Since the beginning of the new millennium, the education reform organizations nave been chasing the holy grail that would eliminate the student academic achievement gap, The education reformers came up with many ideas on how to eliminate the student achievement gap. At first they proposed smaller class sizes, more resources, and quality teachers, even if that meant paying them more. However, these ideas failed to significantly narrow the student academic achievement gap. Therefore, the education deformer started to blame the public school system, especially the unionized teachers for the student academic achievement gap.
The education deformer organizations were led by the likes of Bill Gates, Eli Board, and Sam Walton who bribed pseudo-educators like Michelle Rhee, Joel Klein, and Arnie Duncan to implement programs that put the blame on teachers when they failed
For example the Obama-Duncan Race to the Top program forced States to implement a teacher evaluation system that linked student growth to teacher effectiveness. It hardly mattered that a study by the American Statistical Society showed that any one teacher had only between 1% to 14% impact on their student's growth, Many states used a percentage of between 40% and 50%, In fact, the student growth formula used was
"junk Science" and in New York State a court found it to be true.
As the education deformer organizations could not close the student academic achievement gap, they proposed merit pay, elimination of tenure, limited collective bargaining rights, and the right to fire
"ineffective" weakening their due process rights. Instead of being allies to the public school system the education deformer groups became the enemy by supporting and funding charter schools, online schools, as well as private and parochial schools. They supported the school choice program that allowed any child to get a voucher and apply to any school.
The heyday of the education deformer movement was betweent 2006-15, when Arnie Duncan headed the Federal Department of Education and most States had education deformers in charge of the State education systems. Because President Barack Obama supported the education deformer education policy and the States desperately needed the Race to the top funds during the great recession, quite a few states implemented an education reform agenda, The result was vastly disappointing. The student academic achievement gap was as wide as ever, Moreover, the unrelenting attack on teachers throughout the nation made college graduates flee the profession and widespread teacher shortages are a contining resulted from the unrelenting attacks on teachers.
I believe the pendulum is starting to swing the other wayas the education deformer orgabnizations are slowlly losing power and teachers are standing up for a livable wage. Example West Virgina.
The day of the education deformer organizations controlling the public schools have come and passed and even more of these deformer organizations will dissappear as many of the educatin deformer groups have become anti-public education and care more about saving money then giving the child a good education,