I was reading the union propaganda rag, the New York Teacher, and noticed that the paper published an article that said who were and who were not subject to the flawed teacher evaluation system. Absent from the list who were exempt were ATRs. Was this omission deliberate? I think it was, why else would our union ignore over 2,000 teachers? I guess they don't want people to know the truth.
Let me clarify the issue. ATRs who are not in the classroom the entire school year will not be evaluated under the new system since no pre-test or post-test baselines can be established for them. Therefore, if a teacher takes a long term leave position say after November 1st or leaves before the end of the school year, they can only be evaluated under the old system "S" and "U". A much better system for teachers.
If the ATR is unlucky and takes a long-term leave position in a school that does not meet the following criteria, I wish you all the luck in the world because you're going to need it. The criteria is listed below.
- Administrative quality.
- Student body
- School tone/discipline policy
Great post. Why did the UFT leave the ATRs out?
I wouldn't be surprised if its a legal reason.
Maybe there's something in the offing on the ATRs right around the corner...?
It's the only Saving grace from bring in this dehumanizing degrading and disgusting position.
Is there a time limit a teacher can be forced to be a leave replacement against their will? 6 months? 1 year?
and if they are in a school for a year but do not sign the form are they still rated under the old system?
also what if the supervisors observe and write up the reports under the danielson framework ?
Is there a time limit that a teacher can be placed under leave replacement in a school against their will? 6 months? 1 year?
and if they are there for a year are they still rated under the old system?
also what if the supervisors observe and write up the reports under the danielson framework?
If you are in the school for the year as a leave replacement you will be evaluated under the teacher evaluation system since a pre and post baseline will be assigned to you.
If you are in a classroom less than a full year, its possible they will use Danielson to observe you but it still is only a "S" or a "U' for your grade.
Where did you get this info from? If true its great
Just how many ATRs are there? Does anyone know?
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