I have posted a couple times my list of "bad principals" and back in August of 2015 on the list is a middle school principal from Queens Rushell White.of Q 226. Principal White has been identified in the news papers many times. Here, Here, Here, Here,and Here. She is not trusted by veteran staff members and has a reputation of going after teachers. According to the school snapshot only 50% of the staff trust her, one of the lowest in Queens. The average citywide is 86%
The reasons why I would not work for Rushell White are as follows:
- I am a white male.
- I am Jewish.
- I am a veteran teacher.
- The school gives too many negative ratings.
- 3020-a charges are common.
How can Farina, deBlasio and our zero Mulgrew allow this creature to run amok over students and teachers lives? She is the fruit of the evil DOE tree.
Chaz, you mention you are Jewish. I've noticed plenty of older male Jews who are ATR's. Do you notice this to be a pattern?
How did you miss her most recent claim to fame?
Thanks, I just added it.
because she's black
Fariña likes these abusive and dishonest principals like Dwarka.
It really is deflating for us teachers here in the trenches when these so called principals are running mocks and getting away with it. How sad it is to be an employee of an organization that is so dysfunctional in its attempts to run a school system. The harsh reality of the situation is so bizarre that it toys with our minds. KNowing we have an employer the DOE who is so backwards that they allow situations like these principals to constantly get away with crap over and over while the real people in the trenches get treated like shit. Oh boy NYC is really a mess with the current bloomberg organizational structure still in place. See, shit head bloomberg runs a top down organizational chart and the ideology of midget mike is that the top can do no wrong and this filthy stench still emanates at the DOE. The ONLY way it will ever change is if carmen or some other chancellor gets rid of the bloomberg klein organizational chart and starts from scratch.
Chaz, you should analyze her school's 2011 NYSED/NYCDOE Joint Intervention Team (JIT) Report:
Well, well, well,I thought it was usual and customary for principals, especially Andrea A. Belcher, to fret over their self-appointed parking spaces. "I am PRINCIPAL. Hear ME ROAR!" What selfish, arrogant swine are these. Thy should give Trump a call and date him. One devil will give another devil their self-awarded dues.
Seriously who the hell negotiated these meaningless after school Monday/Tuesday meetings EVERY WEEK? Which genius at the UFT agreed to this? I'm in a high school and let me tell you, it's ONLY OCTOBER and they've already run out of things to do. What a WASTE!!!! What is going on Chaz? The UFT felt the need to have high schools stay until 4 pm EVERY SUNGLE MONDAY AND TUESDAY?? Why? I guess next contract, mine as well extend it to Wednesday and Thursday right? We gave up TIME and got a raise, so technically it's not even a raise. Pathetic! Let's meet every Monday and Tuesday for no freakin reason. We can pretend and play make believe with each other. My retired teacher friends can't believe what in telling them. The brilliant minds of the UFT are far gone. It's game over. This contract SUCKS!
Fariña should be held responsible for the destruction caused from these abusive and dishonest principals. Fraud, harassment, etc.
A high-schooler pummeled the principal of a Lower Manhattan public school Monday, after the educator demanded he turn down the music on his head phones, police said.
Luis Penzo, 18, was walking through the Manhattan Early College School for Advertising, in Murry Bergtraum High School on Pearl St., around noon Principal Matthew Tossman, 36, told him to turn down the music and take off his head phones, cops said.
Penzo put the head phones on the floor. Tossman bent to pick them up and the student started punching him in the head, cops said. Penzo faces a felony assault charge.
Earlier this month, cops caught a 16-year-old student carrying a handgun in his backpack as he entered the Murry Bergtraum campus, which is located a block away from 1 Police Plaza.
This is so shocking. It is hard to believe this goes on and on and on. I believe. Prayers for this AP. Can you elaborate on why Mulgrew agreed to lower TDA from 8.25% to 7%? Why does CSA benefit from 8.25? Thank you for your informative blog
larry littlefield who comments on the pro charter site chalkbeat and is basically the only person who comments on that site any more, is a complete jerk and anyone who reads his posts replys to him to get the hell out of town but this troll continues to comment and comment on chalkbeat and its totally obvious that this jerk is a paid troll to type away at any expense. This guy littlefield with the little brain that he has is a complete dick bag and would love to see this guys mug exposed. Anyone know this dirt bag?
A hot mural
hot thunder thighs too shame there wasted on this thing
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