we speak. One of the students as she was finished with the mindless drivel that will be called "work" commented "I hate this school!" I thought, hmm, hate a school that gave you 300 chances to graduate after you spent the entire year wandering the halls. I wonder where she will be in a few years? Oh well, as long as just get them out with a diploma, that is the ongoing mantra.
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