Well if there is any question how teachers feel about Chancellor Dennis Walcott, the 2013 Learning Environment survey certainly clinched it. Gotham Schools published the findings on how teachers felt about Dennis Walcott's tenure In the survey a question was asked "Are you satisfied with the job the Chancellor is doing"? What was reported is as follows:
27% 57%
What's surprising is that 27% of the teachers are satisfied with the Chancellor, what planet are these teachers from? Certainly not the planet Earth. How does Chancellor Walcott's rating stack up with the scores of the last two Chancellors? Let's compare them.
Joel Klein....................30%....................................48%
Cathie Black................27%....................................54%
Dennis Walcott............27%....................................57%

percentages are actually worse! There are more teachers who were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied
(57%) with Dennis Walcott than when Cathie Black was Chancellor (54%).
While its obvious that the three Chancellors under Mayor Bloomberg have been unpopular, Dennis Walcott was supposed to bring with him a kinder, and gentler supervision. Instead Dennis Walcott has alienated teachers with his advocacy for punitive measures, especially against teachers in the classroom. Let's look at the issues that have made the Chancellor so unpopular with the teachers.
- His lack of independent thought from the Mayor's anti-teacher crusade.
- The Chancellor's advocacy on the "LIFO" repeal.
- Ever increasing class sizes and tight budgets.
- A total failure to connect with the teachers in the trenches.
- A lack of accountability at the top and an ever widening achievement gap.
- The closing of schools and more money going to charter schools.
- His demand to overturn arbitration decisions on charged sexual misconduct cases.
- The continuation of failed policies and meaningless graduation statistics.
- The "fair student funding" formula that stops principals from hiring the best teachers.
- The continuation of the ATR crises.
- The "double standard" when it comes to disciplining teachers and Tweed managers.
Looks like a clear case of highly ineffective to me . By the way 57 percent has to be low because in my own pills 99 percent think he is garbage
chaz, is there a way to contact you directly? I just became an atr in a school with a hack chapter leader(i believe). I have a few questions that do not directly relate to your blog, but do not know where else to turn.I would welcome the chance to send you my direct email rather than go through the doe website to communicate
Anon 5:53
You can reach me at echasan99@gmail.com
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