Back in 2014 I wrote a post on the horror stories told to me from ATRs. I have decided to repost the article. Please enjoy.
Today is Halloween and its time to reprint my Halloween special from
last year on the various horror figures in the form of administrators,
fellow educators, and of course those lovely students who make life
miserable for the ATRs as they rotate from school to school. Added to
the list is one more from this school year, Here is the reprint of my
post from last year, with additions. Hope you enjoy reading it.
With Halloween here, its time to recount some of the horror stories told to me by the ATRs in the last couple of years.
Freddy Kruger:
nightmare started when an ATR, trying to go the extra yard in
entertaining the class he was covering, by asking them to solve a math
question, using a baseball analogy. In describing the problem he used
statistics commonly used in baseball. However, one female student
didn't understand the concept and he patiently explained the math
problem to her. When she still didn't get it, the teacher explained
that since she really didn't understand baseball he could see her
confusion in solving the Math problem. The girl felt insulted and
reported the ATR to the Principal who charged the ATR with gender
discrimination and verbal abuse. The ATR ended up with a Letter To The
File (LIF) and a "u rating" for the year.
An ATR covering a leave replacement was teaching a Science lesson when three girls decided to play "UNO" instead. The teacher asked the girls to put the cards away three times. However, the girls refused the teacher's request. The Teacher went over to three girls and took the UNO cards away. One girl refused to give up her pile and the teacher grabbed them from her hand. In doing so he touched her hand in taking the UNO cards away. The three girls went to the Principal and the teacher ended up being charged with corporal punishment and OSI was contacted. The result was a LIF for the teacher and no disciplinary consequences for the three students who failed to do their work or follow the rules.
Michael Myers:
student was feeling ill and the ATR, who was provisionally assigned to
the school, told the student to go to the school clinic to be checked
out. The teacher was trying to do what's right by having qualified
medical personal observe her and to ensure the child's illness was not
contagious to her classmates. The student refused to go and an argument
ensued until the student reluctantly went to the school clinic. Two
weeks later the Principal held a disciplinary hearing and charged the
teacher with verbal abuse (yelling) and embarrassing the student in
front of her classmates. The teacher ended up with a LIF and a "U rating" for the year.
An untenured ATR provisionally assigned to the school saw a poor performing student's Regents paper being marked separately from others and in another room and quickly realized that the teacher was violating State rules. She asked the teacher why he had the student's Regents paper and was told to mind her own business. She reported it first to the Assistant Principal and then the Principal of the alleged Regents violation. However, it appears the Assistant Principal and Principal wanted this student out of the school and were in on it. The untenured ATR's satisfactory observations in the Fall semester became "Unsatisfactory observations" after she reported the Regents violation, in the Spring semester. She was discontinued at the end of the school year.
certified regular education Math ATR was dumped into a self-contained
Special Education class all day without any technology or lesson plans
left for the classes and was told by the Assistant Principal to keep
them entertained when he complained about the lack of appropriate work
for the students. He tried his best but the students were out of
control and when the Assistant Principal walked in saw that the teacher
was having trouble keeping them focused. The Assistant Principal gave
the ATR a "U observation" for poor classroom management.
Villain: (new)
Then there was the fieldsupervisor assassin
who "U" rated a poor Science teacher covering a Spanish class and stated
that the coverage lesson, left by the teacher, was not rigorous enough
and the ATR should have prepared her own lesson instead rather than you
the coverage lesson left for the class. Moreover, the ATR's lack of
understanding Spanish or the fact that this was the first time she was
exposed to these students was not an excuse and resulted in the ATR
getting a "U" observation and was the basis of her "U" rating. You can
read the entire villainous story here.
Frankenstein: (new)
year, there is an ATR who was covering for a leave replacement in a
severe shortage area where there are no other ATRs available who are
certified in that Regents subject area, The ATR was threatened to be
shot by a student. The result? The Frankenstein Principal removed the
ATR from the school while the 125 students did not have a certified
teacher available to replace the ATR for their Regents course. What
happened to the student who threatened to kill the ATR? Despite the
many witnesses to the threat, the school didn't even punish the student
for the monstrous action of threatening to kill the ATR.
Count Dracula: (New)
This ATR was sent to a school with one of the worst principals in the system. She found that many of her Special Education students (maternity leave replacement) had major behavioral issues and when she tried to discipline them, the Principal filed corporal punishment charges against the ATR. Yet, she was kept in the classroom to continue to teach for the rest of the year. At the end of the school year the ATR received her 3020-a charges.
These are just a few of the many horror stories from the ATR pool. If you have some stories to share, please send them to the comment section and I will publish them.
Horror Stories From The ATR Pool.
With Halloween here, its time to recount some of the horror stories told to me by the ATRs in the last couple of years.
Freddy Kruger:

An ATR covering a leave replacement was teaching a Science lesson when three girls decided to play "UNO" instead. The teacher asked the girls to put the cards away three times. However, the girls refused the teacher's request. The Teacher went over to three girls and took the UNO cards away. One girl refused to give up her pile and the teacher grabbed them from her hand. In doing so he touched her hand in taking the UNO cards away. The three girls went to the Principal and the teacher ended up being charged with corporal punishment and OSI was contacted. The result was a LIF for the teacher and no disciplinary consequences for the three students who failed to do their work or follow the rules.
Michael Myers:

An untenured ATR provisionally assigned to the school saw a poor performing student's Regents paper being marked separately from others and in another room and quickly realized that the teacher was violating State rules. She asked the teacher why he had the student's Regents paper and was told to mind her own business. She reported it first to the Assistant Principal and then the Principal of the alleged Regents violation. However, it appears the Assistant Principal and Principal wanted this student out of the school and were in on it. The untenured ATR's satisfactory observations in the Fall semester became "Unsatisfactory observations" after she reported the Regents violation, in the Spring semester. She was discontinued at the end of the school year.

Villain: (new)
Then there was the field
Frankenstein: (new)

Count Dracula: (New)

These are just a few of the many horror stories from the ATR pool. If you have some stories to share, please send them to the comment section and I will publish them.